Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1611 Traces

Lu Zhenren grabbed the old man's wrist on the bed and placed his fingers on the pulse gate.

The man had no pulse, but his body was not cold yet. Master Lu could confirm that the old man had just died. He then put his hand on the old Taoist's throat, his movements appeared to be extremely experienced. After a moment, a look of confusion appeared on his face, and he said in confusion: "How could death from suffocation occur due to lung failure?"

Then, he turned to look at the Taoist priests surrounding him and asked, "When did you discover the body?"

"Brother Abbot, the master has rested before. You sent someone to pass the message, so I brought people here to find the master. But after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no sound from the master, so I had to open the door and take a look. Unexpectedly, the master has passed away. " said a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing Bagua fairy clothes.

It is not difficult to tell that he is the experienced disciple of the deceased, and he is as senior as Zhenren Lu in terms of seniority.

"Uncle Taishi's body has always been strong. I have never heard of any lung problems. Sudden lung failure is absolutely impossible!" Lu Zhenren said with certainty.

"We also think there is a problem. Brother, look, there is a red mark on Master's mouth. I don't know how it was caused." The middle-aged Taoist priest said.

"I saw this too." Master Lu said, and began to carefully observe the red mark.

Zhang Yu has been observing for a long time and just listened to Master Lu's statement. Although he did not personally inspect the body, he estimated that Master Lu would not be mistaken.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, I think there is something wrong with this red seal. It seems that someone strangled the Taoist priest's mouth with a rope, making the Taoist priest unable to make a sound." Zhang Yu said.

The red mark ran from the corner of the mouth to the ear, and it really looked like it had been strangled by a rope.

"My master has a profound cultivation level. How could someone choke his mouth with a rope? If that were the case, he would have done something before. Even if the person's cultivation level was higher than my master's, the master would not be able to make any sound. Ah." The middle-aged Taoist didn't seem to agree with Zhang Yu's statement.

It's not his fault. He still has a certain understanding of his master's strength. It's impossible for a seasoned person to just let someone tie his mouth with a rope without saying anything.

"With my uncle's strength, even with my cultivation, it is impossible to say that my uncle has no power to fight back. I'm afraid I won't be able to find such a master in Zhenhai!" Lu Zhenren clenched his fists tightly at this moment. .

After a while, Master Lu pointed at the corpse again, frowned and said, "But Uncle Master's mouth was open. It was obvious that he had difficulty breathing, which led to his death. This mark, if someone hadn't strangled him with a rope, would have made Uncle Master unable to make a sound." , how could Uncle Master die silently? What is the problem here?"

"Senior brother, I think otherwise, it would be better to take off the immortal clothes like my uncle's and see if there are any traces of trauma on the body." Taoist Lu reminded him.

"Yeah." Lu Zhenren nodded and waved forward.

The middle-aged Taoist priest who spoke before immediately took another middle-aged Taoist priest, and the two of them started to take off the old Taoist's Bagua fairy clothes.

When the two of them were busy, Lu Zhen remembered Zhang Yu. He turned around and looked over and said, "Zhang Daoyou, this is a trivial matter for our sect, so I won't bother you. It's getting late, so please go back and rest."

An important elder died in Yangchunguan, and Zhang Yu was from the Zhengyi Sect. Zhenren Lu didn't want outsiders to laugh at him, so of course he had to issue an eviction order.

"Fellow Taoist, we are all members of the Taoist sect, and the deceased Taoist priest is also a senior in the Taoist sect. If I, Zhang Yu, have not met him, that's fine. Now that I have caught up with him, I can't help but do my best." Zhang Yu Said sincerely.

Zhang Yu was always confused about the death of this old man. The Hua family was in troubled times. It turned out that the old man was just unconscious, or someone had tampered with him. Why did this veteran suddenly die now?

Is there any connection between this?

Seeing Zhang Yu not leaving, Master Lu felt a little unhappy. At this moment, the two Taoist priests had already untied the old Taoist's robe. Due to the weather, the old Taoist was wearing nothing but big pants.

The dead old man's figure is a bit thin, and is full of tendon meat, which makes him look very strong.

"Senior brother, look!" Lu Daoren's voice rang out.

His voice attracted everyone's attention, and then they heard Lu Daoren shout: "Master also has a red mark under his shoulder."

Everyone immediately took a look, and sure enough, there was a red mark just below the old man's shoulder, on his upper arm.

"Take off all the Taoist robes!" Lu Zhenren shouted.

The two middle-aged Taoist priests took off all the Taoist robes of the old Taoist as instructed. At this moment, everyone present could not help but scream in surprise, "This!" "This" and "This".

It turned out that there were three clear red marks on the outside of Shi Laodao's two arms. Not only here, but also on the outside of the ankle, there are obvious marks.

Seeing this, it is not difficult to confirm that Lao Dao has indeed been tied up with a rope, and it was tied firmly.

Zhang Yu said directly: "Fellow Taoist Lu, he was indeed tied up with a rope. The Taoist priest's arms and legs must have struggled violently at that time, which resulted in traces."

"That's right." Lu Zhenren gritted his teeth, and then said doubtfully: "But who can tie up my uncle here?"

The other Taoist priests all looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

This is the uncle who is in charge of teaching Lu Zhenren. Even if the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, Zhenren Lu is stronger than his uncle, but this uncle is still number one among the Zhenhai Taoist sect. It was simply impossible to be tied up so easily without even a chance to make a sound.

Master Lu asked again: "What did you eat at night? Did Uncle Master eat by himself or with you?"

"We ate vegetarian food. Master ate with me and three junior brothers. There should be nothing wrong with the food. We didn't find anything." The middle-aged Taoist priest said earlier.

He also heard what Lu Zhenren meant and wondered whether the dead old man had been poisoned. Otherwise, who can tie him up.

"With Uncle Master's cultivation, if someone climbs in through the window, it's impossible not to be discovered." Master Lu immediately pointed to the window and said, "Look at the window for any clues!"

"Yes." Lu Daoren immediately ran over and conducted a search.

The room where the dead old man lived was the largest room in the two-story building, with a terrace outside the window.

The curtains were currently blocked, so he opened them. There was a large floor-to-ceiling window with a handle on the right side to open the window and door. Lu Daoren did not turn the handle, but pushed and pulled it first, and found that the window was tightly closed.

There is only a cantilevered transom on the top, and that transom probably doesn't even have a hole in it. Children of several years old may not be able to get in and out, let alone normal people.

Only now did Lu Daoren twist the handle and open the window. He went out and looked around on the terrace, but found nothing.

"Brother, the window is locked from the inside. No one should be able to come in from here."

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