Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1516 Jade Xu Rope


Zhenren Lu's words made Zhenren Tang stupid.

Isn't this a joke? I'm asked to go to Zhang Yu to claim compensation. Why do I say this?

After burning a flag, I went to tell Zhang Yu that I would pay for the flag, and Zhang Yu would have to decide whether he would pay or not. If he really wanted to pay, he could make one for you at any place that makes flags. What would be the use?

If it is said that a magic weapon was burned, then Zhang Yu would have more to say. What evidence do you have to prove that it was a magic weapon? Are you here to blackmail someone? If not, go to the Taoist Association to comment on the doctrine and explain what is going on.

In this way, the excitement will be even greater, and I feel that I am not embarrassed enough.

But Tang Zhenren was not really stupid. After thinking about it, he understood what was going on.

During this Huashan discussion, Qiu Zumiao was in disgrace, but Yangchun Temple actually lost a magical weapon. It is nonsense to say that he should go to Zhang Yu to claim compensation. The real meaning is that they should ask Qiu Zumiao to compensate.

Tang Zhenren said awkwardly: "Brother Taoist, it's not like you don't know the weight of our Qiu Zu Temple... Otherwise, why don't you come to our Qiu Zu Temple in person and take whatever you like..."

"You think I'm robbing..." Lu Zhenren said displeasedly: "I'm telling you, the Zhaoyang Flag is one of the important magic weapons of our Yangchun Temple. If the thing is gone, how do you want me to explain... We are all The inheritance of the Quanzhen Sect, and our friendship in the past was also good, I am not blackmailing you..."

"I know... Yangchun Temple lost a magic weapon, Taoist brother, you are also in trouble... But our Qiu Ancestral Temple really doesn't have any decent magic weapons. It is precisely because everyone is a descendant of the Quanzhen Sect, and we Qiu You should know the price of the ancestral temple best... Where can I get... a magical weapon similar to the Zhaoyang Flag..." Tang Zhenren said bitterly.

This is really not nonsense. Although everyone is a Quanzhen sect, the temple is also divided into different sizes and grades.

Qiu Zu Temple only has the exercises of the Quanzhen Sect, and some basic magic tools. These magic tools were obtained by going to Zhongnan Mountain or Yangchun Temple to accumulate merit. To put it bluntly, I just bought it.

This kind of magic weapon that can be bought with money is not powerful. For a truly powerful magic weapon, it will be useless no matter how much merit you accumulate. It can only be taught to the direct disciples of the sect, not to them.

Therefore, Qiu Zu Temple does not have a magic weapon that can equal the Zhaoyang Banner.

After hearing what Tang Zhenren said, Lu Zhenren thought the same thing. The Qiu Zu Temple's signboard was quite good, but it didn't have any good stuff.

Lu Zhenren frowned and said: "Fellow Taoist, I asked you to pay for my Zhaoyang flag, but there is nothing you can do. If I don't have this thing, how can you tell me to explain it to the elders in Yangchunguan when I go back. I lent you the thing, so I can only I want you to give me an explanation!"

At the end of the sentence, Lu Zhenren raised his eyebrows.

Master Tang could tell that Master Lu was by no means alarmist. If there is no compensation, then Qiu Zumiao will no longer have to hang out in Zhenhai. Yangchun Temple has the power to ordain disciples of Quanzhen Sect in Zhenhai, just like Baimei Palace. Not only that, the consequences may be even more serious.

Tang Zhenren thought about it for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Brother Taoist, we really don't have any decent magic weapons in Qiu Zu Temple... But, if you ask me to find a way... I do have a way..."

"What can be done?" Lu Zhenren asked with a serious face.

