Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 155 Discharge

"You can tease me..." Seeing that Zhang Yu could still smile playfully, Yang Ying felt both love and hate. Of course, there is no need to say whether he loves or hates Zhang Yu without notifying him. Everyone else came early. If Zhu Dafei hadn't read the news in the newspaper, he wouldn't have known that such a big thing had happened.

In fact, she didn't know that none of these people had been notified. They all came by reading the newspaper.

Xiao Jiejie, who was lying sideways on the bed next door, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Yu called Yang Ying "auntie". It seems that this woman is Zhang Yu's relative and elder, no wonder he is so worried.

Next, Zhang Yu had to say hello one by one and accept everyone's condolences, which was a lot of work. Everyone's concern was extremely sincere. Yang Ying also learned from the words that these people only found out after reading the newspaper, and she couldn't help but be moved. It seems that Zhang Yu's hard work is not in vain. He treats others with sincerity, and others treat him with sincerity.

In addition to expressing condolences, Chief Inspector Lu Weichen also verbally commended Zhang Yu, saying nothing more than saying that he was brave enough to do what was right, and that he would be feared for the rest of his life. Because there were so many people around, he didn't mention the bonus directly, but he made it clear that in two days the patrol chief would give Zhang Yu a bravery award.

Everyone stayed in the hospital until noon before leaving, saying that they came in a hurry today and did not say that they would buy something and would come to visit tomorrow. Zhang Yu thought that these old men were old and should not let them go back and forth, so after they left, he proposed to be discharged from the hospital and go home.

This was a traumatic injury. Zhang Yu knew better than anyone that it was no big deal. He went back and prepared two sets of medicine himself, which was more effective than the ones in the hospital. So, at his insistence, he went home with Yang Ying that day, and called a few old men by the way, saying that since he was discharged from the hospital, he didn't need to visit you anymore, and that he would visit you when he was better.

Seeing Zhang Yu discharged from the hospital, Xiao Jiejie also immediately applied for discharge.

Back home, nothing happened during the day. Zhang Yu lay on the bed, Yang Ying fed him, and the two of them talked. But at night, the problem arises. Zhang Yu must sleep on the bed, and Yang Ying is too embarrassed to sleep on the same bed with him.

She simply opened Zhang Yu's luggage on the floor and prepared to sleep on the floor. Seeing her like this, Zhang Yu said eagerly: "Little aunt, what are you doing?"

"I...sleep..." Yang Ying lowered her head and said.

"But the floor is cold, how can you sleep on the floor!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then where should I sleep?" Yang Ying's face turned slightly red, asking her to offer to share the bed with Zhang Yu. She really couldn't bring herself to do this.

"Go to bed..." Zhang Yu's voice was not loud. He looked at Yang Ying with a sincere look.

Yang Ying's heart trembled, and her heart felt like it was in her throat. Just now she hoped that Zhang Yu would say this, but when Zhang Yu actually said this, she became extremely nervous.

The two looked at each other for five seconds before Yang Ying nodded lightly, "Okay..."

Lying on the bed, Yang Ying faced Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu turned to face her. The two faced each other again, their eyes intertwined.

Zhang Yu's face still looked childish, but his eyes held a perseverance that was different from his age. Yang Ying's face was burning hot, and her trembling heart could not calm down.

"Little aunt, why is your heart beating so fast?" Zhang Yu suddenly asked.

After hearing this, Yang Ying became even more shy. She quickly spat and said, "Who is nervous!"

After saying that, he quickly turned around and pointed the back of his head at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu stuck out his tongue and muttered in his heart, "I only said your heart was beating fast, I didn't say you were nervous..."

He didn't know much about men and women, and he felt that his aunt's reaction was too much. After all, he didn't come from the Valley of the Wicked, nor from Li Chun Yuan. He was just a child from the countryside, and the discipline at home was strict. In the village, except for Old Man Wang's coffin shop, he had never been to any complicated places. place. Naturally, there are few things that are subtle to the eyes and ears.

He was so tired that he fell asleep after a while. Yang Ying couldn't sleep with her back to him. When she heard Zhang Yu's even breathing, she slowly turned around. Yang Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Zhang Yu had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

That peaceful face looked like that of a big child, but in fact Zhang Yu was just a big boy. Yang Ying was so affectionate that she couldn't help but raise her hand, gently put it on Zhang Yu's face, and caress it tenderly.

"Xiao Yu..."

Yang Ying's mood was complicated. When she was in the hospital today, it was not difficult for her to see that among the women who came to visit Zhang Yu, there were many who liked Zhang Yu. Women are most astute in such matters.

She also hopes that Zhang Yu can find a good girl, but she doesn't want to lose this man. It was hard for her to let go. She also knew that she was not worthy of this man. Who could understand the conflict in her heart.

The patrol chief's work was very efficient this time. It took less than two days for Zhang Yu's "reward for courageous service" to be issued. The main reason was that Xiao Mingshan was very efficient and sent the money to the patrol chief room later. Therefore, Chief Inspector Lu only spent 200,000 yuan, and cleverly devised a name to solve the compensation issue easily.

Bao Jiayin naturally told Zhang Yu the whole story. Because Zhang Yu was injured, Bao Jiayin did not mention the 20% attorney fee, but Zhang Yu still had to pay it if she didn't want it. At the same time, Zhang Yu was still lamenting that there were too many frivolous people in the city.

So Zhang Yu made a small request to Bao Jiayin, hoping that Bao Jiayin would introduce him to some books so that he could understand life in the city as soon as possible. This move made Bao Jiayin even more impressed with Zhang Yu. She introduced Zhang Yu to several books on legal practice and humanistic communication, all of which she thought were very good.

During the few days he was recuperating at home, Yang Ying took great care of Zhang Yu, washing his face, feet, feeding him, and changing his dressing every day. Zhang Yu just read books when he had nothing to do. Through many direct cases, Zhang Yu learned that Yang Ying's case did involve financial compensation and other issues, and once it really got bigger, it would involve more. problem, no wonder Bao Jiayin can be confident in claiming compensation.

No one can bear it when people always lie on the bed. Zhang Yu is also a human being, and he is no exception. The little aunt is a housekeeper and basically doesn't let him get off the bed, except to go to the bathroom, which is all on the bed. The reason is very good, it cannot involve the wound and affect the recovery.

Zhang Yu was not used to sleeping on his stomach. He mostly slept on his back. A few nights ago, whenever he turned over slightly in his sleep, he would wake up in pain. But that night, I don't know whether it was because the wound was almost healed or because I slept too hard. I turned over, but I didn't feel anything and was still asleep.

Maybe it's been too long since he's stretched out. The human body will automatically adjust during sleep. The posture just now must have been uncomfortable. Zhang Yu turned over again. The double bed was only so big. This time it happened to touch the bed next to him. Yang Ying.

He didn't feel it himself, but his weight was there. Yang Ying soon felt uncomfortable and opened her eyes unconsciously.

When she opened her eyes, she immediately felt Zhang Yu's face buried in her ear, and his other hand was spread out and placed on her shoulder.

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