Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1586 Wudang Lingtu

Zhang Yu remembered that the Maoshan Spirit Map appeared in the palm of Ye Buli's right hand, with golden light accompanying the runes on it.

Zhang Yu didn't understand what that rune meant before, but now he understands it.

He immediately bit off his left index finger and started drawing on the palm of his right hand. While painting, Zhang Yu silently recited in his mind the incantation he had just seen, "Spirit moves the sky, the map controls all directions, the Tao turns to magical powers, and the magical arts..."

With the chanting in his heart, the rune was drawn to the last stroke. When the stroke was finished, Zhang Yu closed his fingers and couldn't help shouting, "It's done!"


In an instant, silver light flashed in Zhang Yu's palm, and something like a piece of silver-white cloth appeared. In addition to the silver light on this thing, there are also bloody runes.

Zhang Yu could clearly feel that this thing seemed to be similar to Ye Buli's Maoshan Spirit Map. It contains spiritual energy, which seems to be there but not at all.

However, the difference between the two items is that Ye Buli's is gold and Zhang Yu's is silver.

Zhang Yu naturally didn't know what the difference was.

He tried to chant in his heart again, "The spiritual map is in my hand, I have the universe, my heart moves with the shadow, one shot after another! Send!"


Immediately afterwards, the small piece of silver-white cloth in Zhang Yu's hand suddenly grew in size and became like a blanket. It was almost the same size as the Maoshan Lingtu that Ye Buli used that day.

The spiritual diagram floated above Zhang Yu's head, but the light was very dim, much worse than Ye Buli's.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the spiritual map became weaker and weaker. Zhang Yu looked up and thought that the gap between his spiritual map and Ye Buli was indeed not small.

Ye Buli can give you income in Dantian, how can you collect it yourself?

Fortunately, Zhang Yu's mind is also fast, and the key lies in the spell. He then began to chant silently, "I have the spiritual map in my hand, I have the universe, my heart moves with the shadow, every shot is broken! Stop it!"


The spiritual diagram above his head suddenly turned into a small piece of cloth and returned to Zhang Yu's hand. Immediately afterwards, the small piece of cloth disappeared in Zhang Yu's palm.

Zhang Yu could see clearly that the runes previously drawn on his palms had disappeared. The spiritual diagram that disappeared at this moment did not really disappear. Zhang Yu could clearly detect that the thing seemed to have turned into a stream of air and slowly entered his Dantian.

He immediately looked at it with his inner eye and saw that the white piece of cloth was wrapped by the true energy in his Dantian. His true energy is pouring into the spirit map bit by bit.

As the spiritual diagram returned to Dantian, Zhang Yu also completely understood what this thing was about.

To put it bluntly, the spirit map is actually a high-level talisman paper of one's own, which is condensed with one's own energy and blood, plus runes and spells. People who don't understand the secret will think it is a magic weapon. In fact, it can be regarded as a magic weapon. This thing is very powerful and its power can be increased as one's cultivation level increases. Once it is destroyed, it will have a great impact on you. It is connected to your Dantian, so you will definitely be affected when it is destroyed. Although it will not kill you, your vitality will be severely damaged.

The spirit map has the function of a magic weapon, so it is similar to a general magic weapon and has a distance range. Once you leave this range, you can't take it back. But it also has more spirituality than ordinary magic weapons, and can generally sense its location.

In fact, many magic weapons have this in common, like the golden cudgel in Journey to the West. What a powerful magic weapon this is, the sea-fixing needle, which can become larger or smaller, and is invincible. But when it leaves Sun Wukong's hand and leaves a certain controllable range, Sun Wukong can't even find it back. Otherwise, the golden cudgel was stolen by the lion spirit, and he would have to steal it back himself.

The golden cudgel is still a high-level magic weapon. Sun Wukong can't even notice where it has been taken, let alone the magic weapon used in these days. Zhang Yu's money sword was knocked away before his eyes. It lost its connection with the true energy and could not be taken back at once. Maoshan Lingtu is not like this, but if it is far away, it will not be able to come back.

Zhang Yu put the Maoshan Spirit Map in the eight-character fortune-telling chart at that time, and Ye Buli couldn't take it back. Therefore, there is only one explanation. Ye Buli's Maoshan Spirit Map was not fake, nor was it taken back by Ye Buli. It was destroyed by Ye Buli himself.

Understanding this, Zhang Yu was curious. Ye Buli was mentally ill or something. Why did he destroy the Maoshan Lingtu?

Of course, there can only be one Maoshan Spirit Map in the dantian. If the original one is destroyed, does this kid have to practice a new one?

Zhang Yu thought this possibility was not small, so he didn't think much about it.

There was still a puzzle in his mind, and that was why Ye Buli's Maoshan spirit map was golden, while his own was silver?

"How is it?" At this time, Sun Zhaoyi's voice suddenly rang.

Zhang Yu was sitting on the Kang, right behind Sun Zhaoyi. Sun Zhaoyi never looked back, and it was probably useless to look back, as he couldn't see it.

Hearing her question, Zhang Yu immediately came to Sun Zhaoyi and said, "Uncle Taishi, I didn't expect it to happen. The Maoshan Lingtu is mysterious, but others don't understand it. They relied on the Jiuxuan Mirror to decipher the clues. I found out that’s what it was. It was just a talisman-editing instrument connected to Dantian.”

"Yes." Sun Zhaoyi nodded and said: "The treasures left by the ancestors are really powerful. Even the Maoshan Spirit Map can be researched."

"Who said otherwise..." Zhang Yu was somewhat excited, and he followed up: "Uncle Taishi, have you seen the Maoshan Spirit Map?"

Sun Zhaoyi shook his head and said, "No. I just heard about it. What's wrong?"

"I have seen the Maoshan spiritual map used by Ye Buli of the Maoshan sect. His spiritual map had a golden light on it, but the one I just forged had a silver light on it. I don't know what's going on?"

"There are other things like this..." Sun Zhaoyi spread out his palms and said, "Let me see."

"Okay." Zhang Yu immediately chanted the incantation, and the spiritual map stored in his dantian emerged from the palm of his hand.

He knew that what Sun Zhaoyi meant by seeing was not seeing with the eyes, but seeing with the heart.

Putting the spiritual diagram on Sun Zhaoyi's palm, Sun Zhaoyi felt it for a moment, but didn't seem to find anything.

"Besides the difference in light, what else is different?" Sun Zhaoyi asked.

"Except for this, there seems to be nothing else." Zhang Yu replied.

"If that's the case, it's possible that the Qi cultivated by the Maoshan Sect is different from what you cultivate. Or, they may have some special means when condensing the spirit map. But this difference doesn't matter. I think it's better." Sun Zhaoyi said calmly.

"How can it be better?" Zhang Yu asked in confusion.

"Think about it, everyone in the world knows that the Maoshan Spiritual Map is the secret of the Maoshan Sect, and every sect knows that way. If the spiritual map you use is the same as the Maoshan Sect, the Maoshan Sect will definitely think that you have stolen the master. Or you stole other people's classics. When the time comes, you might cause a lot of trouble. Your spiritual map emits silver light, which is different from the Maoshan spiritual map, so naturally you can't say it was stolen. In this case, it can be used openly and honestly. It’s no big deal. You can even give this spirit map a name, just call it the Wudang Spirit Map!” Sun Zhaoyi said confidently.

"Wudang Lingtu..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but groan.


This book has started to be updated again. I would like to thank my brothers and sisters for their concern for Lao Tie in recent days. The problems have been solved, and Lao Tie continues to work hard on coding.

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