"We don't have it in Qiu Zu Temple. I'm definitely not lying. It's what our Quanzhen Sect has inherited, and you know it even if you don't have it. If you want an explanation, you can only go to Lu Zu Pavilion... The idea of ​​using the Zhaoyang Banner was Zhou's. As the old saying goes, Lu Zu Pavilion is the inheritance of the Tianbao Palace Sect of Zhendao. After being unified and merged into Quanzhen Sect, even if it is lonely, it is still a bit of a bargain... As far as I know, Lu Zu Pavilion has a treasure called Yuxu Rope. One time I was drinking with Zhou Laodao. After he drank too much, he bragged to me, saying how powerful this Yuxu Rope was. As long as he recited the mantra and threw it out, he could tie someone up... The value of this thing should be No less than Zhaoyang Banner..." Tang Zhenren said while licking his face.

"Yuxu Rope... Judging from the name, it should be a magical weapon of the Yuxu Palace Sect..." Lu Daoren sitting in front said.

"He didn't say the specific origin, he just said how powerful this thing is." Tang Zhenren said.

"I really didn't expect...Lu Zuge still has such a magical weapon..." Lu Zhenren pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he said: "As you said, this idea was his. My Zhaoyang Flag was destroyed, and he You have to give me an explanation."

"Of course!" Tang Zhenren said quickly.

Sometimes, people's shamelessness has no boundaries. In order to solve the current trouble, Tang Zhenren even cheated his own teammates. Of course, with his character, there is nothing he can't accomplish.

Master Lu nodded and said, "That's it. You call fellow Taoist Zhou and tell him to go to Yangchun Temple and let's discuss something together. If he asks about anything, just tell him about Zhang Yu."

"Okay, I'll call him right now." Tang Zhenren said.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhenren Zhou's phone number. When it was said that he was going to Yangchunguan to discuss matters related to Zhang Yu, Master Zhou naturally agreed without any hesitation.

Since we were going to Yangchun Temple together, Lu Zhenren didn't need to get off the bus with Tang Zhenren. He called the driver to get on the bus. Now that the car in front was almost gone, he set off.

To be honest, Lu Zhenren couldn't explain it, so he approached Tang Zhenren for compensation. He really didn't expect that Zhenren Tang could involve Zhenren Zhou, let alone that Lu Zuge actually had such a magic weapon.

As Tang Zhenren said, Qiu Zumiao and Yangchun Temple are both inheritances from Chongyang Palace. They belong to the direct Quanzhen Sect and know each other's details. Who is enshrined in the Qiu Zu Temple? Apart from Taoist ancestors, one of them is Changchun Zi Qiu Chuji, one of the seven sons of Quanzhen in Chongyang Palace. This is related to Yangchun Guan, which breaks bones and connects tendons. If Qiu Zu Temple had such a magic weapon, Master Lu might not dare to ask for it.

But having said that, if Qiu Zu Temple really had such a magical weapon, it wouldn't be such a coward.

Lu Zuge is different. Although they are also from the Quanzhen Sect, they were merged later, just like the merger of the three major immortal mountains of the Zhengyi Sect into the Zhengyi Sect. To be precise, there are differences.

To talk about this, we have to start with the three great sects in the north. During the Southern Song Dynasty, three Taoist sects emerged in the north almost at the same time, namely the Quanzhen sect founded by Wang Chongyang, the Taiyi sect founded by Xiao Baozhen, and the Zhendao sect founded by Liu Deren.

In terms of strength at that time, the Quanzhen Sect was neither the strongest nor prosperous, otherwise Qiu Chuji would not have been able to preach all the way outside the Great Wall. The most prosperous one is the true avenue.

In the long-term inheritance of leadership, Zhendao has gradually formed a relatively complete leadership system from the central to local levels. In addition to the Tianbao Palace in the capital, there is also the Yuxu Palace of similar size, and there are countless Taoist temples, large and small.

After the inheritance was passed down to the fourth ancestor Chunyangzi Mao Xicong, a big thing happened, that is, Mao Xicong had two apprentices who were dissatisfied with each other. After Mao Xicong's immortal journey, the two started to fight, and they ended up in a draw. Later, one claimed to be the Fifth Patriarch in Tianbao Palace, and the other claimed to be the Fifth Patriarch in Yuxu Palace.

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