Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1560 Nine Tibetan Human Relations Formation

Zhang Yu couldn't just use Wen Qiong as a test subject, so he came to Ye Buli with scissors.

Ye Buli's back was fine, and the main front was covered with clay. Zhang Yu tried it first and cut the scissors along the connection between the clothes and the clay.

He had been careful, but he didn't expect the scissors to be too fast this time. After all, they were magic weapons. Different from other scissors, as soon as they came into contact with the body, they immediately pierced the skin.

"Uh" Ye Buli grunted in pain, but did not dare to speak out and allowed Zhang Yu to strike.

Zhang Yu used the scissors to pass through the clothes and the clay bit by bit. With a hard cut, the clay was cut off. But to say it was simple, Ye Buli was unlucky.

The clay and clothes were stuck together, and they were considered one piece. No matter how careful Zhang Yu was, he would still scratch Ye Buli's skin.

This guy has thin skin and tender flesh, otherwise why would anyone want to blow his asshole? Several blood stains were left on his body within a short time. Of course, Ye Buli didn't care about the pain. After the clay was cut off, he felt relieved.

After working for a long time, the clay on the upper body was finally cleaned. Ye Buli was also lucky. Although the four pottery figurines guarding the door sprayed clay on Ye Buli's body, they mainly sprayed clay on his upper body and legs, and the waist area was still clean.

Ye Buli's upper body was already clean. Zhang Yu summed up a lot of experience when cutting the clay for him.

He stopped now and turned to deal with Wen Qiong. Ye Buli still expected Zhang Yu to save his life and did not dare to say anything.

"Auntie, don't be nervous, you'll be fine soon."

Wen Qiong's situation was worse than that of Ye Buli. She was sprayed with mud from the front and back by the pottery figurines. When Zhang Yu started, he had to start on Wen Qiong's shoulders.

The most important thing is that women have two more pieces of meat on their bodies than men. It is quite laborious to clean off the clay on these two pieces of meat.

It would be inconvenient to start here. Zhang Yu thought about it and decided to clean up other places first. Fortunately, there wasn't much clay around Wen Qiong's waist, belly, waist, thighs, and calves. To be cautious, Zhang Yu didn't clean it here to avoid losing it again.

After some struggling, Wen Qiong was finally able to move. At this moment, she looked quite artistic. She was wearing a clay tube top and clay and black shorts around her waist. She didn't know she thought she came out of the earth.

After dealing with Wen Qiong, Zhang Yu went to deal with Ye Buli's lower body. After taking care of it, all that was left on Ye Buli was the shorts around his waist.

Niu Xiaopeng sat on the side obediently, panting heavily, and now he calmed down. Ye Buli thanked Zhang Yu repeatedly and said politely for a while: "Brother, I don't know which Taoist sect you are from, but your cultivation is so good."

"No one can be a Taoist temple." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"I heard that I am a fellow Taoist from Wudang Taoist Temple. It is truly a lifetime honor to meet here today," Ye Buli said sincerely.

He wasn't lying. Zhang Yu saved him twice in a short period of time. Of course he felt honored.

"Don't be too polite, fellow Taoist. We are all tired now. Let's rest for a while before leaving. I don't know how you came here and still wearing such clothes?" Zhang Yu said politely.

"To be honest, I went to jail because someone bullied my junior sister. I was beaten to minor injuries and sentenced to three years. Isn't this just working as a prison laborer? My junior uncle said that there is an ancient tomb here. He asked me to come in and get some things out, and he sold the money to reduce my sentence. Unexpectedly." At the end of the sentence, Ye Buli smiled bitterly.

Coming here this time was a close call.

Zhang Yu asked Xiaopeng again, "Where is he?"

"He is my cellmate. Although I found the location of the cemetery, I wanted to get down and no one could dig it out, so I asked them to help dig it out. I promised them that after we find the treasure, we will share it together. Who would have thought So many people have died, and I don’t know what to do after being discovered by the patrol." Ye Buli shook his head and said.

This time I came to rob the tomb, and so many people died all at once. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it clearly after I go back.

After listening to what he said, Zhang Yu secretly said to himself, this kid is quite capable of memorizing, and even those who practice Taoism have been arrested and thrown into prison.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu thought of something. That's when Wen Qiong said that the four words "Nine Tibetan Human Relations" were engraved on the stone tablet, this kid ran as fast as he could. Zhang Yu didn't even know what Jiuzang's human relations were, but it seemed that disciples of major sects like the Maoshan Sect knew a lot.

Zhang Yu asked curiously: "Fellow Taoist, the four words "Jiuzang Human Relations" are engraved on the stone tablet here. Judging from the reaction of fellow Taoist at that time, it seemed that he knew what it meant. I wonder if you can give me some advice."

"So that's it. It doesn't matter if you tell fellow Taoists. This is what I heard from my uncle. Although our Maoshan sect does not fight against each other, we are still very clear about some things about the underworld. In many ancient tombs of princes and nobles, In addition to the precious funerary objects, there are also mechanisms and formations. I think I all know some of the common formations, but this Nine Tibetan Human Relations formation is extremely rare. I was on the mountain at the time, and I heard After the uncle mentioned it, he was out of curiosity, so he looked through the classics and studied it, so that he could remember it deeply. According to records, the Jiuzang Renlun formation was created by a master alchemist from Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. Now It has been lost. The main function of this formation is to suppress the resentment and soul of the deceased father when an unfilial son buries his father." Ye Buli said.

"There is such a formation." Zhang Yu was surprised.

"That's right." Ye Buli nodded and said: "An old friend said that killing a father is considered a great unfilial duty and contrary to human ethics. Such people, not only will fall into hell after death, but will also suffer the consequences even while alive. To retribution. You should know that when a person dies, the soul of heaven returns to heaven and the soul of earth returns to hell, the soul of life will disappear. Usually the father who was killed by his son has a lot of resentment and will not disappear easily, but once it disappears, it will The spirits of the underworld will report the murders to the King of Hell and ask for revenge. Therefore, people who have done something wrong will often find ways to avoid retribution. Classics record that when the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period Qi Huan Gong was seriously ill, he had five sons. In order to compete for the throne, they conquered each other, so that after Duke Huan of Qi died of illness, he lay in bed for two months. His body was rotten and no one collected it. Prince Wu Kui buried his father after killing all his brothers who were vying for the throne. But later He was in fear and uneasiness all day long. So, the young master Wu Kui invited the alchemist Cai Zheng to help him out of trouble. Cai Zheng said that the young master Wu Kui felt guilty and needed to confess to his late father and comfort the souls in order to find peace. Cai Zheng placed nine zodiac signs in the mausoleum of Duke Huan of Qi. In the Tibetan Human Lun Formation, Young Master Wugui is no longer flustered."

"So that's it." After listening to Ye Buli's narration, Zhang Yu secretly took a deep breath. No wonder he could hear the voice shouting "Guizi" before. It seemed like this.

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