Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1641 The mechanism under the Buddha statue

"No one is higher than you. You are strategizing and calculating." Zhang Yu looked at Ye Buli and said.

"Thank you, thank you." Zhang Yu originally said it sarcastically, but Ye Buli said it proudly instead of being ashamed.

Zhang Yu stopped criticizing him, kicked the man lying on the ground, and said, "Stop pretending to be dead, get up quickly."

"Yes, yes." He shouted and agreed quickly, getting up from the ground.

Zhang Yu glanced at the other man and said, "Get up too."

The man was also obedient and got up immediately.

There were two other men in the courtyard. No one was screaming anymore, and they were lying on the ground motionless. They were both burned alive. However, Zhang Yu's talisman paper was somewhat powerful and did not burn the people to ashes.

Zhang Yu looked towards the main hall and said: "You two lead the way, let's go in and have a look. Are there many people inside?"

"There are still dozens of people, no more, no less," said a man.

"What are you guys doing?" Zhang Yu said as he walked forward.

"There's nothing else to do, just..." the man stammered.

"Tell me! Do you want to be burned again?" Zhang Yu said in a threatening tone.

The man had just been burned by the flames. This feeling was extremely painful, and he never wanted to try it again.

Half of the clothes on his body were burned and his skin was damaged, but he couldn't even say it hurt.

He said carefully: "No, I don't want to. That, that. I don't dare to do anything else, just make drugs."

"I knew it couldn't be a good thing." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Several people walked forward, and Zhang Yu suddenly realized that Ye Buli had not followed. Looking back, I saw him squatting on the ground, taking off the white robe of the Jade King.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Look at me, I'm thinking about whether it's inappropriate to look like this. I'll borrow his clothes to wear." Ye Buli said.

Zhang Yu agreed at first glance. Ye Buli's body was wrapped in a sack, which was indeed a bit pitiful. He immediately thought that King Jade didn't know what else he had on him, so he said, "You reminded me to see what else he has on him."

"Okay." Ye Buli took off his clothes very quickly, promised, and took off the Jade King's robe in the blink of an eye.

After rummaging around on his body, he found a wallet, some talismans, and a mobile phone.

He first handed the things to Zhang Yu, then went to the side to take off the sack and put on his robe.

Zhang Yu didn't look at him strangely, he just checked these things. The talisman paper is medium to low-end, which shows that the cultivation level of Jade Heavenly King is indeed not very good. There was some cash in the wallet, but nothing else. There was a phone book on the phone. As a result, Zhang Yu found that there were not many calls made and received on it, and there was not even a name on it, which was enough to show how careful this person was. To be precise, this phone should be rarely used.

After the examination, Ye Buli also put on his robe. Needless to say, this boy is good-looking, otherwise people would want to explode his anus. After putting on the robe, he looked like a human and a dog.

He came to Zhang Yu and saw that Zhang Yu was about to kick all these things on him. He immediately said with a smile: "Brother, can I use these talismans?"

"What is it used for?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Now that I have lost my spiritual map, I have to have something to defend myself." Ye Buli said, licking his face.

I have seen all these talisman papers, there is nothing strange, they are just fire talismans or something, and there are also blank ones.

Ye Buli is from the Maoshan sect, and of course he has no problem with spells. Zhang Yu handed the talisman paper to him and put away the other things himself. Maybe we can find something more.

Only then did a few people enter the main hall. There were two torches in the hall, which were just used for lighting.

At this moment, two burnt and slightly twisted corpses were lying on the ground. The corpse was not far from the Buddha statue in the front. It can be seen that the two of them were planning to run to the secret passage, but they just ran out of energy.

That's what happens when a person is burned by fire. Even if he wants to do something, he may not be able to.

Two men led the way to the Buddha statue. They could clearly see that the position of the Buddha statue was a little off, revealing a big hole on the altar. If you look carefully, you can see the steps leading down.

If you build a secret passage in a place like this, it will almost never be discovered. After all, no one would run here without any trouble.

It looks very dark down there, without any light, and I don't know what it looks like.

Zhang Yu was also worried about what kind of plot he would encounter if he went ahead rashly. He whispered to the man: "What does it look like from here? Are there any mechanisms of this Buddha statue, both inside and outside?"

"The mechanisms of the Buddha statue are both inside and outside. The external mechanism is here." The man said, pointing to the left palm of the Buddha statue.

The palm of the Buddha statue is normally raised forward, but now it is twisted to the right, which does look suspicious.

The man continued: "The mechanism inside is next to the steps. In addition, there is a small open space with a stone door on the opposite side. There are also mechanisms for entering and exiting. After entering this portal, go inside and you will find the guard room, and then the King of Heaven. Palace, behind the Palace of Heavenly Kings are the research rooms and prisons.”

He was quite obedient and immediately told the following situation truthfully.

After listening to his story, Zhang Yu nodded. Be careful, he threw two fire gathering charms down first and listened carefully.

When the fire-gathering talisman went down, there was light immediately below, but no human voice was heard.

Zhang Yu pointed to the passage, "You lead the way, Aunt Ye, and you and Ye Buli walk behind."

"Yeah." Ye Linglong nodded.

No, when Ye Buli heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Linglong with a smile, licked his face and said, "Beauty, your surname is also Ye."

Ye Linglong glanced at him sideways and said nothing.

Ye Buli was unhappy, but he didn't take it to heart.

The two men had no choice but to walk in front, and Zhang Yu followed them down. He had a divine talisman to protect himself, a thunder palm in his left hand, and a mahogany dagger in his right hand.

When you go down the steps, you can directly see the situation below through the firelight inside.

This is a small stone room with an obvious door in front of it, but the stone door is closed.

After going down, Zhang Yu glanced again to make sure there was no one else here.

He looked at the door opposite and said, "Where is the mechanism of the Buddha statue above, and where is the mechanism of the door opposite?"

"The mechanism of the Buddha statue is here." The man guided him very honestly. There was an obscure handle at the bottom of the steps.

If you don't know where this location is, you really can't tell.

After pointing here, the man pointed to the opposite side. On both sides of the stone door, nothing can be seen on the right. There seems to be a square with thin cracks all around on the left. The man said: "The stone wall on the left, at this position, can be pressed down by pressing hard with your hand. The stone door will then open. In addition, the same operation is done when opening from the inside."

"It's that simple." Zhang Yu said smoothly.

"It sounds simple, but most people simply can't push away. Apart from the five heavenly kings, there are only two people who have enough strength to push the mechanism."

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