Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1599 No chance

Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue left the three-bedroom villa courtyard and headed to Old Man Hua's large villa.

Arriving on the third floor of the villa, people from the Hua family were sitting on the big sofa in the corridor. They were all listless and had been having a hard time these days.

Zhang Yu knew that it was absolutely impossible to say that these people were filial sons and virtuous grandchildren. No matter how filial he is, he doesn't have to go through such trouble. It's fine if everyone takes turns guarding the old man.

Staying here shows that these people don't trust each other and have their own agendas.

Hua Yingyue also said that the old man has not made a will yet. It is impossible to say that no one is interested in such a large family business and so much property.

Some people hope that the old man will wake up quickly and make a will no matter what. Some people may hope that the old man will not be able to sleep for a long time, and then the inheritance will be distributed in accordance with the law.

In addition to these, if the old man wakes up suddenly, in this case, the person who appears in front of the old man for the first time will definitely add points to the impression that he is a filial son.

There are many sofas here, so Hua Yingyue took Zhang Yu over to say hello. To be honest, if I come to my house on such an occasion, I still don't leave now, it feels a bit like my son-in-law is coming to visit. Noticing the gazes of the Hua family, Zhang Yu also reacted in his heart, but he had no choice but to know that something would happen to him.

Huajian Feng, Huajian Edge, Huajian Ping, and Huajian Zhong are all here, but the old Taoist and the monk are not there.

After questioning, I learned that the monks had already gone to rest, and the Taoist priests from Yangchunguan had promised to start setting up the Feng Shui array tomorrow and were now staying in Huajiawan to rest.

While talking, Hua Yingyue's mother Mi Lai couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu, a bit like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. Zhang Yu felt a little embarrassed when he was looked at.

"Yingyue, when did you and Mr. Zhang meet? I've never heard you mention it before." At this time, Mi Lai couldn't help but say this.

"Zhang Yu and I haven't known each other for a long time." Seeing her mother suddenly asking such a question, Hua Yingyue couldn't help but blush.

Zhang Yu also quickly explained to avoid misunderstanding, "Auntie, I'm just passing by when I come here this time."

"Passing by." Mi Lai was stunned for a moment.

Everyone in the Hua family also looked at Zhang Yu, clearly not believing him.

This is true, no one would believe it. Grandpa's life, you came here to visit, it can be said to be passing by. If it was a coincidence, then you wouldn't stay for such a long time. Judging from this, I don't want to leave, so it must be some kind of friendship.

Seeing her family like this, Hua Yingyue felt ashamed and explained, "Zhang Yu was just passing by. He said he would treat my face tomorrow, so he didn't leave."

"Treat your face?" "Treat your face?" Everyone in the Hua family made a sound of surprise one after another this time.

You know, Hua Yingyue's face has been treated by many famous doctors, both at home and abroad, but no one can cure it. Zhang Yu is a young boy. Even though he is the chairman of Wudang Group, he is not a doctor after all, so he can treat him no matter what.

"Yes." Hua Yingyue nodded lightly.

"It can't be a joke." "It's just that the old man is sick and is unconscious now, so stop joking." "Stop trying to make this pointless, we know the relationship between the two of you. No need to explain." Hua Yingyue's brothers, sisters, and brothers all spoke like this.

"I, I still can't explain why. Is that what it is?" Hua Yingyue said aggrievedly.

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Miss Hua, let's discuss the facial treatment tomorrow. Mr. Hua hasn't woken up yet, let's wait aside."

"Okay then." Hua Yingyue nodded.

The two of them went to sit on the sofa on one side. There were many sofas in the corridor, some long and some short. The two of them sat down on the sofa on the outside. Hua Yingyue lowered her head and only peeked at Zhang Yu from time to time.

Zhang Yu looked very calm and had already closed his eyes, as if closing his eyes to rest.

But that was not the case in his mind. Instead, he was thinking about who inserted the needle into Old Man Hua's heart.

Looking at the battle at the Hua family, everyone was standing outside, for fear that someone might plot something against the old man. If anyone wanted to go in and do something, they probably wouldn't be able to escape the public's attention, let alone perform acupuncture on the old man's heart veins.

"Could it be that someone was doing acupuncture in front of everyone?" Zhang Yu was wondering, opening his eyes and looking at Hua Yingyue next to him.

He whispered: "Miss Hua, I want to go to the bathroom, can you take me there?"

Upon hearing what he said, Hua Yingyue nodded slightly and said, "Follow me."

Miss Hua is also a delicate person. When she saw Zhang Yu's voice was so low, she knew that he had something to say to her alone.

She stood up and took Zhang Yu downstairs to the bathroom on the second floor.

When he came outside the bathroom on the second floor, Zhang Yu first checked to make sure there was no one inside, and then said: "Miss Hua, have you been guarding outside the room every day since your grandfather came home?"

"Yes." Hua Yingyue nodded.

"In that case, there is basically no chance of contacting your grandfather alone." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Hua Yingyue said seriously: "No one can touch grandpa alone. Everyone enters the house together."

"Have you ever given your grandpa acupuncture?" Zhang Yu asked, expressing his doubts.

"Acupuncture." Hua Yingyue shook her head and said, "Although I have had a lot of examinations and treatments, it seems that I have never had acupuncture."

"That" Zhang Yu stopped talking.

No one practices acupuncture openly, and there are so many people staring at it. Where did the needle holes in Mr. Hua's body come from?


At this moment, Zhang Yu heard a door knock not far away. The two people just spoke in a low voice, so they expected no one would hear them.

He turned around and looked over, only to see two women in white coats walking out of the room. One could be in his fifties and the other in his twenties.

Look at that, they are doctors and nurses, especially the young woman holding a medicine tray with medicine on it.

The doctor closed the door and saw Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue standing at the door of the bathroom. She said politely: "Miss Hua, this is..."

"This is my friend. I don't know where the bathroom is, so I'll bring him here." Hua Yingyue said a little embarrassed.

It was a bit embarrassing to stand at the door of the bathroom with a man.

Fortunately, the doctor didn't ask any more questions and just said, "I went upstairs to change the old man's dressing."

"Okay, we'll go up later." Hua Yingyue nodded and said.

The doctor and nurse went upstairs, while Zhang Yu entered the bathroom. After solving the problem, he went upstairs again with Hua Yingyue.

The two came upstairs. The Hua family members were still sitting in the corridor, and the bedroom door was open.

Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue sat in their original positions. It took about twenty minutes before they saw the doctor and nurse they met earlier come out of the room.

The doctor walked up to Hua Jianren and said: "Mr. Hua, the old man's blood pressure is a bit low, but his life is not in danger. The glucose has been hung up, and it can be completed in about an hour. I will come up again then."

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