Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1594 Closure

Zhang Yu felt the pulse of Mr. Hua. At the moment, the old man's pulse was not very strong and was a little weak.

This is normal. I haven't had any teeth for many days, and I have to rely on glucose to support me. Although people can't die, they certainly can't survive without eating.

At Old Man Hua's age, some geriatric diseases are normal. If there were other problems, Zhang Yu didn't feel them.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes looking, hearing, asking, and understanding. Zhang Yu looked at Hua Yingyue and asked: "Miss Hua, I wonder what your grandfather's symptoms were like before?"

Hua Yingyue was confused at the moment, wondering what was going on with Zhang Yu. Wasn't he the chairman, or was he a Taoist priest?

When she heard Zhang Yu ask her, she reacted and said quickly: "My grandpa suddenly lost his sight a few days ago and can't see anything. I went to the hospital for a checkup and there was nothing wrong. When I was trying to think of a way to treat my grandpa's eyes, my grandpa suddenly went blind that day. When I fell asleep at night, I never woke up again. It has always been like this. I can breathe and have a heartbeat, but I don’t know what disease I have.”

"That's it." Zhang Yu nodded lightly. He had never seen this kind of symptom before.

He raised his hand to open Mr. Hua's eyelids. Since he said he was blind before, he wanted to see the specific situation.

Just take a look and you will see that Mr. Hua's eyes are more white than black. Above the black eyes, there is a layer of black silk mesh.

As soon as he saw this, Zhang Yu knew that this was a symptom of mental blockage. In Chinese medicine terms, it is called closed orifice.

Humans have seven orifices, the ears are the essence orifices, the eyes are the spiritual orifices, and the mouth and nose are the qi orifices. An old saying goes: The five internal organs are often read from the upper seven orifices. Therefore, if the lung qi is connected to the nose, if the lungs are harmonious, the nose can recognize smells and fragrances; if the heart qi is connected to the tongue, if the heart is harmonious, the tongue can recognize the five flavors; if the liver qi is connected to the eyes, if the liver is harmonious, the eyes can recognize the five colors; If the spleen is harmonious, the mouth can recognize the five grains; if the kidney qi flows through the ears, if the kidneys are harmonious, the ears can hear the five tones. If the five internal organs are not in harmony, the seven orifices will be blocked.

What does this mean? It means that the eyes are called divine orifices and are connected to the liver. If there is a problem with the liver, it will affect the eyes. For example, if the liver fire is strong, there will be bloodshot eyes. If the yin and yang of the liver are imbalanced, resulting in disharmony between qi and blood, and unfavorable meridians, it will lead to glaucoma. If the liver fails, a person will become blind.

The liver opens up to the eyes. Mr. Hua's eyes were obviously closed, but when he took his pulse just now, he didn't see anything seriously wrong with his liver. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything wrong with his liver.

Usually when this happens, the person is forced to close the orifice by a master of traditional Chinese medicine. There are acupuncture points on the eye nerve, and if you use a silver needle to close the orifice, you can make a person blind. He can recover as long as he regains consciousness. This is not difficult, Zhang Yu can do it.

But the question is, why is Mr. Hua still unconscious?

If you really can't tell anything from the pulse, you can only look at it with your inner eye.

Zhang Yu immediately grabbed Old Man Hua's wrist, closed his eyes, and felt the situation inside Old Man Hua's body with his mind's eye.

He first checked from the crown chakra, and found that the three souls and seven souls were all present, but the seven souls were a little dim, and it was obvious that he was about to die soon. As for other problems, there are none.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself. If a person is about to die, there must be a reason. Although it is normal to die without a disease, after all, people have a lifespan, but Old Man Hua's mind has been closed. It is obvious that someone has tampered with it.

He immediately remembered what Master Lu said, saying that the old man had closed his mind.

With his heart and tongue open, Zhang Yu immediately let go of Old Man Hua's wrist and reached out to open his teeth.

