Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1508 Cheating

Seeing Zhenren Lu return angrily, Zhang Yu secretly smiled in his heart. Through Zhenren Lu's reaction just now, Zhang Yu already understood what was going on.

He waved to his own camp, signaling for the disciples to come over and carry back the disciples who had fallen to the ground. Then he led Zhang Qingfeng, Li Mingyue and others towards the stands.

After the battle, it was natural to go over and pay homage to the division commanders, and then ask Master Yuan to announce the results.

When they came to the audience, Zhang Yu came to the stage and sat down alone, while Zhang Qingfeng and other thirteen people stood under the stage. Zhang Qingfeng was the first to clasp his hands and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, Zhang Qingfeng, a disciple of Wudang Taoist Temple, led all the junior disciples to pay homage to all the teachers."

Yuan Zhenren nodded and said: "Yes, very good. Now let me announce that the third battle is over, and the winner is Wudang Taoist Temple. According to the prior agreement, two out of three games will be won, and Wudang Taoist Temple will win the third round." The first and the third game, so I won this Huashan discussion!"

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

The disciples of Wudang Taoist Temple who saw this immediately applauded, and many disciples of Zhengyi Sect also applauded.

After a while, the applause stopped, and Zhang Qingfeng and others were about to leave.

But before they could leave, Master Zhang, who was sitting next to Master Yuan, suddenly said, "Wait a moment, Pindao has something I don't understand and I want to ask you."

"I don't know if you have anything to ask about. We will definitely tell you everything we know." Zhang Qingfeng immediately said obediently.

"The formation just now set up in Qiu Zu Temple is called the Six Ding Liujia Tiangang Formation, and it is astonishingly powerful. As far as I know, if the formation is completed, and the opponent is wrapped in the formation, he will definitely feel like he has a heat stroke, and his bones will be exhausted and numb. You have no choice but to The other disciples of the Taoist temple are all lying on the ground now, unable to get up, but why are you okay?" Zhang Zhenren thought about this now, and he was inevitably confused.

Seeing Zhang Qingfeng and others coming over safely, many people present were indeed curious. They were all embarrassed to ask. Now that Master Zhang opened his mouth, all their eyes immediately focused on Zhang Qingfeng, waiting for his answer.

Zhenren Lu, Zhenren Zhou and Zhenren Tang were the most curious. They hadn't noticed this before, so Master Zhang reminded them.

Lu Zhenren's Zhaoyang flag was destroyed, and he felt extremely sad. Now that I realize it, why did the Zhaoyang Flag fail on these thirteen people?

You know, Zhaoyang Flag was not only used once, Luo Zhiping had already used it once before when everyone fell to the ground. Unexpectedly, Luo Zhiping got up, and Zhang Qingfeng and the others followed suit. When the flying sword shot at Luo Zhiping for the second time, Luo Zhiping activated the Zhaoyang Flag again, but the Zhaoyang Flag failed.

Faced with Master Zhang's question, Zhang Qingfeng did not dare to answer immediately, but looked at Zhang Yu.

This is a secret, you can't talk about it casually.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and nodded towards him.

With the master's permission, Zhang Qingfeng said: "To be honest, we don't have the ability to break this Six Ding Liujia Tiangang Formation. It was our master who told us how to break it. He gave each of the thirteen of us an amulet. , let us keep it close to our hearts, so that when Qiu Zumiao’s formation is activated, it will not cause us any harm.”

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized, and many people were secretly surprised, good guy, Zhang Yu actually has such ability.

Especially Tang Zhenren from the Qiu Ancestral Temple, after hearing what Zhang Qingfeng said, he stood up and said loudly: "So you are cheating? All the fellow Taoists present, you have also heard it. , the reason why the Liuding Liujia Tiangang Formation in our Qiu Zu Temple was broken was all because Wudang Taoist Temple cheated! It was Zhang Yu who gave his disciples the amulets as per the instructions, and that was how our formation was broken. I think this game should be Let us, Qiu Zu Temple, win!”

He seemed very excited now. When addressing Zhang Yu, he stopped calling fellow Taoist Daoist and called Zhang Yu by his first name.

Sure enough, his words were very inciting. There were not many disciples left in Qiu Zu Temple, and they were all elderly. These people shouted: "So that's what happened! Wudang Taoist Temple actually cheated! Our Qiu Ancestral Temple should win this game!" "Yes, our Qiu Ancestral Temple should win.".

Other disciples of the Quanzhen Sect also started making noises, "Wudang Taoist temple turned out to be cheating." "They actually asked the teacher to draw amulets for them." "This is too shameless." "Qiu Zumiao should win this round. ." "Yes!" "Qiu Zumiao should be considered the winner!"

Hearing these people shouting like this one after another, the scene was somewhat out of control, and it seemed that the crowd was passionate.

Zhang Qingfeng shuddered and said to himself, Master, what's going on? He asked me to tell him about cheating. What should I do now?

Li Mingyue, Zhao Qiuju and others were also worried, and each of them looked carefully at Zhang Yu sitting on the stage.

Zhang Yu was calm and composed, as if he had everything in his mind and there was nothing wrong with him.

After a while, the crowd's voices finally stopped. At this time, Master Zhang said to Zhang Qingfeng again: "Since you have the amulet with you, why did you lie down for the first time?"

This sentence reminded everyone again. Isn't that right? Why do you still lie on the ground when you obviously have the amulet? What kind of mystery is this?

Zhang Qingfeng looked at Zhang Yu cautiously, but Zhang Yu just smiled and nodded. When Zhang Qingfeng saw his master's permission, he said: "My master said that we have to see what the fame of this formation is and let us act according to his wishes. If he suddenly stretches himself on the stage, then we guys No matter what happens or not, everyone has to lie down and pretend to be dead."

"Lie down and pretend to be dead!" "It turns out it was just an act." "Is there any other way to play like this?" "What's this?" "I suddenly stretched out and pretended to be dead. Did Zhang Daochang stretch himself?" "I didn't pay attention." The discussion started again.

Similarly, people on the stage also whispered, "What does Zhang Daoyou mean?" "I'm not sure." "Stretch, did you stretch?" "I didn't pay attention." "You don't have to look at me, I can see from my position. Did he stretch himself?" "That's true.".

Master Zhang was closest to Zhang Yu, but he couldn't remember whether Zhang Yu stretched.

However, Zhang Yinling, who was standing behind, suddenly said: "I remembered, he stretched. It seems that he is still there and he doesn't take it seriously, but that's all."

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the stage turned to look at Zhang Yinling. This girl was a little embarrassed when everyone saw her.

Zhang Yu also looked back at her and said to himself, this girl has a good memory.

Master Zhang glanced at his daughter and said nothing. He turned back to look at Zhang Qingfeng again and asked, "What happens after that?"

When everyone heard that he asked another question, they all focused their attention on Zhang Qingfeng again.

Zhang Qingfeng glanced at Zhang Yu again, and seeing Zhang Yu nodding again, he said truthfully: "My master said that this round will definitely be the same as the last round. The disciples at Qiu Zumiao will also have to lie down, and there is a very good chance that Eighty-nine times, the guy named Luo or something has to stand up. After he stands up, we stand up again and continue to fight with him. We also specifically told him to burn the flag he is holding."

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