Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1657 Someone else

Zhang Yu's move was truly shocking.

The silver light spirit diagram directly wrapped the pottery figurine wearing a mask, and a palm thunder struck a pottery figurine hard.

The clay on the pottery figurine was immediately shattered, revealing the bones inside.

This wasn't the end yet, Zhang Yu continued to take action, hitting the other pottery figurines one after another with thunder from his palms.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The speed of the pottery figurines is relatively slow, so they can't avoid the palm thunder. After being hit one after another, the clay shattered into pieces. Look at the pottery figurine wearing a mask in the middle. Because it is wrapped in a spiritual diagram, it can only struggle constantly.

But Lingtu was really powerful, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free for a while.

Seeing that all eight pottery figurines were beaten and unable to move, Zhang Yu shouted loudly: "Ye Buli, it's your turn!"

Ye Buli was stunned, wondering what happened to Zhang Yu's Silver Light Spirit Map?

If he was told that he was imitating the spiritual map of their Maoshan sect and was beaten to death, he would not believe it.

Hearing Zhang Yu's voice, he reacted and shouted: "Okay!"

After saying that, he quickly rushed into the hall and headed towards the pottery figurines wearing masks.

The pottery figurine couldn't move. After Ye Buli grabbed it, he reached out and grabbed the jade mask on the pottery figurine's face, and then pulled it upwards.


The jade mask was pulled down directly by Ye Buli. At this moment, even Zhang Yu couldn't help but look at the pottery figurine carefully. I want to see the true face of Lushan behind this mask.


This place is mostly infested with rats at night and is relatively quiet during the day.

It is daytime now, and the dogs in the yards of every house are lying quietly, seemingly barking all night. They are too tired and can only rest during the day.

In a relatively large courtyard, which seemed to belong to a wealthy family in the village, there were more than ten dogs lying in the courtyard. These dogs were not ordinary local dogs, but German shepherds, also known as German black dogs.

For those who know dogs, it is not difficult to see that these German black clams are well-trained. Even if they are lying down to rest, they are in order in the yard. This is a quality that only patrol dogs have, and these dogs are even more high-end than patrol dogs.

That’s right! They can't help but have the combat effectiveness of patrol dogs, but they also have another ability, that is, drug detection.

There are three large tile-roofed houses here. In the main room, on the kang, a middle-aged man is sitting inside, as if thinking about something. This man was none other than the colonel, but he was only wearing an ordinary vest and trousers, and he was no different from a country boy.

"Dang Dang Dang"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" the colonel said calmly.

The door opened, and a man walked in, saluting, "Colonel, we've discovered something!"

"What did you find?" the colonel asked immediately.

"The surveillance screen shows that three people entered the tomb in Tangniu Mountain." The man said.

"Oh?" The colonel suddenly stood up and said, "Go and have a look!"

He got off the kang, and the two of them came out of the room together and went to the wing next door.

There were five other people in the room and a large electronic screen. As soon as the five people saw the colonel coming in, they immediately saluted, "Colonel!"

The colonel nodded slightly and then said, "What did you find?"

As soon as he spoke, he was already in front of the big screen.

Immediately, a man pointed at the screen and said: "Colonel, look, this entrance is the entrance we discovered last time. Three people just jumped from it. Even these three people did not use ropes and were still wearing Taoist robes."

The colonel followed the man's finger and saw that the picture displayed on the big screen was the scene of Zhang Yu and the others jumping into the tomb.

It's a fireball, and it's jumping steadily, which makes people feel a bit weird.

Just now, Zhang Yu felt someone peeping in the passage, but he didn't find anyone. He had already guessed that someone should be there to follow the surveillance. But Zhang Yu didn't think it was the colonel who installed it, he just thought it was King Jade and his friends.

When the colonel discovered the copper seal last time, he suspected that there should be an ancient tomb here. He thought that the Jade Heavenly King might also be engaged in the business of reverse fighting, and asked people to investigate around.

Not to mention, the colonel's men really didn't cover it up. After a carpet-like search, they actually found the hidden hole. They did not discover the mechanism at the time, and the colonel did not allow them to act rashly. After research, they decided to install high-tech surveillance at the entrance of the cave for investigation.

Logically speaking, if such a discovery is made, it should be reported to superiors. But the colonel and the others knew that once the report was made, the Office would immediately send an archaeological team and seal off Tangniu Mountain for archaeological excavation.

But the colonel's mission is not to search the ancient tomb, his target is the Jade King. If the Office sent an archaeological team and sent out a large number of patrols to block the place, then even with the courage of the Jade Heavenly King, the Jade Heavenly King would not dare to come.

Therefore, the colonel decided to wait and wait for the Jade King. After all the Jade Heavenly King and his gang are captured, we will make a report.

Seeing Zhang Yu and the others jumping down, the colonel hesitated for a moment and then said: "Screenshot and enlarge immediately!"

The scene froze immediately, and the faces of Zhang Yu and the others could be seen more clearly.

The colonel took a closer look, pointed at Zhang Yu, and said, "This man looks familiar."

"Colonel, this person is the person who was with Pan Yun and Qiu Jianyue last time. His name is Zhang Yu, and he is the chairman of Wudang Group." The man said immediately.

"I remember." The colonel nodded.

"After investigation, it was found that Zhang Yu has another identity, that is, the vice president of the Zhenhai Taoist Association and the abbot of the Taoist temple in Guangming Town, Zhendong District." The man added.

"No wonder why he suddenly came here while wearing a Taoist robe." The colonel looked a little confused.

"I don't know." The man shook his head slightly.

At this juncture, someone not far away suddenly said: "There is a new discovery, someone jumped in from the tomb."

"Where?" the colonel asked immediately.

"I'll send the picture immediately!" the man said.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the big screen changed. The image originally fixed on Zhang Yu's face was replaced by the passage under the cave.

A dark shadow fell from the cave. The shadow was short and had a black scarf on its face. After coming down, it tiptoed forward.

"Why is this man so short?" The man said doubtfully, "He looks like a child of only a few years old."

"Child. How can there be such a child? Most likely he is a dwarf," the colonel said in a positive tone.

After hesitating for a moment, the colonel continued: "Did you see anything?"

"No." "What?" Everyone was a little confused and didn't know what the colonel was referring to.

"When Zhang Yu and the others came down, they were fair and aboveboard. And this guy looked sneaky at first glance. If my guess is correct, he must be following Zhang Yu and the others!" the colonel said confidently.

"Following. Why do you do this?" the man asked puzzledly.

"I don't know the specific reason. But I have a hunch that this dwarf is probably from the Jade King! I'm afraid the Jade King is nearby and will go down to the tomb at any time! What you have to do now is to be ready to go at any time !" The colonel became serious.

"Yes Yes!".

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