Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1637 Lighting Sky Lanterns

"Look, you have a yard..." Ye Linglong said in a low voice.

"I saw it too, let's go take a look... maybe we can find something..." Zhang Yu whispered.

The two people quietly walked towards the yard.

Their footsteps made almost no sound. As they walked, they got closer and closer to the courtyard gate.

Naturally, Zhang Yu would not walk towards the courtyard gate, and soon arrived in front of the courtyard gate. At this time, you can already see the dilapidated redwood courtyard gate and the half-collapsed red brick wall.

There is a plaque hanging on the door of the temple. The paint on the plaque has almost peeled off, and it can barely be seen that it says - Buddha Temple.

When Zhang Yu approached, he was already listening carefully and did not hear any sound, as if there was no one at all. He looked in from the outside and saw that the yard was not big. In front of him was the main hall, with wing rooms and duty rooms on the left and right. All the doors and windows have fallen off and are in a state of dilapidation. But it can also be seen that this place used to be a small temple. But in front of the main hall door, there is a cross-shaped wooden stake, and I don't know what it is used for.

On Foye Ridge, Zhang Yu couldn't find anywhere to go. This place was really not like the place Zhang Yu had seen with his circular light technique before. He was a little doubtful whether he had gone to the wrong place.

"Otherwise, let's use the round light technique to see..." Zhang Yu muttered and spread his right palm.

But before he could use the round light technique, a "squeaking" sound suddenly sounded inside.

It sounded like something heavy was moving. The direction of the sound was in the main hall.

Zhang Yu immediately ducked away and hid behind the door, listening only with his ears.

The sound of "dengdengdeng" footsteps came from inside. Zhang Yu could tell that these were not the footsteps of one person, but at least seven or eight.

There was a "click" sound, as if something was placed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps seemed to surround that location.

"Hey, hey, hey... why are you tying me up here..." Suddenly, a young man's voice rang out.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

He immediately spoke up. Wasn't this voice the voice of Ye Buli who had deceived him?

"It's Ye Buli...didn't he run away? Why...he came to should be his voice..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

Just as he was muttering, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from the yard, "You don't have to worry about it."

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu's heart trembled and he felt happy again.

This voice belongs to Qiu Jianyue.

"Tie me up, just tie me up, how can you keep your feet off the ground... I, holy shit... you don't want to light a sky lantern for me..." Ye Buli's voice sounded again.

"You also know how to light sky lanterns. You are worthy of being sent by Maoshan. You are indeed quite capable..." Qiu Jianyue's voice followed.

"I don't have that much hatred against you..." Ye Buli said bitterly, and then said nervously: "You, you are not going to use the sky lantern to renew your life... I'm telling you, this It's just a rumor and it won't work at all... That old man is already dead. Even if I light a sky lantern, he won't survive... Besides, even if he's not dead, it's useless if you light me. of……"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu took a deep breath and muttered in his heart, "The sky lantern life-sustaining technique..."

Zhang Yu once heard Lao Wangtou tell the story of lighting sky lanterns. Parents in rural areas sometimes use it to scare their children, such as: Don't run around, let the traffickers arrest you so they can light up sky lanterns for you.

The so-called lighting of sky lanterns was initially just a criminal law. Just take off the person's clothes, wrap them in a layer of sacks, and throw the person and the sack together into the oil tank to soak. After soaking for a period of time, after nightfall, the person is taken out and tied to a wooden stake so that his feet cannot touch the ground. After tying them up, they lit a fire from below and burned the person.

This kind of criminal law is quite cruel. Because human feet do not touch the ground, they are called sky lanterns.

Of course, someone updated it later, and I don’t know who came up with the method, which is to drill a small hole in a person’s head, pour lamp oil into it and light it, so that the prisoner can be burned to death in extreme pain. This way of death is more painful than the first method of lighting a sky lantern.

Originally this was just a criminal law, used to torture people, and there was not much emphasis on it. Later, I don’t know what happened, but someone spread the rumor that lighting sky lanterns can be used to extend people’s lives, and even invented a set of steps and spells.

Of course, it is not a Taoist magic that has been corrected by the Eight Classics. It is not even comparable to borrowing luck. How can it be effective? Rumor has it that no one has successfully extended their life by lighting a sky lantern.

Even if this is the case, there are still people who firmly believe it, mainly because they are forced to do their best and treat a dead horse as a live doctor. So there are more and more theories. Firstly, it is because of the destiny. Zhuge Liang failed to use the seven-star lamp to extend his life. Such a powerful person cannot stop the destiny, let alone ordinary people. So this probability is basically one in ten.

Later, there was a legend that if you catch a Taoist master and use someone with spiritual practice to light a sky lantern, the probability will increase. The stronger the person whose sky lantern is lit, the higher the success rate.

Isn't this nonsense? But in the past, let's just say now, everyone knew that Yuan Zhenren and Lu Zhenren had such high cultivation levels. Do you dare to catch some of them?

It was an unreliable thing, but Zhang Yu didn't expect that someone would still use it, and it was Qiu Jianyue who used it.

Needless to say, Qiu Jianyue planned to extend his father's life, but his father was already dead. Even Ye Buli could see it, and there was no signal on Zhang Yu's horoscope.

Zhang Yu was also curious and gently looked into the courtyard.

I saw ten people standing in the courtyard at the moment. There were three people with their backs to Zhang Yu. These three people were all wearing white robes and seemed to be dressed exactly the same. In front of these three people, there was a long table, and there was a person lying on the table. It didn't take a guess to know that it was Qiu Jianyue's father.

On the left and right sides of the three men, there were three men on each side. Two of the men were holding torches in their hands.

Opposite the three white-robed men, on the cross-shaped pillar, was a man tied up. This man had a sack wrapped around his body and his hair was messy, so it was hard to tell who he was. However, Zhang Yu could clearly smell the smell of kerosene, which must have come from that man.

If he hadn't heard the sound, Zhang Yu wouldn't have recognized it was Ye Buli.

Zhang Yu looked carefully at the three men in white robes. The middle one was of medium build and wore a square hat on his head. He was not sure whether he knew him or not. On the other hand, the two people on the left and right sides of the man seemed to have exactly the same body shape.

At this time, the man on the right turned to look at the man in the middle and whispered: "King of Heaven, is the time up?"

The voice of this person was Qiu Jianyue.

The man in the middle looked up at the sky, then nodded, but made no sound.

"Time's up, light the fire!" Qiu Jianyue shouted loudly.

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