Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1557 Pottery Figurine

Niu Xiaopeng was scared out of his wits just now. Now that Zhang Yu asked him to go in, to be honest, he really didn't dare.

But seeing Zhang Yu's serious look, he also knew that it would be impossible not to go in.

He has also seen Zhang Yu's strength, with fireballs and lightning, it would be easy to kill him.

He could only nodded, gritted his teeth, and walked inside. There was a wound on his leg, but fortunately it was just flesh and no muscle or bone had been injured.

Zhang Yu carried Wen Qiong on his back again and walked cautiously inside.

Ye Buli inside was really brave enough. Before Zhang Yu and Niu Xiaopeng could come over, he was already walking towards the sarcophagus in front.

When he came to the coffin, he reached out and pushed the coffin lid hard. This guy is indeed a cultivator, and he is very strong. He even pushed the coffin lid open by himself.

However, Ye Buli was not too reckless and did not dare to push too far away in case there was a hidden weapon inside. Push a corner away first to make sure there is no danger, then continue pushing.

"Sure enough, it is the grave of a rich man. From this point of view, it must be at least a prince or general." Ye Buli said.

Zhang Yu and Niu Xiaopeng had arrived not far from the coffin. Niu Xiaopeng was trembling with fear, with a glimmer of greed in his eyes, but Zhang Yu, on the other hand, was always paying attention to everything in front of him.

Previously, Zhang Yu stood at the door and looked inside, and there was also a blind spot. That is, there are four pottery figurines standing on the left and right sides of the inside of the door. These four pottery figurines are so lifelike that I have to admire the craftsmanship of that period.

Looking forward, there was a stone tablet in front of the coffin. There were four characters engraved on the stone tablet, which he did not recognize. On the left and right sides of the stele, Zhang Yu had seen what seemed to be several human-shaped things standing there before, but now he finally saw clearly that they were also human-shaped pottery figurines. There are four in total.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was a little surprised when he heard Ye Buli say that this is a grave for rich people, and said, "You said this is a grave for rich people? What's the basis for it? By the way, how did you get here?"

"This is too long to say in one sentence. I have no choice but to come here to rob the tomb. If you want to know, let's go into details after we finish the business," Ye Buli shook his head and said.

Saying that, this guy was not polite, reached out and took out a gem from the coffin.

The gem is red, about the size of a baby's fist, and looks noble.

"Tsk, tsk. It's such a good thing, I'm afraid it could be worth hundreds of millions," Ye Buli said, smacking his lips.

When Niu Xiaopeng saw what he said, he who was walking very slowly suddenly speeded up and rushed to the coffin in a few steps. He glanced inside and said excitedly: "Brother Ye, when you came here, you said that we have a share."

"I, Ye Buli, keep my word. I will choose two things first, and the rest will be yours." Ye Buli said carelessly.

"Okay, okay" Niu Xiaopeng nodded excitedly.

Zhang Yu also became curious about what was in the coffin. He quickly came to the coffin and looked inside.

Inside the coffin, there was a pottery figurine lying in the middle, but the head of this pottery figurine was a little different. That is, wearing a jade mask on his face. The mask is made of 14 sapphire pieces imitating the face of an adult man. The forehead, eyebrows, eyes, ears, mouth, yintang, cheeks, chin and other parts are all available, or they are made into triangles, trapezoids and tridents. In addition to thin jade pieces, there are dozens of red agate beads, which are connected to the ground material made of silk fabric. Because the facial features they form are well-proportioned and lifelike, they are no different from human faces.

On both sides of this pottery figurine, various funerary objects are placed. Among them are seals, bronze swords, gems, wine bottles, etc.

Zhang Yu had previously suspected that this place was a tomb, but the Yin spirits were clearly suppressed here, so how could it still be a tomb?

Seeing the contents in the coffin, it seemed that it was really a tomb.

At this point, Zhang Yu was a little confused. What was the purpose of this tomb? And the free alchemist Song Li. Wasn't such a big battle used to suppress the Yin spirits? Is it really the grave of some important person?

"Jiuzang. Ren. Lun." At this time, Wen Qiong on Zhang Yu's back suddenly said four words slowly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu was stunned and wondered why Wen Qiong said this.

Ye Buli, on the other hand, jumped back suddenly, turned to look at Wen Qiong, and shouted nervously: "What did you just say?"

"Jiuzang human relations." Wen Qiong was a little confused and didn't know why Ye Buli was so nervous.

Zhang Yu also looked at Ye Buli and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Ye Buli ignored Zhang Yu's words, but asked eagerly: "How do you know Jiuzang's human relations?"

"That's what's written on it." Wen Qiong pointed to the stone tablet in front of him.

Zhang Yu and Ye Buli both followed Wen Qiong's fingers and saw that there were only four characters on the huge stone tablet. They were similar to the handwriting they saw on the stone tablet before, and they didn't recognize them at all.

Ye Buli didn't seem to recognize him either. He also pointed to the stone tablet and shouted nervously: "You said the words written on it are Jiuzang Human Relations?"

"Yes." Wen Qiong nodded in confusion.

"No! Run!" Ye Buli shouted and turned around.

This guy was really fast. After turning around, he rushed towards the door.

Zhang Yu saw him running out and followed him. Niu Xiaopeng didn't know what was going on, so he grabbed a handful from the coffin, took out a copper seal, and then ran out.

Ye Buli ran the fastest, but something unexpected happened.

There are four pottery figurines on the left and right sides of the door. These four pottery figurines are lifelike and had been motionless before.

But now, the clay on the face of the pottery figurine broke apart, revealing a skull face.

Four pottery figurines moved and blocked the door. Ye Buli was also unlucky. He was the fastest and came to the door first, just in time to catch up with four pottery figurines blocking the door. He quickly stopped, but it was already over. The two pottery figurines raised their arms together, and mud shot out of their palms.

"Puff puff!".

A series of mud shots hit Ye Buli's body, and his chest and stomach were all hit. Strangely enough, the mud solidified immediately.

Ye Buli was horrified and hurriedly retreated, his body obviously much heavier than before.

"Puff puff!".

The other two pottery figurines also raised their hands now, and another series of mud shot towards Ye Buli's legs.

Ye Buli had just been hit, and his body was heavy. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The legs were then shot with mud, and the mud immediately solidified, turning Ye Buli's legs into pottery figurines, unable to move anymore.

Ye Buli was so frightened that he cried out, "Help me! Help me!"

Zhang Yu carried Wen Qiong on his back and ran a little slower. Seeing Ye Buli like this, he was secretly glad in his heart. Thanks to his slow running, if he ran at the front, he would be the one who turned into a pottery figurine. And Wen Qiong.

"Crack." "Creak."

At this time, Zhang Yu suddenly heard another strange sound coming from behind.

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