The color of the tongue coating is associated with heart symptoms. If the heart's function is normal, the tongue will be ruddy, soft and sensitive, and the tongue will be fluent; if the heart's yang energy is insufficient, the tongue will be pale, white, fat, and tender; if the heart's yin blood is insufficient, the tongue will be red and thin; if the heart fire is inflamed, the tip of the tongue will be Red, even erosion; blood stasis, the tongue will be dark purple or have ecchymosis; mental disorder, the tongue will be stiff, speech impediment, etc.

Mr. Hua's tongue coating is purple, which is a symptom of heart blood congestion, but this symptom can never make people unconscious. Just because of this, it was not Zhang Yu's turn to treat him, and the hospital could cure him.

"There's nothing wrong..." Zhang Yu muttered to himself and straightened up helplessly.

But he is not willing to give up just yet, just like a serious doctor who will never stop until he finds out the root cause of the disease. Since another problem was found in the heart, Zhang Yu thought to check the old man's heart.

He put his hand on the old man's heart, just to check the heartbeat. In a blink of an eye, he suddenly saw a small white spot in his heart.

This white spot is extremely small, as small as the eye of a pin. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, he can determine what is going on at a glance. Not long ago, someone used a silver needle to prick the old man's acupuncture points. There are not many acupuncture points near the heart, but they can connect the entire heart meridians. The location of the needle eye is under the rut root acupoint, and the needle is obviously a little off. If the acupuncture point is pricked in the wrong direction, blood will appear, and scarring will follow. After the scab falls off, this white spot will appear.

"What does this mean..." Zhang Yu muttered to himself again.

Acupuncture on the heart channel has not been heard to make people unconscious. Generally speaking, it has to be done on the brain.

However, Zhang Yu knew that this discovery was very important and might be the key to solving the problem.

As for the Jiuzhou Proud Dragon Bureau being broken, normally, the Hua family would definitely memorize the words, but it would not make people sick. Of course, since you are memorizing words, it will inevitably lead to unreasonable disasters.

This should be an unforeseen disaster. Zhang Yu would definitely not be able to guess who the person who was responsible for attacking Mr. Hua was. He could vaguely foresee in his heart that the person who had done something evil must have a plan. If you just want Mr. Hua to die, I'm afraid he is already dead.

In addition, the time when this scar was caused was definitely not very far away, it was most likely three to five days ago.

It seems that I need to understand this matter carefully, and maybe I can find the person who did it.

He kept thinking about it in his mind, and there was no other move on his hands.

At this time, Master Lu suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, have you discovered anything?"

How could Zhang Yu tell the truth here? He just shook his head slightly and said, "I can't see anything serious. It seems that just like what Lu Zhenren said, he has closed his mind. In addition, when I came here, I found that the river outside was dry. It was obviously Feng Shui. Not good. I just heard from a fellow Taoist that the Kyushu Proud Dragon Bureau was once deployed here. As far as I know, this is a great Feng Shui formation that creates dragon veins from the ground. If it is broken, it will inevitably backfire and it will take several years to memorize the words. Hua. The old man is unconscious, probably due to this."

When Master Lu saw that Zhang Yu had approved his statement, he smiled and nodded, and said, "Fellow Taoist is indeed very knowledgeable, and I admire him. Since the Hua family doesn't believe in our Taoism, why don't we say goodbye and invite the disciples from Erlin Temple first?" The master will diagnose and treat him. If he doesn’t wake up, it’s not too late for us to help.”

According to his statement, firstly, he was trying to be a big name, and secondly, he did not want Zhang Yu to get involved and interfere with his own affairs.

Zhang Yu also understood what Master Lu meant, but he didn't want to leave like this. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu said, "If I'm right, I'm afraid Mr. Hua will die soon. It would be very inappropriate to delay..."

"Zhang Daoyou..." This time, it was Lu Daoren, Lu Zhenren's junior brother, who spoke, "Didn't Master Wu Neng just say that we can revive people in three days. So what else do we need to do? Just go back and wait for the good news from Master Wu Neng."

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