Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1474 I have a question to ask first

Pan Yun knew some of the important officials in Zhendong District and some he didn't, but she just nodded and dealt with it, and she didn't talk too much if she could.

Soon, people arrived in the middle where Yang Wenbin and others were.

Deputy Secretary-General Yang was the first to shake hands with Pan Yun and said politely with a smile: "Hello, Chief Wen."

Pan Yun didn't know the other person's last name or even his position.

However, the other party was so polite and took the initiative to shake hands. Seeing that he was from the public office, Pan Yun had no choice but to shake hands with the other party and said only two words, "Hello."

The surname and position are not mentioned at all.

"Hello, Chief Wen." "Hello, Chief Wen, I am Miao Wei from the Zhenhai Cultural Relics Management Bureau." "Hello, Chief Wen, I am...".

People from the Zhenhai Office also took the initiative to shake hands with Pan Yun and say hello. Some of them knew Wen Qiong, and some had never met. Those who meet do not need to introduce their names. Those who have not met can all indicate their business names.

Pan Yun was also witty, showing off his appearance, shaking hands with everyone with a cheerful face, and saying the same words to everyone - Hello, nice to meet you.

Wen Qiong looked at her daughter from the side and cursed in her heart: You damn girl, what are you doing here? You really want to trick me to death!

Pan Yun shook hands one by one, and every moment he shook hands with Yang Wenbin and Qiu Jianyue.

She had seen Yang Wenbin at the charity auction, but Yang Wenbin had never seen her before, so it was her mother's appearance, and Yang Wenbin would never have seen her before. When shaking hands with Yang Wenbin, Pan Yun was able to say one or two more words, followed by Qiu Jianyue shaking hands.

At this moment, she could not help but see her mother holding her body. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Wen Qiong was smart. When Pan Yungang let go of Qiu Jianyue, she immediately reached out and said with a smile: "Hello, Chief Wen. They all say that I look like your daughter. Do you think I do?"

At the end, she deliberately acted naughty and cute.

You know, when people see someone who looks exactly like their daughter, they will have a subconscious reaction.

But Pan Yun didn't have this reaction just now. Because she knew it was her mother, how could she have any surprised reaction.

Now after listening to Wen Qiong's words, Pan Yun finally reacted and almost got himself into trouble.

Fortunately, Pan Yun was a patrol officer, had worked as an undercover agent, and knew how to adapt to changes.

She immediately shook hands with Wen Qiong and said with a smile: "When I saw you for the first time, I was still wondering why my daughter suddenly appeared here when I went out. She was clearly at home."

As she said that, she deliberately looked at Wen Qiong's left breast and said: "You two look alike, but my daughter doesn't have this mark, otherwise it would be easy for me to make a mistake. It's really rare for people to look so similar in the world." .”

Qi Wuyao followed very closely, not far away. Now he saw "Weng Xingzhu" and couldn't help but be surprised. Yesterday, he didn't see the plum blossoms on Pan Yun's body from the crystal ball. Otherwise, he would have been able to confirm his identity on the spot.

But these don't matter to him. The purpose of coming here today is to deal with Zhang Yu. He glanced at Zhang Yu and said secretly in his heart, he still wants to hide it from the outside world, so that you will have nowhere to hide later.

Zhang Yu followed Wen Qiong and knew it was time to speak for himself. After all, it was impossible for him not to know "Pan Yun". Last time he met "Weng Xingzhu" in front of Yang Wenbin at the auction. If there is no explanation, it will also make people suspicious.

So, Zhang Yu deliberately said: "Auntie, you can't compare to me. When I first saw Miss Weng, I knew she was not Pan Yun."

"How did you recognize it?" Pan Yun asked deliberately.

"Apart from this plum blossom, the temperament is also different. Pan Yun is a bit masculine, haha." Zhang Yu said deliberately.

Hearing this, Pan Yun almost yelled, "Who are you calling a bastard?"

But she also understood that Zhang Yu deliberately separated Pan Yun and "Weng Xingzhu".

Of course, Pan Yun had to say something. She smiled and said, "That's what you said. But I think this girl should not be a patrol officer in the future. I'm worried that she won't be able to get married in the future."

Wen Qiong, who was opposite, said to herself, girl, you know what you are doing! I know it’s easy not to get married!

Wen Qiong then said deliberately: "I said that when Mr. Zhang met me last time, why did he keep looking at me? It turned out that he met an acquaintance. As a result, I was in love with myself for several days."

As she spoke, she raised her eyebrows slightly and specifically gave Zhang Yu a look in front of everyone.

Zhang Yu was so sweaty that he said to himself, Auntie, it would be a pity if you don't act in movies.

Everyone was talking and laughing, Qiu Jianyue looked at Wen Qiong, Pan Yun, and Zhang Yu from time to time, but never said a word.

After a while of excitement, everyone sat down again.

As Wen Qiong, she must sit in the middle. The others were divided into hierarchies, with some sitting on the sides and some in the back. Those sitting in the first row are all with official status. As businessmen or something, only Yang Wenbin is qualified to sit in the first row. People like Qi Wuyao can only sit in the back. If it were his father, it would be okay.

At ten o'clock on time, the donation ceremony began.

Wudang Group specially invited a host from Zhenhai TV station to be present to host the donation ceremony.

This kind of ceremony is generally just a formality. After the host finished his opening remarks, he invited Zhang Yu to speak on stage. The speeches were all prepared in advance and the language was noble.

Zhang Yu didn't even have time to memorize it, so he just recited it. Even so, there are still places where it gets stuck occasionally.

No one paid attention to these details. Next, Zhang Yu stepped aside and the host announced that all the treasures would be brought up for everyone to visit.

It is not possible for everyone to just go up and take a look. At most, it is representatives from the Office of the Commissioner, the Cultural Relics Management Bureau, and the museum who come up and give it a try.

The most journalists can do is take photos to publish news.

At the end of the tour, it was time for reporters to ask questions. Zhang Yu stood in the middle of the stage and the host said loudly with a microphone: "It's time for reporters to ask questions. Due to time constraints, each media friend can only ask one question. Please start in order now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the reporters who had already lined up their orders immediately stood up and asked questions.

Unexpectedly, there was a voice in the second row in the middle, "Wait a minute! I have a question to ask Brother Zhang first!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and everyone looked at the speaker together.

The person who spoke was none other than Qi Wuyao.

Seeing that it was him, everyone looked confused. They didn't understand what this kid meant?

This is the opportunity Qi Wuyao has been waiting for. He will expose Zhang Yu at this time.

"Pah-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..."…..

The reporters present thought that after Zhang Yu asked a symbolic question, there would be nothing to do and they could go have a meal. Unexpectedly, Qi Wuyao suddenly stood up and became the center of attention.

The reporters' cameras all focused on him, taking more photos than Zhang Yu's, second only to the treasures on the stage.

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