Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1494 Tangniushan Ancient Tomb

The visiting time came soon. Ye Buli took the bag Mo Daguang gave him, followed the patrol officer out of the interview room, and walked back to the cell.

Obviously, the direction we walked this time was no longer the same small dark room as before.

The patrolman seemed to have taken advantage of Mo Daguang, and his attitude was polite, "Ye Buli, just give it a fight. You are too harsh. Don't do it easily unless you have to. We also know about the fight. It’s not your fault, but they were all injured by you, so there’s nothing we can do.”

"Thank you for your understanding." Ye Buli nodded and said.

"There are rules in the house. You have already taught me the head shop, and I think the other people have accepted it, so it's no big deal. I'll go to work in two days, and I'll let you be a little foreman. You don't have to do anything. Live." The patrolman warned in a low voice.

"I understand, thank you." Ye Buli said politely.

"Just understand." After the patrol officer finished speaking, he said no more and took Ye Buli back to his original room.

Opening the door, he led Ye Buli in. All the prisoners were lying on the bed. All of them had bruises on their noses and faces, or bruises on their bodies. They had all been beaten badly.

When the prisoners saw Ye Buli coming back, they couldn't help but tremble.

The patrolman raised his chest and raised his head, and said carelessly: "Everyone should be honest from now on. Don't look for trouble all day long. Do you want to live here for a long time and don't want to go out?"

After saying that, he pushed Ye Buli on the shoulder, turned around and walked outside.

After leaving the cell, lock the door.

Ye Buli took a look. Now that the patrol had left, it was time to face these people by himself.

He remembered what the patrol officer had just said, that there were rules in the cell. He beat the head bunk, and the others were probably also beaten. Basically, it was a hint to him that he was the boss in the cell now.

Realizing this, Ye Buli coughed heavily, "Ahem."

Then, he walked towards the head bunk.

None of the prisoners dared to speak out, they all watched carefully. Soon, Ye Buli came to the head bunk bed and glanced at the man lying on the bed.

The man also saw Ye Buli and sat up quickly, "Brother Ye."

This man's nose was crushed by Ye Buli's punch. He spoke with a nasal tone, so I couldn't tell clearly, but his attitude seemed honest.

Ye Buli smiled coldly, deliberately glanced to the side, and said, "Is this where you sleep? Did you lie in the wrong place?"

"Yes, yes, brother Ye, you sleep here." The man quickly stood up, picked up his luggage, and then saw the second bunk before, and shouted directly: "Change the position."

The second shop immediately understood what it meant. From now on, the boss will be the second shop, and everyone will take turns in turn. So the second shop was replaced by the third shop, and the third shop was replaced by the fourth shop.

Ye Buli originally put his luggage on the upper bunk of the first bunk. He took it down, spread it on the first bunk, and after lying down, he said to the big man, "What's your name?"

"My name is Niu Xiaopeng," the man said obediently.

"How courageous you are to ask me to pick up soap!" Ye Buli said carelessly.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." The man said tremblingly.

"Okay, I'll assume it's a misunderstanding first, and be more honest with me in the future, otherwise, I will break your legs!" Ye Buli said in a threatening tone.

He also knew that the patrolman had just spoken to him. It was true that he could beat people, but he couldn't beat people for fun every day.

In addition, Ye Buli is not the kind of person who likes to fight bravely. He plays Taoism. What is the difference between fighting and ruthlessness?

Considering that you are a person with status after all, don't get angry with the prisoner here, go out first, and you will have to be promoted next year.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I will do whatever you ask me to do from now on, Brother Ye." Niu Xiaopeng was also convinced and said docilely.

Ye Buli didn't have time to pay attention to him, so he stopped talking and took out the bag that Mo Daguang had just given him. It was full of cigarettes and some fruits.

When the prisoners in the cell saw this, they were all greedy. If it hadn't been for the beating, Ye Buli would have been robbed by now. This is how it is in the shop. If there are things sent from outside, of course you have to show respect to the head shop boss first.

Now that Ye Buli is the head shop, whoever dares to take advantage of him would think that the beating was too light.

Inside were all the Yellow Crane Tower Nine-Five Supremes that Ye Buli liked to smoke. He glanced at everyone, considering that he had to go out to work in the past two days and couldn't smoke so many cigarettes, so he picked up one and threw it in the middle of the room.

When the others saw it was the Ninth Five Supreme Being, their eyes shone, but no one dared to move. Ye Buli said carelessly: "Take it and smoke it!"

"Thank you, Brother Ye." "Thank you, Boss Ye." "Boss Ye, you are so generous."

When the prisoners heard this, they were all excited and said anything nice. Follow along and share the cigarettes. Of course, Niu Xiaopeng from the second shop can get the whole box. What he admires so much about Ye Buli now is that he flatters Ye Buli continuously.

Ye Buli ignored him, then found the box of red peonies from his pocket, and opened the packaging of the cigarette box. As soon as he saw this, he knew that there was something inside. He said to himself that this Mo Daguang was straightforward and did not say to reseal it.

Opening the cigarette box, sure enough, in addition to the cigarette, there was a note inside.

Pulling out the note and unfolding it, I saw a bunch of words written on it, "The place of work is in Tangniu Mountain in the suburbs. A tunnel is being dug there. According to my detection, there is an ancient tomb in the mountain. You happen to be near the water tower, so With your skills, you can definitely find a place. Steal the treasure inside and divide it between us. When the time comes, I will take care of you."

Seeing the above content, Ye Buli cursed in his heart, "What the hell! This old man is really unprofitable and can't afford to get up early. I go to work, and you let me rob the tomb!"

Zhenhai, Haihua Mountain.

The time for Huashan Taoism discussion is set at ten o'clock in the morning.

This is a park, and because the place is a bit remote, not many people usually come here. Today, Huashan was discussing Taoism, and all the Taoist sects in Zhenhai were present to observe, so that the foot of the mountain was directly blocked and no one was allowed to go up the mountain.

You know, many Taoist temples are very rich, and they also have many cars. The people who came were a little confused when they saw so many cars suddenly gathered here and didn't understand what it meant. In addition, there were Taoist priests blocking the way at the foot of the mountain, so naturally they did not dare to go up the mountain.

When eight o'clock came in the morning, various Taoist sects had already arrived one after another. The first ones to arrive were some small Taoist sects. Since there was no transportation in the temple, they had to catch the early morning bus.

A decent Taoist temple will naturally come late.

We arrived at Baimei Palace, Yangchun Temple, Mingxian Palace, and Qiuzu Temple around 9:30. It's already late enough. By the time they arrive, basically all the Taoist temples that should come have arrived.

But they soon discovered that as the main protagonist of the Huashan Taoism Forum, Wudang Taoist Temple, no one had arrived yet.

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