Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1422 Signing List

It took Zhang Yu a long time to return to the row where he was sitting. His face was calm and he just glanced at Qi Wuyao. He was not as arrogant as Qi Wuyao.

But Qi Wuyao's eyes were filled with fire.

Xiao Jiejie has been waiting for him, and this girl is even more excited than Zhang Yu.

When Zhang Yu came back, she couldn't help shouting: "You are great!"

After saying that, she was about to stand up and pounce on Zhang Yu. Fortunately, Zhang Yu said in time: "Low-key, low-key."

If she were to hold him, he would probably make the headlines that night.

The auction is still going on, and naturally there will be no more auction items than Zhang Yu. However, most people have no intention of competing for the top pick, and their goal is to be ranked in the top ten. There were even those who found that the top ten were hopeless, so they gave up with a symbolic donation of tens of millions.

After all the auction items were auctioned, Yang Wenbin came on stage again to make a concluding speech on the auction.

The so-called speech is nothing more than some words of thanks, and then announcing the total amount of today's donations. Good guy, over 10 billion.

This number seems to be a lot, but if divided according to the number of schools, it is actually not much.

There are so many universities and high schools in the entire south of the Yangtze River. There are poor students and top students in every school.

To be honest, Yang Wenbin does this once a year, and the Office of the Commissioner provides some relevant policies, which can indeed relieve a lot of the pressure of study and life for students in various schools in Jiangnan.

Subsequently, Yang Wenbin fully disclosed Yaowen’s charitable donations last year. All the donations raised last year were given to various schools, and each school also implemented them for students. There is a bill for this, and staff will immediately take the bill and distribute it. Everyone has a copy.

The bills are very detailed, and Yang Wenbin even said that if anyone is skeptical, they can go to various schools with the bills to investigate. Everyone present is capable, and it is not difficult at all to find the students above. After all, the school and grade are clearly marked. Which one is the poorest student, which one is the top student, and how much money is given, there is no omission at all. The work done is really admirable.

Many people donate, and inevitably they worry that the money will be misappropriated. Especially for this Yaowen charity donation, not all people came with the intention of grabbing the top ten, some just wanted to do their part. If you are fooled, who will donate in the future?

From this we can also see how much Yang Wenbin values ​​his reputation.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Wenbin said that it would be the same this year, and every donation could be found online. This time next year, bills will be sent out.

Finally, he announced that the top ten auctioneers would take the stage. Signed Yaowen Charity List.

When I came in before, there was a large wall set and everyone who came signed their names. This time it was different. The signature was a piece of particularly exquisite yellow satin with rankings on it. I signed my name according to the ranking.

The top ten auctioneers, including Zhang Yu, Qi Wuyao, Gao Yunbao, Hua Yingyue, and Kong Shujie, took the stage. As they walked to the stage, there was thunderous applause in the hall, and reporters kept taking pictures.

When they got to the stage, they stood in line again according to their ranking. Zhang Yu stood at the front and Qi Wuyao stood beside him. This guy felt miserable in his heart.

Before signing the Yaowen Charity List, I also displayed the Yaowen Charity List from previous years. The host announced the top of the previous lists. Every time a name was read, the audience burst into applause.

After the host finished reading, he started asking the top ten to sign their names.

The signatures on the Yaowen Charity List must be in order, with the first one at the top and going down in sequence. Starting from the tenth place, the first place is the last place to be drawn.

I signed in and received bursts of applause.

The list has long been established, and it has always been like this, and no one else thinks there is anything wrong with it. But when it was Gao Yunbao and Qi Wuyao's turn to go up to sign their names, they felt awkward.

When they saw that the one at the top was Zhang Yu, they were obviously overwhelmed by Zhang Yu. And it is still riding on the head.

When they signed, there was a lot of applause from the audience. When Zhang Yu was the last one to go over and sign, the applause from the audience was like a roaring tsunami.

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

Zhang Yu's cultural level is really not very high. Fortunately, I have practiced drawing talismans a lot, and my name is very beautiful and I can write it well.

When he signed his name, the audience burst into applause again, and reporters kept taking photos.

A staff member brought ten chairs and placed them in a row in front of the auction table, inviting the ten people on the list to sit down. The seats this time are different from before.

The person with the highest ranking sat in the middle, Zhang Yu sat on the fifth chair from the left, and Qi Wuyao sat on his right. Then, counting from the two of them, they were arranged according to 13579 and 246810. This was good, Gao Yunbao sat on Zhang Yu's left hand side again.

The reporters took pictures for a while, and the host announced that the interview time was up. The reporters could ask questions to the ten people present. Due to time issues, each reporter could only ask one question to one person, and only one question. How many reporters are present? If you ask endless questions, you won’t know what time it will end.

Reporters also have serial numbers. The first reporter in line immediately asked: "I am a reporter from Fashion Weekly and I want to ask Mr. Zhang Yu a question. Everyone knows that Mr. Zhang is young and promising and has not yet been married. No. I know if Mr. Zhang has a girlfriend now, can you tell us about it?"

Upon hearing this question, Zhang Yu's head almost exploded, but he still said bravely: "Yes."

This was a good answer. Immediately after, the second reporter asked: "I am a reporter from NetEase Finance. I would like to ask Zhang Yu, whose daughter is your girlfriend now?"

Zhang Yu didn't expect that financial reporters would be so gossipy. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Keep it secret for now."

"Mr. Zhang Yu, I am a reporter from Tencent News. You and Ms. Xiao from Jindu Real Estate jointly run Jindang Technology, and they are in love. Is your girlfriend her?" Another reporter asked.

"No, no." Zhang Yu could only say this.

Next, the reporters asked Zhang Yu questions one after another like a wheel battle. The seats next to him were almost like sitting with him. Just watching Zhang Yu being asked questions by reporters, no one even answered them.

More than half of the reporters were bombarding Zhang Yu with questions about love, career, and all angles. Fortunately, Zhang Yu is not what he used to be. He has seen many big scenes and can still deal with them calmly.

At the end of the question, the reporters didn’t know what to ask.

At this time, it was the turn of the reporter from Zhenhai Daily. Seeing that everyone else was asking about Zhang Yu, this reporter was a little bit neglected by Qi Wuyao and others, so he wanted to please him. He looked at Qi Wuyao and said: "I am a reporter from Zhenhai Daily and I want to ask Mr. Qi Wuyao a question. Today Mr. Qi Wuyao won the second place on the Yaowen Charity List. As we all know, this can directly become a member of the Zhenhai Parliament. I don't know. How is your mood at the moment, sir?"

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