Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1432 Compromise

"Zhang Daoyou, you also heard it. This is not my voice alone, but the voice of the entire Taoist Association and our Taoist family. What do you think we should do?" Lu Zhenren looked at Zhang Yu and said calmly.

He said it was plain, but he deliberately lengthened his voice at the end.

Zhang Yu knew that this was Lu Zhenren's move. If his opponent made a move, he would naturally take the move. Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said in a deep voice: "Then what should I do, Fellow Daoist Lu?"

"It's very simple, either stop the production of Sleepy Phones, or classify Jindang Technology as an industry of the Taoist Association. Fellow Taoist Zhang, your choice is yours," said Lu Zhenren proudly.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Yuan, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but take a deep breath. She had heard of the recent popularity of the AiSleep mobile phone. One on the market sells for 16,000 yuan, and how much money can be earned in a year. If sleep-loving mobile phones were to become an industry of the Taoist Association, how much more would the Taoist Association earn per year?

She is the president of the Taoist Association, so naturally she has to take the lion's share.

Master Yuan was just waiting to see what tricks Master Lu could pull off. If so, she would naturally not remain silent if something happened later that harmed the Zhengyi Sect.

Now it seems that this plan is good only for Zhang Yu and for the benefit of the Taoist Association.

Therefore, she continued to remain silent and glanced at Zhenren Lu first, then turned to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu knew that Zhenren Lu had evil intentions, but he didn't expect that he was quite cruel and made such a suggestion.

"Ha" Zhang Yu sneered and said: "Friend Lu, what is the difference between your statement and robbery? Jindang Technology does not belong to Zhang Yu alone. There are so many shareholders. If you say it is classified as a Taoist association, then it is classified as a Taoist religion." Association, will they agree? How much compensation will you give to those shareholders? As for the suspension of production, it is even more of a joke. The company has received so many orders. If production is suspended, will you pay the liquidated damages? "

It is true that Zhang Yu and Xiao Jiejie invested in Jindang Technology, but they all invested in the name of the company. In other words, it is a joint investment between Jindu Real Estate and Wudang Group. These two companies also have shareholders, like Jiang Xianzhang, who are also investors and do not participate in management, but can receive dividends every year.

Zhang Yu's words are very clear. Even if I, Zhang Yu, agree, it is impossible for other shareholders to agree. Otherwise, look at how much money will be spent to compensate these shareholders.

This was also what Zhang Yu had expected, and it was impossible for Zhenren Lu to pay for it. If he dared to tell the money, Zhang Yu would dare to ask for the price.

Sure enough, just as Zhang Yu expected, Zhenren Lu frowned slightly, but then he said with a smile: "What the Taoist said is a businessman's argument. But after all, the Taoist is not a businessman, but a member of the Taoist sect. How can he be the same?" The philistine behavior of businessmen. If Taoist friends are bent on doing business, simply stop practicing Taoism and withdraw from the Taoist Association. You can do business however you want in the future, and our Taoist Association will never interfere."

Speaking of this, Master Lu deliberately looked at Master Jiao from Mingxian Palace and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiao, you are the director of the Taoist Association. What do you think?"

Zhenren Jiao was sitting in the front row, but he didn't expect Zhenren Lu to ask him suddenly.

Thinking about the bleak admissions at Zhenhai University, and thinking about making money by sleeping on a mobile phone, Mingxian Palace also needs money. So, he said with a slight embarrassment: "What Master Lu said is also very reasonable. Business is business, and practice is practice. How can they be confused."

Although he did not directly say that he wanted Jindang Technology to be included in the Taoist Association, nor did he say that he wanted to propose Zhang Yu to the Taoist Association, his words were already clear that he was supporting Lu Zhenren.

Lu Zhenren knew this would happen. Who can have trouble with money? After all, the purpose of forming a Taoist believer is to make money.

He immediately looked at Zhenren Wu in Dongfu Temple and said, "I wonder what Fellow Daoist Wu thinks?"

Master Wu said this when he saw Master Jiao just now. His thoughts were the same as Master Jiao. Everyone is a Taoist. Why did you, Zhang Yu, make all the money? Therefore, he also said: "Yes, business is business, and practice is practice. How can they be confused. Doesn't this throw the purpose of our Taoism into oblivion?"

A proud smile flashed across Zhenren Lu's face, and then he asked Zhenren Zhong from the longevity temple. Master Zhong said the same thing.

These three are the three signatures of Zhenhai Zhengyi Sect, second only to Baimei Palace.

Now that they all said this, Master Lu finally looked at Master Yuan next to him and said deliberately: "I wonder what Master Yuan thinks?"

He just saw that Master Yuan remained silent and had no intention of protecting Zhang Yu, so he expected to be tempted by his suggestion. After all, no one would find money troublesome these days. The reason why various sects work so hard to establish good faith every year is not just for money. How much does it cost to do a ritual for someone, and how much does it cost to perform a blessing, and it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Unlike Jindang Technology, where money comes in so quickly.

At this moment, Master Lu decided to test further. As long as Master Yuan expresses his stance, Zhang Yu must submit.

Master Yuan naturally understood what Master Lu meant. Firstly, it was to test, and secondly, he wanted to drag her into trouble.

She originally planned to sit back and enjoy the success, and she could remain silent as long as she could. It would be best if Master Lu could force Zhang Yu to agree to the conditions.

Fortunately, her wishful thinking was directly disrupted by Master Lu.

Listening to Lu Zhenren's tone, he even planned to expel Zhang Yu from the Taoist Association. Even if he had a grudge against Zhang Yu, it wasn't to this extent. Zhang Yu had at least contributed to the White Eyebrow Palace and had meritorious deeds in the White Eyebrow Palace. If she were to attack Zhang Yu herself, it would be too unjust and would appear to be ungrateful on her part.

Regarding Zhang Yu's matter, she believed that she could suppress him, but she couldn't do anything to it. After all, Zhang Yu is at the level of a mage and belongs to the Zhengyi Sect. If it goes too far, it will not be good for her.

However, when Master Lu asked, he had no choice but to speak out. In particular, Mingxian Palace, Dongfu Temple and Changshou Temple have all expressed their opinions. Even if she wants to protect Zhang Yu, it will be difficult.

At the moment, everyone's eyes are almost focused on Yuan Zhenren, wanting to see what she says.

Master Yuan understands the thoughts of these families. It is impossible not to let Zhang Yu shed some blood.

After thinking about it for a while, Master Yuan said: "What Daoyou Lu and Daoyou Zhang said are reasonable. What we Buddhists believe in is to focus on the Tao. How can we have other distractions? It is even more inappropriate to make money with Taoist magic. Lovely Sleeping on a mobile phone is more or less a benefit to society. To take the overall situation into consideration, it is also a way to be included in the Taoist Association. But Zhang Daoyou also said that Jindang Technology has many shareholders, how can it be casually included in the Taoist Association? I don’t think it is better To make a compromise, Jindang Technology will be named as the Taoist Association, and our Taoist Association will not participate in the management. Many companies are like this, and it is symbolic. In addition, give the Taoist Association some dry shares, and the annual dividends will be alright."

She was more or less protecting Zhang Yu and protecting everyone's interests. Everyone present was after money, and it was impossible for her to offend everyone just because of Zhang Yu.

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