Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1551 Murderous Intent

Zhang Yu carried Wen Qiong on his back and hurried forward. Wen Qiong pressed her cheek against his shoulder, feeling the warmth of this man's body.

Or, this will be the last time in my life that a man carries me on my back. No matter whether she can go out or not, because only in this place can she truly release her emotions.

How she hoped that this road would never come to an end, so that she could always let this man carry her.

Unfortunately, not long after, the two came to the hall again. Walk across the arch bridge and soon come to the entrance to the next level.

Zhang Yu gently put Wen Qiong down and said softly: "Auntie, I will go down by myself first. You wait for me here. When the formation below me is broken, I will come up to pick you up."

"No..." Wen Qiong pursed her lips and shook her head. Looking like that, she was no different from a little girl. "I want to follow you down."

"There's danger down there." Zhang Yu said gently again.

"There is danger down there, isn't it above? Even if it means death, I will die with you..." Wen Qiong said firmly.

Seeing how serious she was, Zhang Yu knew that even if he wanted to stop her, he was afraid he couldn't. Zhang Yu had no choice but to say seriously: "Then you follow me, don't go out of the stairs, just watch me there. There is danger there, if you do it, it doesn't matter if I get hurt, but don't get hurt."

"Yes." Wen Qiong nodded solemnly.

She also understood that if she went down, she might become a burden to Zhang Yu. But from the bottom of her heart, she no longer wanted to be separated from Zhang Yu.

The fire gathering talisman that was knocked down previously has been destroyed. Zhang Yu knocked down three more fire-gathering talismans, and then slowly walked down.

When I came to the stone chamber below again, it was the same as when I came last time. There was a copper door. On both sides of the copper door were two tomb beasts and nine red wooden figures kneeling there in a semicircle.

The last time Zhang Yu came down, he heard a shrill cry, but he didn't hear it this time. The reason why he turned around and escaped was not all because of this shout, but also because of these nine wooden men.

The nine wooden figures contained a strong murderous aura. Not only that, they were also an extremely powerful formation. You must know that this formation is not only used to suppress Yin spirits, but also to resist the invasion of outsiders.

There were so many dead rats lying on the ground. People would not kill them for fun. Just like Zhang Yu, he meant to disperse them. It was impossible to kill them all. There was no one else here, but so many rats died. No need to guess, they must have been injured by the formation.

Zhang Yu didn't say that he couldn't break it, but he didn't want to cause trouble. But now that he was being forced, it would be impossible not to cause trouble.

He stared at the nine wooden figures. The wooden figures were motionless. Apart from the murderous aura, there was nothing else.

Zhang Yu was vaguely certain that the formation had not been activated yet. It was estimated that it would be activated only after he got closer.

To be careful, Zhang Yu took out an amulet and a divine talisman from his pocket and put them on his body, and then whispered: "Auntie, you take two steps back. I am going to break the formation now. You must not leave. This side of the stairs.”

"Yes." Wen Qiong nodded lightly. She also understood that now was not the time to talk nonsense, and she must not delay Zhang Yu from doing business. He couldn't get close, so as not to distract Zhang Yu.

After she took a few steps back up the steps, Zhang Yu walked inside. The money sword has been synthesized and is floating beside him. He holds the palm thunder in his left hand and the fire talisman in his right hand.

Now that he understands the clues, Zhang Yu will not wait until he reaches a certain position and activates the formation before taking action. Without any hesitation, he raised his left palm and struck at the wooden man in the middle.


Get the head start! Although I don't know what kind of formation this is, after all, it is a wooden person, so I can't withstand the thunder in the palm.

However, something unexpected happened.

Under the lightning, lightning directly hit the wooden man. The wooden man's body only trembled, nothing else.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "swipe" sound, and the nine wooden men suddenly dispersed, forming four positions on the left and five on the right, and clamped Zhang Yu.

Seeing this formation, Zhang Yu immediately knew what the formation was. This was the Jiuyao Star position. It turned out to be a Jiuyao Killing Formation.

Previously, I could only see the back of the wooden man, but now I can see the face of the wooden man clearly. They are all carved from wood, but they are lifelike.

The Nine Yao Stars are the seven stars of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, plus the two stars of Luohu and Jidu. Generally speaking, the formation eyes are on the Tianshu star. Zhang Yu was not polite and fired another thunderbolt from his palm, shooting straight at the wooden man standing at the Tianshu star.


The wood chips flew, but they only cracked open a little of the wooden man's chest.

"Huh?" At this moment, Zhang Yu unexpectedly discovered that there were words on the wooden man's chest. What is engraved is - Chou Wei.

Seeing these two words, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be stunned. What does this mean?

Before he could think about it, Zhang Yu immediately felt a strong murderous aura surrounding him. The force of this murderous aura almost tore his flesh apart. It was only because of the amulet and divine talisman. Otherwise, he would probably have been knocked down by the murderous aura on the spot.

Zhang Yu saw that attacking the Tianshu Star had no effect, so he didn't care anymore. He fired another laser from his palm towards the wooden man at the Tianquan Star. The three fire talismans in his right hand hit Tianxuan Star, Tianji Star and Jade Star respectively. The wooden man of Hengxing. With a finger of his right hand, the money sword with the fire talisman shot at the wooden man of Kaiyang Star. Then he took out a pair of black scissors from his arms and threw it at the wooden man of Shaking Light Star.


"Puff puff!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Zhang Yu's movements were extremely fast, and the six wooden men were hit almost at the same time. The wooden man who was hit by the palm thunder was the same as the previous one, that is, sawdust flew from his chest, and one word was also revealed - wood.

The wooden man who was hit by the fireball immediately caught fire, and the fire was quickly extinguished, and words were revealed on the chests of the three wooden men.

The word "Ziwu" is revealed on the chest of the wooden figure of Tianxuan Star; the word "gold" is revealed on the chest of the wooden figure of Tianji Star; the word "water" is revealed on the chest of the wooden figure of Yuheng Star.

The money sword shot into the chest of Kaiyangxing wooden man and was actually embedded in it. The black scissors pierced the chest of the wooden figure of Shaking Light Star, but were also clamped, but did not break the wooden figure.

"Whirring whirring……"……

Seven of the nine wooden men seemed to be injured, but they were not affected at all. The strong murderous aura did not stop at all and was still rushing towards Zhang Yu's body.

Zhang Yu felt as if his body was bound by invisible ribbons, and he also had a feeling that his muscles were about to be torn.

His whole body made a "chichichi" sound, like so many sharp knives scraping against his body, causing extreme pain.

"Uh..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but make a painful sound, but he knew that now was the time to risk his life, and he had to go all out and concentrate.

However, he used all his special moves and attacked seven wooden men in succession, but none of these seven wooden men seemed to be where the formation's eyes were.

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