Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1412 Red Top Businessman

Kong Shujie stepped down from the stage, returned to his seat and sat down. When he came back, he was in high spirits all the way.

The people below looked at Kong Shujie with envy one by one, especially the girls, whose eyes were shining when they looked at Kong Shujie. Although everyone present was a boss, Kong Shujie was not only rich but also good-looking. In particular, some popular female celebrities even posed in the hope of attracting Kong Shujie's attention.

There are also many people talking, "The Kong family has spent a lot of money this time, 1.6 billion, and it seems that they are determined to win." "Last year's number one pick, only 1.3 billion was won, and I don't know where I got it. Jiulongzhan, the limelight is really big this time." "The Kong family and the Li family have a very good relationship, it's not difficult to get something good. I guess this time, even if others don't give the Kong family face, they will have to give District Chief Li some face. , I should be too embarrassed to fight anymore." "That's accurate. The Hua family in Zhenbei District, I think the momentum is quite strong this time, and maybe I want to help Zhenbei District get the place for this year's outstanding youth. ”.

Amid everyone's discussion, Kong Shujie was getting closer and closer to his position. Inadvertently, he saw Hua Yingyue sitting in front of Zhang Yu. He also heard other people's descriptions of the Hua family. The Hua family sent such a freckled girl out, most likely because they were determined to win.

However, the value of the Nine Dragon Zhan makes people quite confident.

As soon as he gained confidence, he saw Zhang Yu. It can be said that, for some reason, as soon as he saw Zhang Yu, he thought, "Don't really lose to this kid."

"Please prepare No. 39 Hua Yingyue." someone shouted from the stage.

As soon as Kong Shujie sat down, when he heard this voice, his heart "thumped" again, and even his body trembled.

Wu Minghao, who was sitting next to him, frowned and said, "Third brother, what happened to you today? You were so surprised."

"I'm a little nervous," Kong Shujie said.

"Why are you nervous? This is already 1.6 billion. Where else can they go?" Wu Minghao curled his lips and said.

"That's true." Kong Shujie nodded.

Hua Yingyue in front had already stood up and walked forward. She held a square box in her hand, which didn't look heavy.

The person quickly came to the stage, and when the person in front finished the auction, it was her. She opened the box, and inside was a small box. When the small box was opened, there was a diamond ring inside.

She sent the ring to the experts and said calmly: "Experts, please do an appraisal. This is a ring that my grandfather bought at an auction in the United States ten years ago. The diamond on it is an 8-carat Apollo blue diamond. The transaction price at that time was US$13 million. In addition, there are transactions and appraisal certificates here.”

Hua Yingyue spoke through a microphone, and everyone present could hear her clearly.

The scene was all shocked, especially Kong Shujie, who turned green instantly.

Thirteen million US dollars ten years ago, taking into account the exchange rate at that time, as well as the inflation in recent years, and the appreciation of this precious stone. The value of this thing right now is really hard to say.

"I have long heard that Mr. Hua bought an 8-carat Apollo blue diamond ring at an auction in Washington ten years ago. I have never seen it before. Today is an eye-opener." The expert said with admiration , carefully picked up the diamond ring and observed it carefully.

The other experts also stared at it. After several jewelry experts read it, they briefly discussed it, and then the expert who looked at the ring first announced the result.

According to the current market valuation, the ring is worth 180 million RMB.

After hearing the expert's estimate, Kong Shujie almost slipped off his chair.

The Hua family was also well prepared. As soon as the auction started, they immediately started bidding, and soon the price was set at 1.8 billion.

"Eighteen hundred million! The Hua family is even more ruthless this time." "What do you know? I heard that Hua Yingyue has never been able to get married, and now she plans to take the route of a strong woman. This auction is to give She sets the tone." "The daughter of the Hua family can't get married yet, you're just kidding." "What do you know? The Hua family wants to marry someone from the right family, but Hua Yingyue's image is too bad, and even those of similar rank are not willing to accept it. Marry her. And the Hua family will not look down on those who are of inferior quality." "With 1.8 billion, the number one pick must be Hua Yingyue, no need to think about it. When he becomes one of the top ten outstanding young people in the country, relying on the country The Office has given her all kinds of support, and it won’t be long before someone comes to marry her.”

Hua Yingyue turned a deaf ear to everyone's comments and walked back to her seat with a cold face to sit down. She looked as if no one was around.

Next to her was a middle-aged woman. The woman whispered: "Yingyue, if you win the top ten outstanding youths this time, forget about your father's worries. You also know that your father is worried about your marriage. , so much worry.”

"Mom, I don't care about getting married through this. It makes me feel like I can't get married. I took this place among the top ten outstanding young people because I have taken a fancy to Diaoxia Island. I heard that the Zhenhai Administrative Office will be there this year. I will bid there. If I get that quota, according to the support regulations of the National Office, I will be able to get that island first at the lowest price. How much money can I make by developing an island resort?" Hua Yingyue said in a low voice.

"You girl, what are you thinking about? Why are you really planning to take the strong woman route?" the middle-aged woman frowned.

"I'm not that old anyway, so there's no need to worry." Hua Yingyue said stubbornly.

They spoke in very low voices because they were sitting right in front of Zhang Yu. Even though the auction was still going on on the stage, Zhang Yu vaguely got a general idea.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "What kind of support policy is this? Why haven't I heard about it? Can I get priority in buying the island at the lowest price?"

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately put his head towards Jiang Yulin and whispered: "Brother Jiang, I want to ask you something."

"What's going on?" Jiang Yulin asked curiously.

"I heard that the top ten outstanding young people in the country can receive support from the National Office. What does this support include?" Zhang Yu asked in a low voice.

"There is a lot of support. The National Office has a special support plan for the top ten outstanding young people. For example, if you want to engage in scientific research and development, the Office will second relevant technical personnel from the science and technology department to the enterprise. Of course, the salary will be borne by the enterprise. , this is a rare treat. If you are engaged in real estate and there are policies for acquiring land, you can give priority to the lowest price on a piece of land. Anyway, on a project, no matter what the project is, you can get a particularly large preferential policy. Jiang Yulin said in a low voice.

"Is there such a good thing?" Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"You think? The money can be donated in vain, more than one billion." Jiang Yulin whispered: "Even if you don't get the top prize, you can still become a member of Zhenhai and get a professional title in major universities. Don't I thought it was useless just to have an honorary title. If the thing is well managed, the profits will be considerable. Do you know what a red-top businessman is? If you want to get into it, this is the starting price. Of course, it is useless if you can't get into the top ten. Now. The market is rising every year, so I will have to buy something good next year."

Zhang Yu nodded, now fully understanding what was going on. No wonder money is no longer called money in this place.

However, I have no chance this time and can only watch others compete.

Immediately afterwards, another prompt started on the stage. Gao Yunbao, No. 41, was getting ready. Gao Yunbao immediately stood up. He first went on stage empty-handed, said a few words to the host, and then left the auction hall.

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