Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1608 Weird Hua Jianfeng

As soon as he saw Doctor Wang and Hua Jianfeng walking together, Zhang Yu immediately stopped and hid behind a tree.

Of these two people, one is the main culprit in murdering Mr. Hua, and the other is a suspect. Now that the two of them are walking together at night, I'm afraid there's something weird.

Normally, this time is the time for Doctor Wang to finish the last bottle of glucose for Mr. Hua and go back to rest. And if Hua Jianfeng wasn't there to guard him, why would he follow Doctor Wang out?

Zhang Yu listened carefully, but he found that the two people were not talking, only the sound of footsteps.

As the two walked past, Zhang Yu immediately followed them. He moved slowly and deliberately kept a certain distance to ensure that he would not be discovered.

After a short while, the two people in front came to a small courtyard. Doctor Wang finally spoke, "Mr. Hua, I'm here. Thank you for seeing me off."

"You're welcome. Go get some rest early. You've worked hard these days." Hua Jianfeng said.

"This is what I should do." After saying this, Doctor Wang entered the courtyard.

Looking in the direction, I could vaguely see that there was a two-story building in the yard, which was probably Doctor Wang's residence.

Hua Yingyue also said that Dr. Wang has a high status in the Hua family. He is both a personal doctor and a housekeeper. It is natural for him to enjoy such treatment.

Listen to the conversation between the two, and tell me there is something wrong, which is the sentence "I have worked hard on you these days." However, it seems reasonable to say so.

Zhang Yu originally thought that Hua Jianfeng would turn around and walk back, hiding behind a tree beforehand, but unexpectedly, Hua Jianfeng had no intention of returning to the villa and continued walking forward.

Zhang Yu quickly followed and soon saw Hua Jianfeng turning to the right in front. Zhang Yu was unfamiliar with the terrain here and didn't know where Hua Jianfeng was going. But Hua Jianfeng broke out of the house and wandered around without his father guarding him this late at night, which was obviously a problem.

Hua Jianfeng walked forward for a while, and Zhang Yu kept following him, watching Hua Jianfeng arrive in front of the courtyard of a large villa.

The villa in the courtyard is no smaller than Mr. Hua's villa, and the courtyard is larger than Hua Yingyue's three-bedroom villa. It's just that it's pitch dark in the yard, and there's no light at all.

The courtyard door was locked. Hua Jianfeng took out the key, opened the door and walked in. Zhang Yu then slowly came to the entrance of the courtyard and saw Hua Jianfeng walking towards the big villa in front alone.

Zhang Yu waited for Hua Jianfeng to enter the villa, then ducked into the courtyard.

The yard was spotless, very clean, but a little bleak.

Zhang Yu continued to walk forward, and he could clearly realize that there was no surveillance in this yard.

You know, with Zhang Yu's six senses, he can feel that someone is peeping, even if it is monitored, he can detect it. Many places in Huajia have surveillance cameras, but only this yard does not have surveillance cameras, or it may not be open.

He arrived at the door of the villa easily. Hua Jianfeng had already entered and the door was closed. It is obviously impossible for Zhang Yu to break in. He looked up and saw that the balcony on the second floor was not high. He jumped up and grabbed the guardrail and climbed up lightly.

It was not difficult for Zhang Yu to open the window. He gently opened the window. It was dark inside. It looked like a gym. Through the starlight, he could see the fitness equipment placed inside.

Zhang Yu jumped in and discovered that there was no one there at all, as if no one had been here for a long time.

"Deng Deng Deng"

He heard the sound of footsteps going up to the third floor. Zhang Yu sneaked out of the fitness room. The lights in the corridor had been turned on, and Zhang Yu easily reached the third floor. With his hearing, Zhang Yu was able to confirm that Hua Jianfeng entered the room on the right side of the third floor.

This room is large, with double doors, the door is open, and Hua Jianfeng is inside. Zhang Yu naturally didn't dare to follow in, so he could only peek inside.

The lights are also on and everything is complete inside. Hua Jianfeng stood alone in the middle of the room, facing the door. He raised his head as if he was sighing.

"It seems like no one has lived here for a long time. What is he doing here?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself, "Could it be that this is where Hua Jianfeng used to live?"

He wasn't sure, so he could only wait quietly, maybe he could find out some clues.

However, Hua Jianfeng didn't do anything more. He just sighed, "Alas"

He stood here for five or six minutes, then suddenly shook his head and turned around.

When Zhang Yu saw him turning around, he quickly stepped aside and shrank behind the door.

He couldn't be sure whether Hua Jianfeng would come out immediately. If he was hit, he would definitely not be able to tell. Zhang Yu quickly retreated, and as expected, Hua Jianfeng's footsteps sounded.

It's so quiet here, anyone can hear any movement. Zhang Yu knew it in his heart. If something happened soon, Hua Jianfeng would definitely hear it. Especially the steps he just went upstairs. If he dared to follow the stairs, Hua Jianfeng would be able to see the bottom at a glance as long as he came to the stairs.

In the process of retreating, Zhang Yu happened to see that the door next to him was not closed and was ajar. He didn't care about anything else and just got in, still keeping the door ajar.

With the light from outside, he could see that there were many bookcases and a toffee bed inside. In order to prevent Hua Jianfeng from coming in, Zhang Yu rushed to the concubine's bed in two steps and hid behind the bed.

What a coincidence, Hua Jianfeng came here shortly after, and seemed to find that the door was ajar, so he raised his hand and pushed the door open.

There was a "click" and the light was turned on. The speed was only one second. It was obvious that he knew where the light switch was.

Hua Jianfeng came to the middle of the room. Zhang Yu didn't dare to look up and could only hide.

Suddenly, he heard Hua Jianfeng say "Hey" and immediately stepped aside.

Zhang Yu heard this voice and glanced over. Hua Jianfeng came to the bookcase. The desk and chairs here looked like a European-style study room.

There are many books in the bookcase, and they are all in hardcover. I don’t know if I usually read them. Anyway, Zhang Yu also has a study room, and Yang Ying also bought a lot of hardcover books to put in it, but she has almost never read them, they are just for decoration.

Hua Jianfeng opened the glass door and pulled out a large stack of envelopes between two books.

Zhang Yu couldn't see what was written on the envelope, but it was obvious that the envelope was sealed. Hua Jianfeng hesitated for a moment, and then with a "chi" sound, he tore the envelope open.

Zhang Yu could only see Hua Jianfeng's side and back, and could vaguely see a lot of envelopes. Hua Jianfeng tore open each envelope, and read each one carefully after tearing it open.

After reading it, he sighed again and put the letter paper back into the envelope.

Seeing Hua Jianfeng like this, Zhang Yu became more and more curious. What was the content of the letter?

After more than half an hour, Hua Jianfeng finished opening the letter and put the envelope back into the bookcase. He stood there for a while, then turned around and walked out.

As the lights in the room were turned off, the door was closed, and the room became dark.

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