Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1650 Headache

Luo Chen carried the little boy up to the second floor and entered his room. Although the child's body was not particularly dirty, there was a lot of dust.

Luo Chen's bed was so clean, but she didn't dislike it at all. She put the child on the bed and found a thin quilt to cover the child.

Then, she sat by the bed and looked at the child who was already asleep.

She didn't know what was going on, but the more she looked at this child, the more familiar she felt, as if she had seen him somewhere before, and he was so kind.

"Why does he look so familiar? Who is he? He looks so pitiful. If only I had a child like this. I. I."

Luo Chen shed tears unconsciously, and his mind was trying hard to remember where he had seen this child.


As she was thinking about it, a severe headache hit her, causing her to groan and hold her head tightly with both hands.

The little boy woke up from his sleep and saw Luo Chen holding his head with a look of pain on his face. He quickly asked in a low voice: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing." Luo Chen hurriedly wiped his eyes, but still choked and said, "Did I wake you up? It's my aunt's fault."

"What's wrong with you and why are you crying?" the little boy asked again with concern.

"I just think you look familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before." Luo Chen said, smiling bitterly, and then added: "Maybe Auntie remembered it wrong. It's nothing. Looking at your haggard look, go to sleep now." I must have not slept well for a while."

"Yes." The little boy responded softly, and then whispered: "Auntie, can you come over here?"

"What's wrong?" Luo Chen was puzzled and leaned over in confusion.

When she was very close to the little boy, the child suddenly sat up and struck Luo Chen's neck with the palm of his right hand.

Luo Chen was unprepared. In fact, even if she was, she couldn't stop him.

The palm was fast and hard. Luo Chen's body softened, and as soon as his eyes closed, he fainted and slipped under the bed.

"I'm sorry," the little boy said sincerely as he looked at the unconscious Luo Chen.

He jumped out of bed, walked out of the room quickly, and hurried downstairs.

As soon as he got downstairs, he saw Fang Tong sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

"Auntie, Auntie, it's not good." The little boy shouted anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Fang Tong stood up.

"That aunt suddenly fainted." The little boy choked with sobs.

"Ah?" Fang Tong was shocked and hurriedly ran upstairs.

The little boy glanced around the big living room, but didn't see Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. But he immediately followed Fang Tong to Luo Chen's room.

"Sister Luo Chen, what's wrong with you?" Fang Tong was startled when he saw Luo Chen lying on the ground. He hurriedly rushed to Luo Chen's side and squatted down, shouting with concern.

Luo Chen was unconscious and could not make any sound.

However, the child walked up to Fang Tong and deliberately asked, "Where are the aunties on both sides?"

He looked very pitiful. Who could take him seriously? Fang Tong would not think that Luo Chen was knocked unconscious by this child.

Fang Tong said smoothly: "They have gone to work."

"Oh." The little boy responded, and then struck Fang Tong on the neck with a knife.

Fang Tong also had no strength to restrain the chicken, and he never expected that this would happen. His body softened and he threw himself on Luo Chen.

"It took all the hard work." The little boy smiled faintly.

"Who?" Immediately, he suddenly heard a sound outside the door and turned around to look.

I saw a woman in a white skirt walking in slowly.

"A child of this age will learn to lie!" The woman was none other than Ye Fenghuang.

She had been watching TV in the video room on the second floor. Then she heard the sound and followed her out.

Seeing that the little boy dared to knock Fang Tong down, she couldn't help but become furious. After she said this coldly, she stepped forward and grabbed the little boy.

In addition to her speed, at such a distance, even Zhang Yu may not be able to dodge, and can only take this move forcefully.

However, what was unexpected was that the little boy dodged and escaped this catch.

"Something capable?" The little boy was obviously surprised.

Ye Fenghuang was also surprised and said coldly: "You are not bad either!"

As she said that, she grabbed the little boy with her paw again.

The little boy jumped again, and he jumped behind the bed on the other side. He was shorter, and he was already so small that Ye Fenghuang couldn't see him.

However, he was in the room and there was no space under the bed. Ye Fenghuang didn't believe he could fly into the sky.

Ye Fenghuang jumped directly onto the bed and only looked down. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a rope shot out of thin air from below. Ye Fenghuang was startled and raised his hand to catch the rope, but he couldn't catch it.

The rope seemed to have eyes, just like a long loach, and it was extremely fast. He instantly tied Ye Fenghuang's ankles from below, then tied them upwards, and Ye Fenghuang's entire body was tied up.

What's even more amazing is that the rope can automatically wrap around Ye Fenghuang's mouth. When he is strangled hard by the rope, Ye Fenghuang's mouth opens unconsciously and is tightly locked by the rope.

At this time, Ye Fenghuang could no longer stand steadily. He swayed and fell onto the bed.

At this time, the child stood up, looked at Ye Fenghuang's face, and said with a smile: "He is quite capable. Fortunately, he has this treasure. Otherwise, he might not even be able to leave here with his life."

"Uh" Ye Fenghuang wanted to speak, but as soon as his mouth moved, the rope would tighten even more, making it impossible to make any sound.

"Don't waste your efforts. No one can break free from this rope, and you can't make a sound either. I know what you want to say, so I might as well tell you. If you want to blame, just blame Zhang Yu. We have no grievances against him. He actually wants to kill them all. In this case, we can’t blame us for being more ruthless." After the child said this, he walked out of the room in a swagger.

There was a nanny in Zhang Yu's home. Naturally, the nanny couldn't escape and was knocked unconscious by the child's slap.

He followed out of the villa and walked towards the security room at the door.

There are four bodyguards on duty at the entrance of Zhang Yu's courtyard, which can be considered a relatively strict guard.

The little boy came to the security room and said pitifully: "Uncle, aunt lets you in."

"What are you going in for?" The bodyguard didn't know the child, but he just saw that he got off the car with Yang Ying and the others, so he was more polite. He also didn't expect what such a child could do.

"Auntie is moving the bed. Let me come over and call you in to help." The little boy said.

Seeing him say this, what else could the four bodyguards say, and they didn't believe that anyone would dare to take the opportunity to break in.

The four of them followed the child into the villa. As soon as they entered, the little boy became rude. Three strikes, five divided by two, knocked all four people unconscious to the ground.

Then, he took out something the size of a watch from his underwear, pressed the switch, and said directly: "It's been solved, come and respond quickly."

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