Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1484 Sure enough

Qiu Jianyue, Zhang Yu, Wen Qiong, and Dr. Sun left the ward. The two nannies did not follow, but the two nurses stayed in the ward to measure Qiu Mingtang's blood pressure.

The ward was a suite, so they didn't talk in the outer room. Instead, they went to the corridor and went to the corner at the end.

"Doctor Sun, how is my father's condition?" Qiu Jianyue asked eagerly as soon as he stopped.

"The cancer cells have been removed, and they have recovered very well in the past few days. It does not seem like there is a possibility of regeneration. But when I checked the old man today, I unexpectedly found that the cancer cells have recurred." Dr. Sun said at the end, helplessly The ground shook his head.

Cancer, in general, is like that. If it is discovered early and removed, it is less likely to recur and life can be saved.

But if it's the middle to late stage, it's basically equivalent to a death sentence. Even with surgical removal, cancer cells can recur. When the disease relapses for the second time, it can be said that it is difficult to save, even surgery is of no use.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu immediately thought of the little wooden man again. It seemed that just as I had guessed at the time, someone was indeed seriously ill and was being treated, hoping to save his life.

If the borrowed life is successful and Lulu's mother dies, then Qiu Mingtang's cancer cells will most likely not relapse after being removed and he can save his life.

Unfortunately, I met Zhang Yu.

This method of borrowing money is absolutely heretical. Even if Zhang Yu knew it, he would not use it, and he would not allow his disciples to use it easily. You know, borrowing wealth or something is too much, let alone borrowing life.

Zhang Yu has the magic of absorbing luck, and the luck he attracts can be transformed into true energy. Even so, Zhang Yu would not use it easily unless he met such a hateful person. This move is really against the laws of nature and human ethics.

The recurrence of Qiu Mingtang's cancer cells can be said to be retribution, or it can be said to be God's will.

But if Qiu Mingtang was a bad person, Zhang Yu didn't see it from his appearance. He had a kind face and kind eyes, so he should be a good person. He was lying on the hospital bed, and he advised his son not to spend money on him and do more good deeds.

This was not a temporary performance. Zhang Yu could see the sincerity of the old man.

"What should I do? No matter how much money it costs, I will cure my father!" At this time, Qiu Jianyue said seriously.

Zhang Yu subconsciously looked at Qiu Jianyue. At this moment, Qiu Jianyue's eyes were wide open, a bit cannibalistic, which showed that he was in an urgent mood. Zhang Yu had seen Qiu Jianyue's face last time. He had a life in his hands. He was said to be a kind person, but he couldn't tell. Of course, Qiu Jianyue used to be a special soldier. Xiao Jiejie also said that he was the king of soldiers. It seemed normal to say that he had killed people during missions.

"Mr. Qiu, your father's illness is not a matter of money. Our hospital has tried its best and used the best medical facilities and the best drugs. There is really nothing we can do to save the day. At most, it can allow the elderly to survive a little longer. . Even if you go to a foreign country for treatment, I think it’s pretty much the same.” Dr. Sun finally said, shaking his head helplessly.

The cancer is in the advanced stage and has recurred again and again after surgery. Even if I go abroad now, this is basically the case and no one can save me.

Even Zhang Yu can be sure of this, and no one can do anything about it, including him, Zhang Yu. Unless he could really make some magic elixir, of course Zhang Yu didn't have the materials.

"You guys." Qiu Jianyue pointed at Doctor Sun bitterly, as if she was about to have an attack, but then she suppressed her anger and put her hand down. He smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I know you've tried your best. Let's take good care of my father, and I'll think of another way to see if I can find any remedies."

"Don't worry, our hospital will definitely use the best medicine to treat the old man." Dr. Sun said seriously.

Qiu Jianyue sighed, then looked at Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong, and said, "Thank you both for coming to the hospital with me. My father is afraid. I want to spend more time with him."

Wen Qiong glanced at Zhang Yu, then looked at Qiu Jianyue, and said gently: "This is what we should do. Let's go in and see the old man together."

"Yeah." Qiu Jianyue nodded.

Wen Qiong looked at Zhang Yu just now, just asking for Zhang Yu's opinion. She knew that Zhang Yu was very capable, but you can make up your own mind on what to do.

There was nothing Zhang Yu could do about this terminal illness. Even if he could, he would still have to weigh this matter carefully. After all, the other party could do such immoral things as risking his life, so it was almost impossible for him to save such a person.

They returned to the ward. When they first entered, there was no introduction. This time when they entered, Qiu Jianyue introduced her father. Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong also accompanied the old man and said a few words, and then Zhang Yu said goodbye.

When Wen Qiong saw that Zhang Yu wanted to leave, she also stood up and said, "Mr. Qiu, I won't disturb the old man's rest here. I just want Mr. Zhang to see me off."

"That's fine, I'll take you out." Qiu Jianyue nodded.

He sent the two of them out of the room, watched them enter the elevator and go downstairs, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Zhang Yu and Wen Qiong went downstairs without saying anything. Now Wen Qiong's identity is "Weng Xingzhu" after all.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Zhang Yu's two drivers were waiting there. They got in the car together and asked the driver to drive far away. Then Zhang Yu ordered the car to stop.

He then asked the two of them to take a ride while he personally took "Miss Weng" home.

When the driver heard what the boss said, he immediately realized that the boss must be trying to pick up girls. How dare he act like a light bulb and obediently took a taxi and left.

Zhang Yu couldn't drive, so the task of driving was naturally left to Wen Qiong. They sat back down in front, and Wen Qiong drove to the east side of the town.

There was someone there before, so it was not convenient for the two of them to talk. Now that there is no one else, Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Auntie, you are a really good actor. Your role as Miss Weng has no flaws at all."

"Little monkey, don't make fun of me. But you are quite smart and know not to let me go with him alone." Wen Qiong said with a smile while driving.

"Of course, if you leave with him like this, how can I rest assured?" Zhang Yu said quickly.

Wen Qiong rolled her eyes at him, pursed her lips and said, "You're quite likable."

She was now holding up Pan Yun's body, wearing the kind of tube top clothes, sexy and enchanting. At this moment, she pouted her little mouth, which looked both playful and seductive.

"Thank you for the compliment, auntie." Zhang Yu smiled playfully and continued: "By the way, is this Qiu Jianyue the target of Pan Yun's investigation?"

"It's definitely not bad." Wen Qiong said.

"What case is he involved in?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"This girl didn't tell me and said it was a top secret!" Wen Qiong curled her lips and said a little dissatisfied: "It's like I don't know much about it. Even my own mother can't believe it."

"This is also her job. Auntie, just be considerate of her." Zhang Yu quickly said with a smile.

"You kid, you helped her talk." Wen Qiong deliberately glanced at Zhang Yu, but she was very happy in her heart. She added: "If I didn't understand her, could I help her out today? But this kind of It won’t happen next time.”

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