"Is this Detective Xue? I'm Wen Qiong from the Zhendong Executive District." Wen Qiong said as soon as she came up.

"Chief Wen, why are you suddenly thinking of calling me today?" Xue Zhan said with a smile.

"Just now I heard Lu Weichen say that Pan Yun was going to participate in some special training. I would like to ask Detective Xue, why did Pan Yun go to participate when others didn't? She is not very old and her position is not high. What's the reason? ?" Wen Qiong asked politely.

"This is the secret of our patrol chief." Xue Zhan didn't know how to answer, so he could only say this.

In terms of level, the two are on the same level. Wen Qiong is now the acting CEO. To be precise, he is half a level behind Xue Zhan.

But the old man in Wen Qiong's family is not someone to be trifled with. As Wen Qiong becomes the CEO of Zhendong District, his status in the Wen family will naturally increase. How dare Xue Zhan provoke him?

However, his words really made Wen Qiong angry, "The secret of the patrol chief? Tell me again! Today is my birthday, I must see my daughter, otherwise, Just tell our old man what you just said! I would like to ask our old man what kind of secrets there are in the patrol main room, so that a little girl will be sent to special training alone!"

It's no wonder that Wen Qiong is anxious, Pan Yun is the person closest to him, what do you mean by patrolling the main house? Just leave her alone if others don't. You won't let her go on some dangerous mission!

In this case, she had no choice but to show her old man's signature.

Sure enough, Xue Zhan felt guilty after hearing this. But otherwise, he didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell the truth, so he asked Pan Yun to go undercover, and it was an extremely dangerous undercover mission.

Xue Zhan hesitated for a moment, then smiled apologetically, "Chief Wen, it was my fault just now. I said the wrong thing. I didn't know it was your birthday today, so I will call the training base and ask Pan Yun to go back and celebrate with you." It’s my birthday, do you think this is okay?”

This was not the first time Wen Qiong called him. Every time he talked about training, he felt that it was unreliable and would inevitably make people suspicious.

So he thought it would be better to let Pan Yun go back and meet Wen Qiong, which would also make Wen Qiong feel at ease. It only takes one night, and we will continue the "training" tomorrow.

Seeing what he said, Wen Qiong finally said with satisfaction: "Then I'll bother Detective Xue."

"No trouble, no trouble, Chief Wen. Happy birthday. I'll buy a cake and let Pan Yun carry it back to you." Xue Zhan said with a smile.

As for Qi Wuyao, as soon as he heard about the soul-moving technique, he was very curious. He made an appointment with Jack Liu and Paris to meet at home, and then hurried back to Longhu Villa in a hurry.

When I arrived outside the villa, I saw an Audi car parked there. Qi Wuyao took a closer look and saw Jack Liu sitting in the cab, and a blond woman sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Qi Wuyao and Jack Liu waved their hands and were about to drive in first. At this stall, a black car looked over from behind. Qi Wuyao didn't even need to look at the license plate number to know that the car belonged to his father.

He quickly parked the car and waited for his father's car to come up. Qi Tongwei's car stopped next to Qi Wuyao's car. The rear window was pulled down, revealing Qi Tongwei inside.

"Father." Qi Wuyao greeted quickly.

Jack Liu immediately got out of the car and said with a smile: "Uncle Qi."

Qi Tongwei nodded and said with a smile: "It's Liu here. We haven't seen each other for a while, so we happened to have dinner together. I have been thinking about the great astrologer Pisano recently."

"The teacher also often mentions Grandpa Qi and Uncle Qi." Jack Liu said with a smile.

After the two parties exchanged a few words, the car started again and they entered Longhu Villa together.

Outside Qi Tongwei's large villa, several people got off the car one after another. Next to Jack Liu came a foreign woman in her thirties. She was wearing a dark blue dress, her skin was as good as snow, and she had a sense of arrogance in her bones.

Jack Liu then introduced, "This is my fourth senior sister, Miss Paris."

"Hello." Qi Tongwei nodded and greeted.

Qi Wuyao stepped forward to shake hands, and Paris gave him a symbolic shake.

Then, Qi Wuyao couldn't wait to ask: "Miss Paris, I heard from Liu that you can transfer souls and can exchange the souls of two people. Is it true?"

"Yes." Paris said in blunt Mandarin.

"Can you show it to me?" Qi Wuyao said excitedly.

Qi Tongwei's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said to himself, soul transfer, soul exchange, is there really such an evil magic in the world?

Paris smiled slightly and said: "There is no problem in showing it, but my soul-moving skill is only a small success, and I cannot transfer souls casually. It must be the soul of a close relative or a person of the same gender before I can exchange it. ."

"What does this mean?" Qi Tongwei didn't quite understand.

Jack Liu immediately explained, "Mr. Qi, there are four levels of soul transfer. The primary stage is to transfer the souls of two people of the same gender who are closely related by blood and exchange bodies with each other. In short, they are father and son, mother and daughter. , twin brothers, or sisters. At the intermediate stage, you can ignore the blood relationship, but it is also a body exchange of the same gender. At the advanced stage, you can even ignore the gender, and you can exchange the souls of any two people. The last stage, It is called the god level. At this stage, you can perform exchanges without any kind or distinction. To put it bluntly, you can exchange human souls with animal souls. My senior sister is only at the primary stage now and can only exchange father and son, mother and daughter, and relatives. Brothers and sisters move their souls.”

"So that's it." Qi Wuyao's interest couldn't help but diminish, but he still said, "I've never seen such a thing before. Otherwise, let's find a pair and try it."

"Of course there is no problem with this." Jack Liu said with a smile: "However, using the soul transfer technique consumes a lot of mana. After my senior sister uses it once, she has to rest for a long time. In addition, my teacher hopes that Mr. Qi can help and hold another East-West meeting. Astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting.”

This is very clear. If you want to see my senior sister use this trick, there will be no problem. But conditions need to be exchanged.

Qi Wuyao cursed in his heart, it seems that there is no free lunch in this world, and you have to negotiate terms if you try.

He didn't know whether it was possible, after all, his father was beside him, so he turned his head and looked over.

At this moment, Qi Tongwei had a pensive look on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

Qi Wuyao didn't dare to say anything. After a moment, he heard Qi Tongwei say: "Miss Paris' soul-transferring technique can really allow father and son, mother and daughter to transfer their souls and exchange bodies?"

"It's absolutely true, I've seen it with my own eyes!" Jack Liu said with certainty.

"Well, the matter of Master Pisano is naturally the matter of my Qi family. I am just curious about this soul-moving technique and want to open my eyes to see if it is really that magical." Qi Tongwei said with a smile.

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