Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1538 No results

Zhang Yu couldn't figure out who killed Zhenren Tang and for what reason. But Zhang Yu knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. If someone found him here, he would not be able to explain it with eight mouths.

Zhang Yu immediately jumped out of the window, climbed over the wall, and quickly left Yangchun Guan. With his ability, no one would notice him when he came, and he would certainly not be seen when he left.

Even so, Zhang Yu kept an eye on it and did not contact Wen Qiong immediately after going out. He even walked through several streets to a place far away before calling Wen Qiong to drive over to pick him up.

Wen Qiong was confused. She didn't know how Zhang Yu ran so far away. In addition, he was not familiar with the route. It took him a long time to find Zhang Yu.

There is a reason why Zhang Yu did this. There is no surveillance in the Taoist temple, but there are a lot of surveillance on the road outside the Taoist temple. There are surveillance cameras at every intersection. If he swaggers out to meet Wen Qiong, the surveillance cameras will definitely be able to capture it, and he won't be able to tell if the path is unknown.

Even if Wen Qiong can rely on his identity as "Pan Yun" to smooth things over, there will still be trouble.

It was daybreak all the way back to Zhendong District. Wen Qiong first sent Ye Fenghuang home, then switched to Zhang Yu's car and drove back to his home.

She was different from Zhang Yu. After all, Zhang Yu was a Taoist and energetic. Wen Qiong stayed up all night from day to night, and her upper and lower eyelids were obviously fighting.

After arriving home, he entered Wen Qiong's room. Pan Yun took over his mother's role and lay on the bed. Everyone was awake now. I was relieved to see my mother and Zhang Yu finally back.

"Mom, Zhang Yu, why did you come back just now? Is everything okay?"

"There's something wrong." Zhang Yu pulled up a chair and sat down.

Wen Qiong went to bed directly. After lying on the bed, he said lazily: "Tell her if you have anything to do. I'm exhausted. I'll take a nap first."

Having said that, she didn't even close her eyes. She was also very curious about what happened at night.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "There are three things. The first thing is that Qiu Jianyue is really going to Shicheng in two days, and he wants to go with us."

Then, he briefly explained Qiu Jianyue's trip to Shicheng to do charity.

Wen Qiong knew about this, but Pan Yun didn't.

After learning about it, Pan Yun said a little dissatisfied: "Why did you tell me? Why didn't you call me yesterday?"

"Tell you, what's the use?" Wen Qiong said from the side.

"Can't I inform the colonel?" Pan Yun said.

"How do you notify me? If you want to notify me, I have to call." Wen Qiong said.

"That's right." Pan Yun frowned, and then said, "Then I'll give you my number, and you can call the colonel quickly."

"Why are you in a hurry? Listen to what Xiao Yu has to say. There are two other things." Wen Qiong said.

"Okay. Zhang Yu, go on." Pan Yun looked at Zhang Yu.

"The second thing is that I saw a piece of paper in Qiu Jianyue's room, which said that I would pick up Beibei at Fisherman's Beach at eleven o'clock, four to the left and two to the right," Zhang Yu said.

"What does this mean?" Pan Yun asked curiously.

"Qiu Jianyue's explanation was that she went to Fisherman's Beach to pick up her cousin Beibei at 11 noon. But my aunt and I suspected that Qiu Jianyue was going to Fisherman's Beach to conduct some transaction at night, so we went to Fisherman's Beach at night."

Before Zhang Yu could finish what he said, Pan Yun became anxious after hearing this, "You didn't even tell me about this, it's already dawn!"

"What's the use of telling you? We were worried that this might be Qiu Jianyue's conspiracy and deliberately testing us, so we didn't tell you to avoid any accidents." Wen Qiong glanced at her daughter sideways.

"Even if it's just a test, you have to tell me why it's useless." Pan Yun also looked at his mother.

"If I tell you, you are still not allowed to run out! Your body now belongs to me, can I let you do whatever you want!" Wen Qiong said sternly.

"Okay, okay." Pan Yun curled his lips and said, "What's next? You two went to Fisherman's Beach. Did you find anything?"

Wen Qiong also looked at Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu's answer.

"When I arrived at Fisherman's Beach, I just happened to find out about the deal. The voice of the person who spoke was very familiar, and it surprised me." Zhang Yu then told him about his encounter with Lu Taoist and the dwarf Heiying.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Pan Yun asked anxiously: "What happened next?"

"Because I used the tracking technique, I followed the route with my aunt until we reached Yangchunguan. It turned out that the contents in the suitcase were indeed poppy juice, but Yangchunguan did not use this to make poison, but to Refining medicine. Later, another accident happened, that is, Tang Laodao, the abbot of Qiu Ancestral Temple, died in Yangchunguan. He was punched in the heart, his heart veins were shattered, and he died suddenly on the spot." Zhang Yu said.

"Punched in the heart" Pan Yun groaned.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded, "I heard you say that Qiu Jianyue has this ability, but I think Qiu Jianyue doesn't seem to have the motive to kill. If possible, it's best to check. The previous one Is the death condition of the deceased the same as that of Tang Laodao?"

"Cruciatus should be checked. Not only that, but also where Qiu Jianyue is tonight. I'll call the colonel right now." When Pan Yun said this, he immediately realized that he couldn't make the call. She I could only turn to look at my mother and say, "Mom, I'm sorry to bother you."

Wen Qiong looked sleepy, but she also knew that the matter was urgent. She checked with her daughter what to say before picking up her cell phone and dialing the colonel's number.

He told the colonel what he had said in advance and asked him to investigate what was going on.

After all, Pan Yun is just an undercover agent. There are some things that are more convenient for the patrol room to investigate. Just like Tang Zhenren's death, Yangchun Guan should have reported the case.

There is also the whereabouts of Qiu Jianyue last night. The colonel should also be able to find out. The other thing is that Beibei. Is there such a person? If Qiu Jianyue didn't pick him up at all, there must be something wrong.

After saying this, the colonel asked her to wait for news and hung up the phone.

Wen Qiong was too sleepy to open her eyes, so she lay on the bed and fell asleep. Zhang Yu was also sleepy. Pan Yun asked Zhang Yu to go to her room to sleep and wait until the news came.

Not to mention, the colonel's efficiency in handling this kind of thing is not very high. Of course, it was mainly because of the assistance of the Zhenhai Patrol Chief. With Xue Zhan's words, the Zhenbei District Patrol Chief would naturally report Tang Zhenren's death. Even after the body was transported to the patrol hospital, the colonel's people took over and performed the autopsy. As expected, the symptoms were the same as Niu Sanpao's death, and it was definitely caused by the Cruciatus punch.

Apart from that, there is the whereabouts of Qiu Jianyue last night. As for Qiu Jianyue's surveillance, it is impossible for the patrol room to rely solely on Pan Yun. It's just that Qiu Jianyue is a special forces member and has counter-reconnaissance capabilities. Patrol officers cannot monitor Qiu Jianyue like ordinary people, so as not to alert others.

Therefore, there are only two places to monitor him, at home and in the hospital. There is conclusive news that Qiu Jianyue went to the hospital with a woman yesterday afternoon, went out for dinner in the evening, and then came back, and did not leave the hospital for the whole night.

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