Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1523 Jade King

"Qiu Jianyue is a well-known good person. If there is no conclusive evidence, no one can do anything to him? Even if it is an investigation, it must be a secret investigation." Pan Yun said.

Zhang Yu nodded, this is correct. If an ordinary person is involved in this kind of case, he will definitely be arrested and interrogated first. Even if nothing can be found in the interrogation, fatigue tactics will be used to force a way out.

But this method doesn't work for celebrities like Qiu Jianyue.

However, Zhang Yu still asked curiously: "Qiu Jianyue has a good reputation. You just said it was a major drug trafficking case. How could you be involved with him?"

"In fact, I don't know much about this case. I won't hide it from you. This time I was invited by the Kamikaze Anti-Drug Task Force to assist in handling the case. The goal is to wipe out the drug gang codenamed Yutianwang." Pan Yun said truthfully.

"Special Forces" Zhang Yu was surprised. Although he didn't know the specific situation of the anti-drug special forces, he also understood that anything involving the special forces was no small matter. It is estimated that ordinary drug trafficking cases are handled by patrols, and it is impossible for special forces to take action.

"Yes, when it comes to the special forces, you must have guessed that this case is very big. Let me tell you, there have always been drug gangs in the country, and every year patrols will uncover several cases. However, there is a huge profit, so there will always be people who take risks and do This kind of beheading business. The patrol room determined that it must be the Jade King's gang. They tried to destroy this gang many times, but failed. All they caught were some small fish and shrimps. They didn't even know what the Jade King looked like. When King Jade destroyed Niu Sanpao's gang four years ago, Niu Sanpao was defeated. On the way to escape with his four horsemen, he was chased by a man. In the end, this man killed Niu Sanpao and five others on the street. It happened that What's interesting is that a traffic surveillance video recorded a scene. The person who chased Niu Sanpao was very skilled and clean. One of the moves, the Cruciatus Fist, was even used by the special forces. The accurate positioning and sufficient strength were absolutely amazing. Only a warrior king who has experienced hundreds of battles can do it." Pan Yun said eloquently.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but say, "King of Soldiers."

For a moment, he thought of Xiao Jiejie's title to Qiu Jianyue.

"That's right, it's the King of Soldiers!" Pan Yun nodded solemnly and continued: "After watching the video, the patrol room did not recognize that the moves used by the man were those of the special forces, and just regarded them as ordinary fighting. It was determined that the criminal was a ruthless character. However, as the Jade King gang became rampant, especially at the beginning of the year, the convoy intercepted a bunch of poppy extract at the border. Its high purity and huge quantity were eye-catching. It was found out that it was After the Jade King's goods, the Office issued a strict order to dispatch the Kamikaze Anti-Drug Special Forces to completely destroy the Jade King gang. After the video was handed over to the special team, the man's tricks were also directly seen. The Special Agents of the Office The system of team members is very strict. Very few people will retire from the army. They either sacrifice their lives or become old and become instructors or bodyguards of some important personnel. Anyone who retires is either seriously injured or has committed a crime. Big mistake, you will not return to society until you accept the punishment. The special operations team screened the retired special operations team members over the years, and then after body comparison, only four people were selected in total."

"One of them should be Qiu Jianyue, right?" Zhang Yu asked.

"That's right." Pan Yun nodded, "Among the four people, two were seriously injured and retired while serving, and two were forced to retire because they made mistakes. Two of them made mistakes and were discharged, one was released from prison last year, and the other was The year before last, so it was impossible to participate in the case four years ago. The remaining two injured, one had a shattered knee and was unable to walk normally for the rest of his life, so he was also excluded. The remaining one is Qiu Jianyue. "

"Is Qiu Jianyue injured? I didn't see it," Zhang Yu said doubtfully.

"When Qiu Jianyue was on duty at the southwest border five years ago, she was shot in the lungs and inhaled miasma. When she was found, she was already in critical condition. No one expected that she could be rescued successfully. It was just that her lungs were infected, and she was often infected. His breathing will be blocked, and if he exerts too much force, he will easily go into shock. Considering his physical condition, he will no longer be able to serve, and will eventually be discharged and return home. The special operations team has his record, so they think he cannot be the person in the video. However, Qiu Dashan's reputation was so great that the special operations team determined after only one investigation that Qiu Dashan was a retired member of the special operations force. When Qiu Jianyue recovered, the special operations team entrusted local resettlement and, considering his physical condition, let him I went to a local school to work as an office worker and enjoyed various benefits from the school, including winter and summer vacations.”

Having said this, Pan Yun paused and then continued: "The special team took into account his contribution back then and the contribution of the good people now, so they went to express condolences. It was also a test and found that Qiu Jianyue's lung disease had been completely cured. , which was very surprising. At that time, hospital experts consulted and concluded that Qiu Jianyue had no possibility of recovery, so they reluctantly approved the retirement of this soldier. From a school clerk, he became the chairman of the Snow Flour Group, and after recovering from his injuries, This is inevitably confusing. The special team secretly went to the school where Qiu Jianyue was assigned to understand the situation, and learned one thing. Not long after Qiu Jianyue went to the school, she seemed to like a female teacher, and this female teacher seemed to She was pursued by a well-known Internet writer. The novel "The King of Soldiers" written by this Internet writer was extremely popular. Therefore, the female teacher chose the author of the novel "The King of Soldiers" instead of the real "King of Soldiers". This deeply affected Qiu Jianyue. Blow, it is rumored that he resigned after reading the novel "The King of Soldiers". After he resigned, no one knew where he went or what he did until he bought the Snowflake Flour Mill in Zhenhai. During this blank period, it happened to be On the day when three drug gangs were destroyed, the man in the video was similar in stature to Qiu Jianyue, and the trick he used to kill Niu Sanpao was said to be Qiu Jianyue's signature trick. Killed with one move, no chance of survival! "

"In that case, Qiu Jianyue is most likely the one who committed the crime." Zhang Yu said.

"The special forces thought so too, and asked people to ask about their experiences during that blank period. Qiu Jianyue's answer was flawless, saying that he met a rich woman, and then the two of them got together. The rich woman paid him to beg for help. He went to the doctor and cured his disease with folk remedies. The rich woman was abroad and came back occasionally. The money to buy the Snow Flour Mill was also paid by the rich woman. Considering his current status, it is impossible to arraign him. . We can only investigate secretly." Pan Yun said.


The power and water were cut off during the day, and the phone came back at night, so I wrote two chapters. But with Lao Tie’s professionalism, today’s update is definitely indispensable. I continue to work hard and finish the remaining two chapters as soon as possible.

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