Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1602 Major Discovery

In Doctor Wang's drawer, there are three glass medicine bottles and three apricot-yellow talismans.

Zhang Yu didn't know what kind of medicine was in the medicine bottle. What puzzled him were these three talismans.

Doctor Wang is Mr. Hua's personal doctor. Why is she putting the talismans in the drawer? She is not a Taoist priest.

There were runes drawn on the talisman paper. Zhang Yu wanted to see what kind of runes they were, but Zhang Yu was stunned again.


It turned out that Zhang Yu did not recognize the runes drawn on the rune paper.

There are many talismans in the world, the most common ones are house charms, amulets, evil-proofing talismans and so on. There are also some rare ones, most of which are used in magic weapons. Zhang Yu can be sure that he has never seen the runes on this talisman paper now.

He picked up the talisman. Hua Yingyue, who was standing at the door of the closet, had just seen Zhang Yu unpacking the drawers. Her heart was full of doubts, nervousness and shyness, but was diluted by curiosity.

Hua Yingyue came over and saw that there was a talisman from the TV in Doctor Wang's drawer. She became more and more puzzled, "What is this? How come there is such a thing in Doctor Wang's drawer?"

"This is the talisman paper. I don't know exactly what it is used for." Zhang Yu picked up the talisman paper. There were three pieces in total. This number coincided with the number of small medicine bottles.

The three talismans were all the same. Zhang Yu looked at them again, then put them back and picked up a medicine bottle.

There is no label on the medicine bottle, and there is a rubber stopper on the bottle mouth, but there is no iron sheet to seal it.

Zhang Yu opened the rubber stopper, put it to his nose and smelled it. There was a faint smell. Although the smell is not strong and not pungent, it has a nauseating feeling that makes people feel breathless.

He quickly took the thing away, took two long breaths, and couldn't help but mutter: "What is this? It smells so bad."

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Hua Yingyue asked in a low voice.

"This thing is very strange." Zhang Yu said, blocking the mouth of the bottle with a rubber stopper, and then started looking around.

"What are you looking for?" Hua Yingyue asked in confusion.

"I'm looking for the bottle that I just used to insert glucose into your grandfather's blood," Zhang Yu said.

While he was talking, he saw a cardboard box placed behind the door. There were several spray bottles in the box, which were used for injecting intravenous drips.

Zhang Yu walked over in two steps and took out a bottle from the box. The bottle was empty and there was nothing in it. Zhang Yu uncorked the bottle, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.


Zhang Yu was surprised again when he smelled the smell in the bottle. Although he had foreseen it, he didn't expect that it was actually like this.

It turned out that although there was no medicine in the bottle, there was still a medicinal smell left. Zhang Yu could clearly smell it. In addition to the sweetness of glucose, there was also a faint odor. This odor was exactly the same as the odor in the previous medicine bottle.

In addition to this smell, Zhang Yu could also smell a hint of fu ash.

Usually no one can smell the smell of talisman ashes, but Zhang Yu was able to smell it because he knew a lot about people, and he was in this business, so he had considerable experience.

Zhang Yu subconsciously looked at the table. His prediction was correct. Doctor Wang indeed put the medicine into glucose and injected it into Mr. Hua.

The only surprise was that talismans were added to the medicine. On the surface, it looks like there is no talisman ash in the bottle, but this is simple. If you want to operate it, you just need to use a needle to suck out the water with the talisman ash.

Because after the talisman paper is ignited and put into the water, its effectiveness is in the water. Although the talisman ashes also have uses, it will be the same without taking the ashes.

Hua Yingyue looked anxiously beside her, and she couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "What else did you find?"

"Doctor Wang put that kind of medicine and talismans in your grandfather's glucose." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Hua Yingyue was shocked and almost screamed, but she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands.

After a while, she put her hand down and said nervously: "Why did Aunt Wang do this? She, she is the person my grandfather trusts the most."

"I don't know, and I'm not sure now, what the purpose of her actions is." Zhang Yu said this, but he was already sure in his heart that the person who attacked Old Man Hua was most likely Dr. Wang.

But as Hua Yingyue said, Doctor Wang is the person that Old Man Hua trusts the most. Why would Doctor Wang do this?

If there is any grudge, then just kill Old Man Hua. Is it necessary to use so many tricks?

In addition, Zhang Yu didn't quite believe that Doctor Wang himself had such ability.

The reason is simple. Zhang Yu doesn't even know what this talisman is for. How could Doctor Wang have such a thing? Also, the ability to use silver needles to close a person's spiritual orifice is definitely not something that ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners can do. This is a unique skill of the five Taoist arts. It must be mastered by those who are in the Taoist school, and they must be proficient in medicine.

"She, what could she possibly have? Could it be that she really wants to harm grandpa? What good can this do to her?" Hua Yingyue didn't seem to believe that what Doctor Wang would do to Old Man Hua.

From this, it can be confirmed that, as Hua Yingyue said before, Doctor Wang's status in the Hua family is quite high.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Don't make this matter public. I'll investigate it first and see if I can find out any more clues."

"Okay." Hua Yingyue kept nodding.

She was obviously disorganized when it came to this kind of thing.

This is not to say that Hua Yingyue has no insight or backbone. The main thing is that what is happening now is really unbelievable. More importantly, Zhang Yu's affinity was very useful to her. In addition, Zhang Yu just touched her buttocks in the closet, which made her trust Zhang Yu more.

This is woman, a more emotional animal.

Zhang Yu immediately put the bottle away and walked to the desk. He took out a blank piece of talisman paper from his pocket, bit his finger and drew one according to the pattern on the table.

Next, he took out a small gourd from his pocket and poured a little bit of the smelly liquid in the bottle.

After finishing this, he pressed the wooden board back up again and checked the two drawers intact.

After simply tidying up and closing the closet door to make sure that no one would see it, Zhang Yu opened the door, pressed the lock button inside, closed the door, and left with Hua Yingyue.

When walking downstairs, seeing no one around, Hua Yingyue asked in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

Zhang Yu whispered: "I'm going back overnight to find out what this is. I'll come back tomorrow morning."

"You have to leave now." Hua Yingyue was obviously a little reluctant and worried.

"Don't worry, I'm very fast. When I get back, I'll treat your face without any delay." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about this, the key is..." Hua Yingyue also whispered.

"I know it in my heart, and you should keep it in mind too." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Yeah. That's all up to you." Hua Yingyue nodded heavily.

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