Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1568 Caught

"Easy! I can walk on my own!" Ye Buli couldn't help but cursed as he was hurt by the pull.

"He's got quite a bad temper! Let's talk about it when we get to the patrol room!" a patrol officer shouted.

"Just tell me, what's the matter? By the way, where is my sister?" Ye Buli still cared about Tang Wanyan.

"Don't worry, you can't run away from her! If she helps you escape, she will be sentenced to at least two years!" the patrolman shouted.

"I asked her to do things that were not her fault!" Ye Buli shouted.

"You should take care of yourself. You dare to run away while you are out working. Do you know what your behavior is? If you are guilty of escaping from prison, you will be sentenced to at least five years in prison!" the patrolman said harshly.

While talking, Ye Buli, who couldn't see anything, felt a step appear in front of him. The patrolman carried him upstairs, seemingly to the second floor. Then, be pushed to the corridor on the right and enter a room.

"Sit down!" Following the patrolman's voice, Ye Buli found himself being pushed onto the chair.

Finally, the black cloth on his head was taken off and he could see clearly.

Right now, I am sitting on a chair. Surrounding the chair is a black iron cage. I have seen it on TV. It is for felons.

Behind him, two patrol officers stood on both sides, and in front, there was a long table with four patrol officers sitting there. One of them had a notepad in front of him, as if he was taking notes.

"Name!" A policeman in his thirties with a sturdy face across from him suddenly asked loudly.

"Don't you know?" Ye Buli said.

"Where does all this nonsense come from, asking you?" the patrolman behind Ye Buli shouted angrily.

"Ye Buli." Ye Buli said angrily.

"Gender?" Inspector Biaohan asked again.

"Can't you tell?" Ye Buli frowned and said.

"Can you cooperate?" The patrol officer behind him slapped Ye Buli on the back of the head and cursed.

"Why do you hit people?" Ye Buli shouted.

"Who saw someone beating you?" the patrolman said confidently.

"Who hit him?" "I didn't look." "Did someone hit him?" "No." The police officers in the room said this one by one.

Ye Buli felt aggrieved, what is this?

But he also understands that if he is not honest, he will definitely be in trouble.

Ye Buli had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, no one will hit me. I'm male. That's all."

"Wouldn't it be better if we cooperated like this earlier? Why are there so many problems?" The sturdy patrolman on the opposite side curled his lips and continued: "Age?"

"25." Ye Buli answered truthfully.

The patrol officer only asked for some basic information, and Ye Buli answered honestly in the spirit of a good man who doesn't suffer immediate losses.

After a while of questions and answers, the patrolman asked: "Ye Buli, you and the other prisoners in this cell disappeared last night. Where did they go?"

"I don't know." Ye Buli said.

"Don't know?" The patrolman raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily: "You guys ran away together, don't you know where they went?"

"We came down from Tangniu Mountain and ran around randomly. I don't know where they went." Ye Buli said deliberately aggrieved.

"You are not cooperating with our work!" The patrolman's voice turned cold.

The patrolman behind Ye Buli slapped Ye Buli on the back of the head again and said harshly: "Be honest, do you know you will be lenient if you confess!"

"I really don't know where they went." Ye Buli continued to deny.

"Don't say so." The tough patrol officer's face darkened.

"I don't know, what did I say?" Ye Buli said indifferently.

"Okay!" The tough patrolman immediately gave the patrolman behind Ye Buli a wink.

The patrolman immediately understood, took out the electric baton from his waist, and stabbed Ye Buli directly.

"Ah" Ye Buli was caught off guard and was electrocuted, almost fainting.

"Isn't that right? Let me give you a taste of the power!" The patrolman continued to stab Ye Buli with an electric baton on the body.

"Ah, ah, ah." Ye Buli screamed repeatedly as he was electrocuted, and said intermittently: "You are...tortured to extract a confession."

"I won't give you any clues, but I'll ask you calmly, can you tell the truth?" the tough patrol officer said with his eyes wide open.

The patrolman next to him said lazily: "Who has seen the torture and confession? If you don't tell the truth, you will be entertained later."

"I'm telling the truth." Ye Buli said with a grimace.

As soon as he said these words, he was hit twice more with a stick, and he screamed in pain, "Ahhh."

He knew in his heart that he could never tell the truth. If he told the truth, ran away to rob a tomb, and killed so many people, the consequences would be very serious, and the punishment would definitely be increased.

As the saying goes, those who confess will be punished with leniency and will go to jail, but those who resist will be punished with strict punishment and go home to celebrate the New Year.

Therefore, he made up his mind not to tell the truth.

In the tomb, I survived almost death. Now it doesn't matter if I receive two electric baton blows. I can actually be beaten to death.

Ye Buli also took the risk. After receiving several electric shocks in succession, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

"He passed out," said the patrolman holding the electric baton.

The tough patrolman waved his hand and said, "Take him down and give him some color."

In the hotel room.

Wen Qiong and Zhang Yu were lying on the bed, both sound asleep.

The two of them slept soundly. Zhang Yu turned over and lay on his back, snoring. Even so, he did not disturb Wen Qiong.

Time passes the fastest when you are sleeping. As time passed, it became dark.

Wen Qiong was confused and suddenly found himself in a cave. This cave was both familiar and unfamiliar.

She looked around, but there was no one around, only a stone door in front of her.

"Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu" Wen Qiong was obviously a little nervous and kept calling, but no one answered.

"Where is this place? Where did Xiao Yu go?" Wen Qiong was very scared and stayed for a moment. When she saw the stone gate in front of her, she could only walk over bravely.

Soon, people came to the door, and the originally closed stone door suddenly and slowly opened.

Wen Qiong stared ahead, and immediately saw a gloomy skeleton hanging behind the stone door.


Wen Qiong couldn't help but scream and opened her eyes.

Only then did I realize that the surrounding area was a little dark, but it was not in a cave.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu, who was lying aside, suddenly heard a cry and immediately opened his eyes and shouted.

"Xiao Yu." When Wen Qiong heard Zhang Yu's voice, she was so frightened that she finally felt at ease and couldn't help but throw herself on Zhang Yu's body.

She was wearing nothing, and when she pounced on Zhang Yu, she could really feel the man's warm embrace.

Women are different from men. Men's bodies are always hot, while women's bodies are usually cooler. As soon as his body came into contact, Zhang Yu felt the cool and smooth skin.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu was relatively calm and asked hurriedly: "Auntie, what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare. A hanging skeleton." Although Wen Qiong's heart felt a little more at ease, her voice was still a little trembling.

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