Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1572 An unexpected gain

The hotel is not far from Shangqing Temple. When Zhang Yu arrived late at night, Shangqing Temple had already closed. My family is also a Taoist temple, so I naturally know that the people in front are ordinary disciples, and the Taoist priests live in the back.

Zhang Yu didn't go to the front, and went directly around to the backyard. It was clear from the outside that the courtyard was very quiet. He jumped up to the wall and glanced down. There were three rooms in the courtyard, one main room and two side rooms. At present, only the main room was lit with lights, and there was no one else in the courtyard, so he jumped down directly.

He did not go to the main room immediately, which was closer to the side room. He first went to the side room to check, but there was no one in the side room. He sneaked to the side room opposite to check, but there was no one there either.

The reason why he looked at the side rooms first was because Zhang Yu knew that this Taoist temple was not particularly large. The front should be the main hall and the guest rooms, and there were at most a few guest rooms. Ye Buli is a disciple of the Maoshan sect and has Maoshan Lingtu, so it is unlikely that he will live in the front yard. In addition, it is impossible to live in the main house. The main house must be the residence of the Taoist temple master after all.

There was no one in the side room, so Zhang Yu had no choice but to walk towards the main room.

He tiptoed and came under the window. The window was antique and there were patterns on the glass. It was not easy to see inside without the curtains blocking it. Fortunately, two windows were open with screens hanging above them. In the summer, it will definitely be hot at night, so it is inevitable to open the windows.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly heard the voice of an old guy, "Boss Xu, the last transaction was canceled at short notice. I'm really sorry."

"Huh?" After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Is there any other deal with the Taoist temple?

He suddenly became interested and listened carefully. However, he did not hear other sounds, and soon heard the old guy's laughing voice again, "Isn't that right? Safety first, safety first. The location of this transaction is a cruise ship at the mouth of Yanghe River." superior"

After another pause, the old guy said: "Don't worry, there will definitely be no accidents this time. By the way, before boarding the ship, you will see a patrol car setting up a roadblock on the only way. Don't be afraid, that's My license plate is Beihe A74110. After seeing it, the patrol officer asked you what was in the car, and you said there were three kilograms of black beans and three kilograms of white beans. The patrol officer would also ask you, what are the black beans and white beans used for? Just answer that it’s for white noodles, and the patrol officer will let you pass, right, right. Okay, then let’s contact you next time.”

After hearing these words, Zhang Yu secretly murmured in his heart, what kind of deal is this? It's so high-end.

However, the old guy's words about exchange for white noodles made Zhang Yu vaguely realize what was being traded.

There was no movement in the house now, and Zhang Yu speculated who the person in the house could be. He lived in the main house in the backyard of Shangqing Temple. Logically speaking, it must be the owner of Shangqing Temple.

"There is still such a deal in Shangqing Temple. It seems that this boy Ye Buli is not a good person. He went to rob tombs and fooled me with things." Zhang Yu gritted his teeth.

He then carefully thought about what the man in the room said. The last transaction was canceled temporarily, which seemed to be the time when the colonel laid the net. Not to mention that all the work was in vain, even the informant was killed.

This time there was another transaction, and Zhang Yu thought it was a good opportunity. But then he discovered another problem. The man in the room had just been talking for a long time, but he didn't seem to say the time of the transaction.

There's just a location, and I don't know what day it is. If I go there in a daze, I'll miss it. Otherwise, I'll be exposed.

Zhang Yu raised his body slightly and looked into the window. Through the screen window, he saw a shirtless old guy lying on a wicker chair. The old guy had a bun on his head. He should be a seasoned man. He was holding a He is playing with a seal.

Isn't this seal brought out from the tomb?

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was even more certain that this old guy must be with Ye Buli. After Ye Buli handed the seal to him, he probably ran away.

The more Zhang Yu thought about it, the angrier he became. He had saved two lives of Ye Buli. This guy kept talking about being a bachelor, and even used Maoshan Lingtu as collateral. He really bullied me and I don't understand.

Now that you are cracking down on the drug trade, don't blame me for being rude.

Zhang Yu made up his mind to find out what happened to the old guy in the room. The first is the specific time of the transaction, and the second is the whereabouts of Ye Buli.

However, it seems that the time is not right now. The old Taoist is not sleeping now. Although he can break the screen window and get in, if the old Taoist shouts twice, the Taoist priests in the front yard will hear it and run over to check. What will he say then? Trespassing There is no way to explain this in a private house. Killing everyone and silencing them is obviously not the case. Even if all the Taoist priests here are restrained, it is not reliable.

He decided to wait. Just squatting under the window, not in a hurry.

As time passed, the light in the yard disappeared completely, and the lights in the main room went out.

Zhang Yu was still not in a hurry and continued to wait. After waiting for about forty or fifty minutes, he was able to determine that the people in the room were asleep.

Standing up, Zhang Yu reached out and grabbed the screen on the window. This kind of screen is very easy to open. Just buckle the bottom and it will pop up on its own.

Zhang Yu gently held the bottom, unable to get through, and the screen window popped up. Zhang Yu's hand was still on the screen window to avoid making any noise. He pressed the screen window and moved it up little by little, making sure there was no sound.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over and jumped into the room. He closed all the windows from the inside and then slowly walked towards the bed.

The room was very dark, and with Zhang Yu's eyesight, he could barely make out an outline.

When he came to the bedside, there was a lamp on the bedside. Zhang Yu turned on the lamp, and there was dim light in the room.

The old man was naked and fat, wearing a pair of large white pants, lying on the bed with his back stretched out.

Zhang Yu secretly smiled in his heart, this was very convenient for him.

Now when he goes out, he always carries a silver needle on his body. He takes out the needle from his pocket and immediately applies the needle on the old Taoist body.

When acupuncture is applied by experts, it will not puncture the skin. Each needle is placed in the acupuncture point, so people will not feel any pain.

After more than ten injections, there was no response. Zhang Yu inserted many more needles into Lao Dao's arms and legs, and then he sat by the bed and waited quietly.

In the blink of an eye, the old man's face twitched, and then he opened his eyes. It was obvious that the old man wanted to raise his arm, but he didn't lift it at all.

"Why is it itchy?" The old man's voice was weak, he grinned, and his whole body was itchy. He then saw Zhang Yu sitting next to the bed, and couldn't help but be startled, "Who?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "When you wake up, don't worry about who I am. What is your name? What do you do?"

"I don't know you. Uh-huh. What did you do to me?" The old man's face was twisted, and he couldn't even speak loudly.

Zhang Yu's voice was very gentle, "I'm asking you a question. You'd better answer quickly and don't waste time. Although I have a lot of time, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up."

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