Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1578 Cleverness

Pan Yun naturally knew that capturing the Jade King Group was definitely a credit, and it was reasonable for his mother to want to get involved.

After all, what my mother said makes sense. My mother helped me get in. Why should I give the colonel the credit? You don't have to be a colonel to catch drug dealers, patrol officers also have this power.

But Pan Yun was in a dilemma. If the patrol from Zhendong District intervened, the colonel would inevitably misunderstand her and think she did it on purpose. He told his mother the secret and let Wen Qiong take the credit.

Of course, even if he did this on purpose, the colonel would have no temper. Wen Qiong is now popular and has the support of his family. After all, a colonel is a colonel. To put it bluntly, the colonel's immediate boss is on the same level as the CEO of the execution area. In theory, the colonel's rank is not as high as Wen Qiong's, and Wen Qiong also has a family background, so how could he take the colonel seriously.

But even if Pan Yun wanted to inform the colonel, she couldn't because she spoke in her mother's voice.

After thinking about it for a moment, Pan Yun said earnestly: "Mom, the colonel has been investigating for so long, and I assisted them. How difficult it is for me to be like this now. Also, how do you want me to tell Inspector Lu? You can’t arrest people across borders for no reason. If he asked me where the news came from, what would I say?”

"Everyone is doing it for the office and the people, no matter who is caught or not! Also, if Lu Weichen dares to ask questions in front of me, tell him to just do his job well. After arresting the person, his contribution will be indispensable. !" Wen Qiong said seriously.

"But, after all, I'm not you. I can't show you your momentum. If he asks me, I'm afraid I don't know what to say. I'll reveal my secret again," Pan Yun said bitterly.

"You" Wen Qiong wanted to scold her daughter for being so stupid, but she swallowed her words on second thought. Although the daughter is strong, she is not her after all, and cannot display the authority of a CEO. She, Wen Qiong, dared to slap the table and glare at Lu Weichen, but Lu Weichen did not dare to speak up and just worked honestly. Pan Yun was unable to do such a thing. It was easy for him to gang up on his previous leaders.

"Okay, okay, wait, I'll think of a solution." After Wen Qiong finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Auntie, how are you?" Zhang Yu saw that Wen Qiong was unhappy and asked in a low voice.

"This girl," Wen Qiong said angrily, "The older she gets, the more disobedient she is. She asked me to give Lu Weichen a reason to come here to arrest people. I arranged for Lu Weichen to handle the case. Do you need a reason?"

"Auntie, Pan Yun is actually right. There must be a reason to come all the way here." Zhang Yu said.

"Why do you always speak for her? Reason. What reason." Although Wen Qiong said this, she also thought about it intently.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "I have a reason."

"What's the reason?" Wen Qiong asked immediately.

Zhang Yu pointed to the next door and whispered: "That Niu Xiaopeng can come in handy. He is Niu Sanpao's younger brother. Niu Sanpao was killed by King Jade back then. He must also want to take revenge. Let's just say that he sent it Isn’t it enough to get the news?”

"This is a good idea. Make up a reason for him and hand it over to Lu Weichen in the future. It's not all up to us," Wen Qiong said.

"I'll call him over." Zhang Yu said, picked up the phone Wen Qiong put down, dialed Brother Biao's number, and asked Brother Biao to bring Niu Xiaopeng over.

Soon, Niu Xiaopeng was brought into the room.

He is now being guarded by Brother Biao's men, and he has already realized that Zhang Yu is no ordinary person. Seeing each other again seemed cautious.

"Boss, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Yu sent Brother Biao away and said: "Now there is an opportunity for you to make meritorious service. It depends on whether you can seize it."

"Please tell me, I will take good care of it." Niu Xiaopeng said quickly.

"In this way, you listen to me, and you must remember it. No matter when in the future, you must say this." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Yes, yes." Niu Xiaopeng kept nodding and said.

"I heard you said that you used to be the boss of the room, and then the boss became Ye Buli. Is that true?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes." Niu Xiaopeng nodded.

"The incident of tomb robbery will definitely be announced to the world in the future. Just say that Ye Buli seems to be a member of the tomb robbery group, coercing you to help with the tomb robbery. You were coerced by him and went to Tangniushan Ancient Tomb. Everyone died in the trap. Next, you were the only one who escaped by chance. At that time, you were so scared that you didn’t dare to go back to where you were working, so you ran away to another place. During the hiding process, you heard that there would be a drug deal in Yanghekou Jade Heaven King tomorrow night, so you decided to take the blame and meritorious deeds. Only then did I report it." Zhang Yu said.

"Understood." Niu Xiaopeng nodded solemnly.

"I will give you a phone number later. You call this and report it with your real name. And you must explain that you are a fugitive. Now it seems that you are being hunted. You dare not show your face. You are very scared. Tell the story about the drug trade in Yanghekou After that, I told him to contact me in the future, do you understand?" Zhang Yu warned.

"Understood." Niu Xiaopeng nodded again and again.

"Also, this person's identity is the detective of the serious crime team of the patrol office in the east enforcement area of ​​Zhenhai Town. His surname is Bai. If in the future, the patrol office asks you where you got this person's phone number? How will you answer?" Zhang Yu said.

"How to answer?" Niu Xiaopeng looked at Zhang Yu.

"Have you been to Zhenhai?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I have traveled before." Niu Xiaopeng said.

"Then it's easy to handle. Just say that after your brother was killed by King Jade, you planned to seek revenge from King Jade, so you went to Zhenhai. But you also knew that you were alone, so you planned to find clues about King Jade, and then report to the patrol room Report. At that time, you heard that Inspector Bai of the Zhendong District Patrol Office was a courageous man, so you tried to get his phone number, and prepared to report to Inspector Bai after finding clues. Unexpectedly, this phone number was assigned today Use it, do you understand?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"I understand, I understand." Niu Xiaopeng nodded again.

Now, he was extremely curious about Zhang Yu's identity and didn't know what he was doing. But he also understood that if Zhang Yu's statement was followed and the patrol house really cracked the Yutianwang Group at Yanghekou, not only would his brother Niu Sanpao's revenge be avenged, but he would also be guilty and meritorious.

His original crime was just fighting and wounding, but unfortunately he was charged with escaping from prison. Following Zhang Yu's wishes should be the best choice. If you are lucky, you may be released early.

Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Go back next door to prepare and come up with some excuses. I'll ask someone to prepare a new phone number for you."

"Okay." Niu Xiaopeng nodded again.

Zhang Yu waved his hand and dismissed him.

Wen Qiong waited for Niu Xiaopeng to go out, and then said: "Xiao Yu, why did you ask him to call the detective of the serious crime team? The call should be to Lu Weichen?"

"I have been in contact with Inspector Bai. He is rigorous in his work. If you inform him of the news, he will definitely report it to Inspector Lu as soon as possible. This is no different from notifying Inspector Lu directly." Zhang Yu said.

"That's true." Wen Qiong nodded, "You brat, you have a lot of ideas, you could be Zhuge Liang."

"No matter how dare you, they are all just clever. Thank you for the compliment, auntie. By the way, I think we have to talk to Pan Yun again and let her cooperate in a play." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

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