Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1627 Unreasonable trouble

"I know." Zhang Yu nodded and walked straight into the room.

When Hua Yingyue heard what Zhang Yu said, she couldn't help but be stunned. How come he still knew about this? What should he do now?

She didn't ask, just followed Zhang Yu into the room quickly.

Master Lu glanced at Zhang Yu and felt a little confused, not to mention Lu Daoren.

Entering the room one after another, they saw people from the Hua family rushing around in a hurry, some surrounding the bed, some around Hua Jianren's body, and some pacing back and forth in the room.

After they heard Zhang Yu's voice, they all turned to look. Hua Jianfeng was the most anxious. When he saw Zhang Yu coming in, he quickly said: "Mr. Zhang, my father has no heartbeat. What should I do?"

Hua Jianzhong and Hua Jianping also had worried faces, while Hua Jianbian's wife and children looked at Zhang Yu with resentful eyes.

Everyone had different thoughts, and they watched Zhang Yu quickly come to the bedside.

Zhang Yu stood over Mr. Hua's heart, grabbed Mr. Hua's pulse with one hand, and pressed Mr. Hua's heart with the other.

"How is my father?" "How is my father?" "How is my grandfather?".

The people from the Hua family asked eagerly again.

Zhang Yu said quietly: "Mr. Hua is dead."

"There was a heartbeat just now, why didn't it happen?" "Didn't you say that my father would wake up?" "Yes, why doesn't it happen now? Are your words reliable?".

The people of the Hua family are all anxious now. Big changes have happened in the family, and they still expect the old man to wake up and take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Yu said: "I just said that just to frighten the murderer and make him fearful and show his true colors. The heartbeat just now was actually an illusion created by me using acupuncture and zhenqi."

After saying this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

Previously, Zhang Yu used a soul-mirror mirror and acupuncture to remove the poison from Old Man Hua's body. However, the person is already dead. Even if there is a soul mirror to prevent the soul from leaving the body, it will not be able to bring the person back to life.

But Zhang Yu knew that if he wanted to find out the real culprit, he could only succeed by creating an illusion that Old Man Hua was still alive and causing chaos for the culprit.

Sure enough, after Old Man Hua's heartbeat appeared, Dr. Wang and Hua Jianren inevitably felt guilty. With certain evidence, they finally forced Dr. Wang to tell the truth.

If not, even if there is evidence, it is actually useless. After all, the Hua family is a big family, and this is the Hua family. Indiscriminate lynching is impossible. If the patrol room handles it, God knows what the result will be. Therefore, this was Zhang Yu's helpless move.

After hearing this, everyone in the Hua family couldn't help but lower their heads, and many of them shed tears again.

When Hua Jianren's wife and children heard that Old Man Hua would not survive, they gritted their teeth with hatred.

Sui Chang jumped up all of a sudden, pointed at Zhang Yu and shouted: "Okay! Okay! I can see clearly now. You are indeed a group with Hua Jianfeng, plotting to seize family property and even have people killed." Killed my husband! I will report the case immediately, bring you all to justice, and avenge my husband!"

For this reason, Sui Chang also took the initiative. If your husband is accused of killing me, you and your children will not get a dime of benefit.

Instead of doing this, it’s better to fight. The patrol room will handle this matter and put all the responsibilities on Zhang Yu, Hua Jianfeng and others. Anyway, the husband is dead and there is no evidence of death. You can even blame Zhang Yu and Lu Zhenren as the murderers of your husband's death.

In addition, the old man had previously signed a will in public, and the one that Doctor Wang produced could be overturned without a witness present. At worst, it would require a lawyer to fight a lengthy lawsuit. Our second room won't get better, so don't even think about it.

Upon hearing what he said, Hua Jianzhong and Hua Jianping were stunned for a moment. They looked at Sui Chang and then at Hua Jianfeng. Let’s see how Hua Jianfeng handles this matter.

Hua Jianfeng looked at Sui Chang and said: "Brother and sister, the evidence for this matter is conclusive. I am also deeply saddened by what happened to the second child. But I hope you won't mess around. The Hua family is a big family. If something like this happens, Wouldn’t it be a joke?”

"Don't do this to me!" Sui Chang shouted unceremoniously: "My husband died for no apparent reason, and I must give him an explanation! Can't we report the case after someone dies? Yumin, Call and report the crime immediately!”

"Okay!" Hua Yumin, Hua Jianren's son, immediately took out his phone and wanted to call to report the crime.

Everyone present knew that if someone called to report a crime, it would definitely be big news, and it would not be good news at all. Any little bit of progress in the future would become a topic of conversation for others.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Hua Jianfeng quickly shouted: "Brother Liu, stop him first! We can't let him report the crime!"

Liu Gang also knew that this matter could not be handled immediately through the patrol room. Once the patrol came, the Hua family would be in chaos, and Old Man Hua's foundation would most likely be destroyed.

He hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Hua Yumin's hands and neck, and said, "Don't report the crime yet."

"I" Hua Yumin was startled and quickly looked at his mother.

Sui Chang pointed directly at Liu Gang's nose and shouted loudly: "What do you mean?"

"The situation is serious and we must consider the overall interests of the Hua family." Liu Gang said seriously.

"What's the overall situation? What's the overall situation?" Sui Chang shouted angrily: "My husband is dead, what's the overall situation? I tell you, otherwise you will kill all our mothers and children right now, otherwise, we will We must report this matter to the police. Let everyone in the world see what Hua Jianfeng did to seize the family property!"

Having said this, she looked at Huajianzhong again and said aggrievedly: "Jianzhong, the sword blade is your brother. Could it be that you just don't care if something like this happens?"

Everything that happened before was already clear: Hua Jianren colluded with Doctor Wang to kill the old man. When news of this incident spread, the Hua family became a joke, not to mention that Sui Chang would accuse Hua Jianfeng of trying to seize the family property.

I am also in a dilemma in foil. I don't know what to do. It is really difficult to decide between the overall situation and my brother.

But at this juncture, Hua Yingyue suddenly shouted, "Grandpa's heartbeat is beating again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the heart rate monitor almost at the same time.

Sure enough, I saw that the heart rate monitor, which had been stationary just now, was now fluctuating.

"Heartbeat!" After Zhang Yu saw it, he immediately grabbed Old Man Hua's wrist again. He felt happy and said loudly: "There is really a pulse. Could it be that he had faked his death just now?"

When Lu Zhenren came in before, he just wanted to watch the excitement, but when he heard that Sui Chang was going to report a crime, he also frowned. The patrol intervened, not to mention the Hua family, even he had to assist in the investigation. People have already labeled him as Hua Jianfeng's accomplice, and Lu Zhenren didn't want to cause such a scandal.

Originally, the death of my uncle was already a headache. How could I bother to file a lawsuit?

After hearing this, he rushed over, grabbed Old Man Hua's other wrist, and immediately said with joy, "There is indeed a pulse."

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