Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1528 Four left and two right

Wen Qiong and Zhang Yu came to Snow Flour Group, which is also a listed company and seems to be quite large. If the Flour Group is able to go public, it is considered quite good in China.

"Weng Xingzhu" is obviously very familiar with this place, and the security guards also know her. As soon as she heard that she was here to see Mr. Qiu, she was immediately released.

As soon as he entered the company's lobby, Zhang Yu always took a look at the feng shui as a habit. With just one look, he was able to confirm that there was a smooth fortune-making tactic here. Moreover, the formation is not weak, and it is considered a relatively advanced Feng Shui strategy.

This made him think of the Feng Shui bureau he borrowed his life from. It seemed that there was indeed a master of this skill behind Qiu Jianyue.

Qiu Jianyue's office is on the seventh floor. Wen Qiong has heard from her daughter that she and Zhang Yu went directly to the chairman's office on the seventh floor.

There was a female secretary sitting outside. When Wen Qiong saw her, she immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Liu, Mr. Qiu invited me here."

"Mr. Weng, I heard Mr. Qiu say it. Hey, this gentleman is..." The female secretary looked at Zhang Yu, obviously a little curious as to why "Weng Xingzhu" brought a man here.

"This is Mr. Zhang from Wudang Group, and he and Mr. Qiu are also good friends. Otherwise, please inform Mr. Qiu." Wen Qiong said with a smile.

"Okay." The female secretary didn't dare to let Zhang Yu in casually and quickly picked up the phone.

This is an internal call. It was connected directly. The female secretary said: "Mr. Qiu, Mr. Weng is here."

"Then invite her in." Qiu Jianyue said on the phone.

"Mr. Weng also brought a gentleman here, saying he is Mr. Zhang from Wudang Group and he is your friend." The female secretary said carefully.


Qiu Jianyue only said one word and the phone was hung up instantly.

In just a blink of an eye, the door inside opened, and Qiu Jianyue walked out with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, please forgive me for not notifying you of your arrival. I didn't greet you from a distance."

As Qiu Jianyue said this, she came to Zhang Yu and took the initiative to extend her hand to Zhang Yu. When Zhang Yu also extended his hand, the two of them held their hands together, and Qiu Jianyue's other hand came up, holding Zhang Yu's hand and shaking it, showing great enthusiasm.

The female secretary looked confused. When "Weng Xingzhu" came, Qiu Jianyue only said to come in, and did not say to greet him personally. But when Mr. Zhang arrived, the boss came out in a hurry.

She immediately realized that Mr. Zhang of Wudang Group had become very famous recently. He had donated treasures to the Office of the Commissioner, and was the number one on the Yaowen Charity List. His popularity was extraordinary.

Furthermore, I am engaged in real estate. Which company can make a lot of money these days is naturally real estate. How much does this flour seller have to sell to buy a house?

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "I had dinner with Miss Weng yesterday, and I heard that she was coming to discuss business with Mr. Qiu. I was very concerned about Mr. Qiu, so I came uninvited. I hope Mr. Qiu won't take offense."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Zhang? Your presence has really made our company shine. Mr. Zhang and Miss Weng, please come in quickly." Qiu Jianyue took Zhang Yu's hand and walked inside.

Qiu Jianyue's office is not small. The wall where she enters is a row of rolling cabinets. Opposite is the boss's desk. There are large sofas on the left and right sides. There is also a lounge inside.

Qiu Jianyue pulled Zhang Yu to the sofa on the left and sat down. As soon as Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong sat down, they saw a piece of white paper on the coffee table. On the white paper, two lines of words were written - Arrive at Fisherman's Beach at 11 o'clock. Pick up Beibei. Four left and two right.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was stunned and couldn't help but stare at it.

Qiu Jianyue immediately discovered that there was such a piece of paper on the table and grabbed it in her hand.

Seeing how anxious he was, Zhang Yu couldn't help but look at Qiu Jianyue curiously. Qiu Jianyue laughed, patted her forehead, and said with a smile: "Look at my memory, I almost forgot important things, and this is still written down on paper. Beibei is my cousin, and she called me yesterday He said, I got my father some home remedies to cure cancer, and I agreed to pick her up at eleven o'clock."

Qiu Jianyue said, walked to the boss's desk, grabbed the office phone on the table, and dialed a number.

"Director He, take a car to Fisherman's Beach immediately and take my sister to the hospital. Her phone number is 135. When you get there, call her."

After some arrangements, Qiu Jianyue hung up the phone and put the piece of paper on the boss' desk.

He returned to sit on the sofa, but Zhang Yu always felt that there seemed to be something wrong here. If it's just picking up people, what does it say "four left and two right" mean?

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't ask this question, but asked with concern: "Brother Qiu, I wonder what your father's current situation is like?"

Qiu Jianyue shook her head helplessly and said: "The situation is not optimistic, and I dare not tell him the exact condition of his condition. I can only ask for help, look around for some folk remedies, and let fate do its best."

"That's true. Once a disease like cancer reaches an advanced stage, ugh..." Wen Qiong said melancholy.

The three of them first chatted about Qiu Jianyue's father's situation, and then chatted about family matters.

After a while, Wen Qiong said: "Mr. Qiu, you said last night that you had business to negotiate with me. I wonder if you have any good business to take care of?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu immediately said, "You two talk about your affairs. I'll go out and smoke a cigarette first."

After saying that, he was about to stand up.

"No, no, just smoke here." Qiu Jianyue immediately laughed and said, "Our small business, in front of Mr. Zhang, is just a trick."

He pulled Zhang Yu to sit down, and Zhang Yu actually took out a cigarette and handed one to Qiu Jianyue. Qiu Jianyue refused to smoke, so he lit one himself.

Zhang Yu puffed out smoke, while Qiu Jianyue said: "Miss Weng, it's like this. Our company plans to go to Shicheng in three days."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong were startled.

You know, the purpose of this trip was to find out whether Qiu Jianyue was going to Shicheng. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to find out.

Wen Qiong did not show any excitement, but asked curiously: "Why does Mr. Qiu suddenly plan to go to Shicheng? Does this have anything to do with our company?"

"Actually, Mr. Zhang should also be aware of this matter. Mr. Yang's son had some problems in Shicheng. Although it has been settled now, it has finally lost its reputation. This time, our company and the Yangzi plan to do something in the poor rural areas of Shicheng. A donation event and several acrobatic performances. We have already contacted an acrobatic troupe. Considering that the acrobatics alone are a bit monotonous, we would like to invite your modeling company to come with us and perform some catwalk songs and dances. Don't worry, Ms. Weng. , the reward will never be small." Qiu Jianyue said with a smile.

"So that's it. How could I not obey Mr. Qiu's invitation?" Wen Qiong immediately laughed.

When Zhang Yu saw Wen Qiong's promise, he immediately said: "Mr. Qiu, how can I not be counted among those who have done such a good deed? I, Zhang Yu, am also very concerned about charity. Otherwise, I would not be able to give out 300 million yuan to the group. We Let’s make it more lively together.”


It's terrible. It's stormy outside, the water is still running in the house, the toilet can't be flushed, and the body is covered in sweat. It's heart-wrenching. I can only write while the night is still cool. There's still one chapter left, and Lao Tie is working hard.

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