Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1562 Maoshan Spirit Map

Zhang Yu really didn't expect that Ye Buli would be such a bachelor when doing things. According to his intention, he planned to let Ye Buli predict his birth date, but this guy took the initiative to bet on the Maoshan spirit map.

Zhang Yu was very curious about this thing. He heard from Lao Wangtou that this thing was a symbol of the Maoshan Sect and could only be owned by masters of the Maoshan Sect with a certain level of strength. Moreover, the Maoshan Lingtu is very strange. Ye Buli used it to protect himself before, but then he put it away without knowing where.

Ye Buli now has nothing but a pair of underpants on his body.

If you can see the magic of Maoshan Lingtu, if you can imitate one, it will be a good thing.

Zhang Yu immediately nodded and said: "Since fellow Taoist is so generous, I won't be polite."

"I can see that you don't seem to be a polite person either." Ye Buli said, flipping his palm over, a golden light flashed in his palm, and a piece of cloth about the size of half a playing card appeared in his palm. This thing has red runes on it, making it look small and unique.

"Where did you hide this thing?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Dantian." Ye Buli replied.

"Is there any magic weapon that can be placed in the Dantian?" Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"It's so rare." Ye Buli smiled proudly, and then said: "I'll give it to you, but I can't tell you how to use this thing."

This is a unique magical weapon, so naturally you can't easily tell how to use it. It's not bad to have this thing as collateral. Furthermore, Zhang Yu didn't need him to tell him how to use it, because Zhang Yu still had the Jiu Xuan Mirror in his hand. It would not be difficult to decipher the Maoshan Spirit Map.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Sure, then you can give this thing to me."

Ye Buli was also happy and immediately handed the Maoshan Lingtu into Zhang Yu's hands.

This thing contains spiritual energy, shines brightly, and is very eye-catching. Zhang Yu doesn't know how to collect it in his dantian. Zhang Yu asked curiously: "Fellow Taoist, how do you get this thing into the Dantian? You see it is so eye-catching and it is inconvenient to carry it around."

"I really can't teach you this, otherwise you can find something to put it in." Ye Buli said.

Zhang Yu looked at himself and found that there was really nothing available, just a horoscope chart, which could be opened later. The Maoshan Lingtu was very thin, so he simply took out the eight-character fortune-telling chart, opened the back cover, and put the Maoshan Lingtu inside.

Ye Buli saw Zhang Yu's compass and immediately stared at it, "Fellow Taoist, your compass is pretty good."

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Yu glanced sideways at Ye Buli.

"If you have nothing to do with me, I'll give you the spiritual map and the copper seal," Ye Buli said with a smile.

"Here you go." Zhang Yu handed the copper seal to Ye Buli and put the compass back into his arms.

Niu Xiaopeng watched the transaction being carried out, and the copper seal fell into Ye Buli's hands. He had brought this thing out with all his life, but now he almost lost half his life in it, but in the end he didn't get anything.

Although he felt unhappy, he didn't dare to speak out. He couldn't afford to offend either of these two brothers, so he could only keep silent and make a fortune.

Zhang Yu had almost rested and said, "Let's leave now and leave this place of right and wrong."

"Okay." Ye Buli stood up.

Niu Xiaopeng also quickly stood up, and Zhang Yu helped Wen Qiong up and carried him on his back.

The three of them walked along the corridor together, heading towards the way they came.

Zhang Yu didn't know where the exit was, but since Ye Buli and Niu Xiaopeng were able to get down, there must be a place to get out.

After a while, we came to the intersection we passed before. Zhang Yu didn't say anything and just let Ye Buli lead the way. Ye Buli and Niu Xiaopeng kept walking forward. After walking a few dozen meters, a stone tablet appeared in front of them. This stone tablet is almost two meters high, similar to the stone tablet Zhang Yu saw at another intersection before.

Walking in this direction, you will see the back of the stone tablet, with no words behind it. When they came to the front, the inscription on the front was the same as what Zhang Yu saw last time. Although I don’t recognize the words above, the fonts are the same.

Going further, Zhang Yu saw light coming through. You'll soon see a rope hanging down in front of you. When he came under the rope, Zhang Yu looked up and saw that it should be dawn outside.

He and Wen Qiong came here at noon and didn't expect to be stuck here for so long. It can be seen that this hole is very deep, and when you think about it, when you came here, you had to go down two levels.

At this time, I heard Ye Buli say: "How to get up? Otherwise, I will come first and then pull you up."

"No need, I'll go first." Zhang Yu said.

In a place like this, caution is paramount. You don't want to hurt others, and you can't let others hurt you.

Ye Buli looked at Wen Qiong on Zhang Yu's back and said, "Can you go up with someone on your back?"

Zhang Yu smiled confidently and said, "It's not a problem to carry someone on your back."

After saying that, he took out a wind charm and said again: "Hold me tight!"

The violent wind talisman in his hand was thrown to the ground, and a wave of wild wind rose from the ground. Although Zhang Yu was carrying Wen Qiong on his back, he jumped forward suddenly, and with the help of the wind below, he jumped up to three or four meters. He grabbed the rope, used both arms again, kicked one foot heavily on the stone layer next to him, and jumped up another three or four meters.

Relying on this method, Zhang Yu finally came out of the cave several times.

The warm breeze blew on their bodies, making both Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong feel refreshed. This feeling was like a lifetime ago.

Looking around, there are dense trees, and a rope is tied to a big tree. There was no one around, but there were quite a few tools for digging holes. It looks very advanced and is definitely suitable for tomb robbers.

Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong sat down next to the tree. After waiting for a while, Ye Buli climbed down first. He was also very generous, and then he pulled Niu Xiaopeng up again.

After coming up, these two people also sat on the ground, panting heavily. Ye Buli took a few breaths, looked at Niu Xiaopeng, and said, "I pulled you up so hard that you were panting. Why are you panting?"

"I'm so nervous." Niu Xiaopeng licked his face and smiled, then said: "Boss, what should we do now? We are the only two people in the account. We haven't been back this night, so we should probably be wanted."

"It's impossible for me to go back anyway. How about love? How about you?" Ye Buli looked at Niu Xiaopeng.

Niu Xiaopeng said aggrievedly: "Boss, I was sentenced to four years just for hurting someone. I have already served one and a half years."

At this point, he found that Ye Buli had been staring at him, and he felt a sudden shock in his heart. He quickly said: "Forget it, just give me the antidote."

It turned out that when Ye Buli wanted to come down, he couldn't dig it out by himself, so he had to ask for help. This group of prisoners didn't say they could help just by promising some benefits. Ye Buli had to resort to some means of coercion and inducement.

The advantage is that you can choose two things and everyone else will share the rest, but the coercion is a little trick on everyone.

Ye Buli grinned and said: "What I gave you is only effective for three days. Now the third day has passed, it's okay."

"Ah?" After hearing this, Niu Xiaopeng almost cried.

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