Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1456 Asking for help

Pan Yun looked at his mother in the mirror, completely at a loss. No matter how I move, my mother's body moves accordingly, as if I can control my mother's body. Or perhaps, he is the owner of this body.

"What on earth is going on? Is it a dream, a hallucination, or what?" Pan Yun muttered in her heart. She was so nervous that her body was trembling.

After a while, Pan Yun suddenly remembered something, "I was sleeping in my own room, how could I be here? How could I become like my mother? What about me? Where did I go?"

Thinking of this, she rushed out of the bathroom, opened the door, came to the corridor, and rushed towards her bedroom.

When she came to the bedroom door, she opened it and rushed in.

The lights in the room were on, the bathroom door was open, and there was light inside. She walked to the bathroom door and looked inside.

In the room, there was only a woman wearing thin pajamas standing. Seeing the woman's appearance, Pan Yun couldn't help but exclaimed, "Yeah!"

"Who are you?" The woman in the bathroom also exclaimed when she saw Pan Yun.

To be precise, the person this woman saw should be "Wen Qiong".

That's right, the person in front of Pan Yun is none other than himself. In other words, your body is standing in front of you.

The reason why "Pan Yun" in the bathroom also exclaimed was because she saw herself.

"I am Pan Yun, and this body is mine! Who are you?" Pan Yun shouted loudly.

"You are Xiaoyun. I am your mother," Wen Qiong shouted in shock.

She had the same experience as Pan Yun. She felt a burst of pain first, and then opened her eyes and realized that the room was not hers. When I got to the bathroom, I was dumbfounded when I saw that I had become my daughter.

"Mom" Pan Yun looked at her mother in front of her, or to be precise, at herself, and she felt dizzy again. It seemed so awkward when I called her mom.

"Xiaoyun, what's going on? Why did you suddenly become me, and why did I suddenly become you?" Wen Qiong said eagerly.

"I, I don't know either." Pan Yun cried anxiously, "I thought it was a dream at first. Am I dreaming too now?"

Wen Qiong said with a bitter face: "I also think it is a dream, but if it is a dream, this dream is too real. It hurts even when I pinch myself."

"I feel pain too," Pan Yun choked and said, "Why is this happening suddenly? What should I do, Mom?"

Calling "oneself" mom is probably something that not many people in this world have experienced.

"Calm down. Calm down." Wen Qiong has experienced strong winds and waves. After hesitating for a moment, she added: "Now we don't know what happened. But I believe that there is someone who can do something."

"Who?" Pan Yun asked hurriedly.

"Zhang Yu!" Wen Qiong said solemnly.

"Yes, he must have a way to deal with Zhang Yu. I'll call him right away." Pan Yun said, and immediately rushed to the bed to get his mobile phone.

Jixiang Villa Area, Zhang Yu’s home.

Zhang Yu and others came back around eight o'clock in the evening, and Bao Jiayin and Bao Chengwen were with him.

For Mr. Bao, his purpose is to study the luminous vase.

Previously, he thought that the porcelain became like this due to oxidation, but so many of them appeared at once, which inevitably made people suspicious.

Especially after he saw Zhang Yu's ability, he vaguely realized that this was probably Zhang Yu's trick.

Bao Jiayin was not an outsider, so Zhang Yu did not hide anything from Bao Chengwen. He was the one who repaired the porcelain. Similarly, Zhang Yu was also puzzled, that is, these porcelains were all patched together. How come some of them glow and some don't?

After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Bao Chengwen was naturally curious, and he carefully studied what problems existed on the porcelain jars, porcelain vases and fish tanks.

Not to mention, Bao Chengwen's knowledge in this area is indeed beyond ordinary people. Bao Chengwen discovered the problem that Zhang Yu didn't understand.

As we all know, porcelain is fired with porcelain clay. Porcelain clay, also known as kaolin, is the main raw material of ceramics. It is made from mica and feldspar that have deteriorated, and the sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, etc. in them have been lost and changed with water.

These three pieces of porcelain, as well as the one Yang Wenbin bought, are all from the Song Dynasty. Moreover, the texture of the porcelain is, to put it bluntly, porcelain clay, which should come from a mica mining area.

But which mica mining area it is, there is no way to find out.

After studying this problem, it's not too early, it's almost ten o'clock.

After two days of hard work and hard work, Zhang Yu said that he should not go home at night and sleep here with me. Then let Yang Ying arrange the room.

After hearing what he said, Bao Jiayin gave him a sideways glance, as if to tell him if he had any intentions.

But she also knew that this was impossible. After all the trouble, who in this mood just wanted to sleep well. After all, I have to get up early tomorrow morning to escort these porcelains to Wudang Group.

At this moment, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang, "ring ring ring"

Zhang Yu took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Pan Yun's number.

Pan Yun had been missing for a while, and Zhang Yu planned to use the eight-character fortune-seeking technique to look for him after finishing his current work.

It's great to have a call now. Zhang Yu answered immediately and said, "Hello, hello."

"Zhang Yu, where are you?" "Wen Qiong"'s urgent voice sounded on the phone.

"It's auntie, why did you use Pan Yun's mobile phone to call me?" Zhang Yu asked.

It was true that the speaker was Pan Yun, but Pan Yun's current body belonged to Wen Qiong, and the voice that spoke was also Wen Qiong's voice.

Zhang Yu often talks to Wen Qiong, how can he not hear who is talking?

"I'm not my mother, I'm Pan Yun!" Pan Yun said eagerly again.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned when he heard this. What do you mean I'm not my mother?

Zhang Yu asked in confusion: "What do you mean by this? It's obviously the voice of aunt, so why do you call me something other than my mother? What on earth are you doing, aunt?"

"How can I tell you? You tell me first, am I dreaming now?" Pan Yun asked.

"We are talking on the phone here. How could it be a dream? Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Yu was tired from all the trouble, but now he was even more confused after Pan Yun said this.

"Let me tell you this, I am Pan Yun, but now, I have become my mother. And my mother has now become me. I actually don't believe this when I say it, but it is absolutely true. Zhang Yu, come to me quickly. Mom's house, help us think of a solution." Pan Yun was so anxious that he cried.

"Are you really Pan Yun..." Zhang Yu vaguely heard the question.

In his impression, Wen Qiong had the demeanor of a general, and was calm and unfazed by changes. No matter when, he never sounded like he was about to cry. But if it were said that the person on the other side of the phone was Wen Qiong, it would be hard to believe.

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