Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 140 Compete

Jiang Yulin and Zhang Yu were polite for a while, and then returned to the mixed-race child. He smiled and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is a school girl I met when I was studying in England. Her name is Hua Yunong, and her English name is Yanila . Her father is Chinese and her mother is English."

"Hello." Hua Yunong said with a smile.

"Hello, Sister Hua." "Sister Hua is so beautiful."...

Everyone also greeted Hua Yunong immediately.

Taking advantage of this, Jiang Yulin said: "Today is my birthday, and it's almost time. Let's go to the restaurant and take a seat."

After that, we will take everyone to the restaurant.

As soon as we get to the restaurant, the whole matter of competing with horses and cattle will be over.

He thought well, but he didn't want Xiao Jiejie to be unreasonable. Xiao Jiejie pulled Jiang Yulin with a smile and said in a coquettish tone: "Brother Jiang... It's only what time it is, and I'm in a hurry to eat... Fang Tong's My boyfriend is going to ride a bull and Zhongshu is going to race a horse. Have you ever seen this kind of scene? Anyway, I haven’t seen it. Can’t you open our eyes?”

No one else said a word, and many people just wanted to watch the excitement.

Jiang Yulin frowned slightly, but still said with a smile: "Jiejie, he wants to ride a bull, but I don't have a bull here. How can this compare? Otherwise, wait until the next opportunity."

"How is it possible? I saw it when I came here last time!" Xiao Jiejie said, picked up Jiang Yulin and ran towards the window.

Everyone was puzzled and followed him.

Come to the window, this is the place to watch horse racing. Looking around, there are lawns and tracks below. In the distance, you can vaguely see the stables.

Xiao Jiejie pointed in the opposite direction. There seemed to be a stable there. Xiao Jiejie said seriously: "There are cows there. When I came last time, I even watched the show!"

This racecourse is not only for horse racing, but also a large entertainment venue. Sometimes, there will be some bullfighting performances.

The so-called bullfighting is not Spanish bullfighting. That kind of performance is too dangerous. Eastern bullfighting is still used in China. Oriental bullfighting does no harm to humans. It is a battle between bulls, either goring or racing.

Jiang Yulin just forgot about this. When Xiao Jiejie came to play before, she had seen a bullfighting show and knew that there were cows here. Jiang Yulin frowned again, it seemed that this matter was not over yet.

He was thinking about how to slow things down. Seeing that he was silent, Xiao Jiejie immediately looked at Zhang Yu and shouted loudly: "Didn't you just say you wanted to ride a bull? There is one here, do you dare? What if? It’s okay if you don’t dare, I won’t make it difficult for you, apologize to me immediately! And Fang Tong, when you see me in the future, just call me sister!”

Xiao Jiejie's nostrils were turned upward, she could no longer be arrogant.

"It's for no reason, how can I apologize to you?" Zhang Yu looked at Xiao Jiejie and felt that this girl was simply inexplicable.

"You said you can ride a bull, how can you be a successful person? Why can't I see how successful you are? You are a country person, and you are here to be embarrassed and conspicuous. You are nothing, and you don't urinate and take pictures. !" Xiao Jiejie said arrogantly.

She was used to being domineering, and she never thought that Zhang Yu would dare to talk back. She didn't dare to scold Fang Tong like this. She would only insult him a few words, but she was not polite at all to Zhang Yu, a country bumpkin. And scolding Zhang Yu like this is equivalent to slapping Fang Tong in the face.

Jiang Yulin couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Xiao Jiejie like this. It was so outrageous. Just when he was about to say something to Xiao Jiejie, Zhang Yu unexpectedly said, "You girl, please keep your mouth clean. This is just a bull riding competition. I am competing with you!"

Zhang Yu doesn't have a good temper either. With Yang Ying by his side to persuade him, it might be better. But without Yang Ying by his side, he is not used to this problem. But he couldn't hit a woman, so he had to use other methods to teach Xiao Jiejie a lesson.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. No one would have thought that Zhang Yu could really agree.

Xiao Jiejie also didn't expect that, especially when Zhang Yu's words were so rude, she became even more angry and said angrily: "Okay! This is what you said, and everyone present heard it. You want to ride a bull to compete with Zhongshu on horseback." of!"

"That's right!" Zhang Yu said loudly.

"You have the guts! But let's talk first. If you, a country bumpkin, lose, you have to apologize to me and admit that you are SB! And Fang Tong, you will call me sister from now on!" Xiao Jiejie shouted with her eyes widened.

Fang Tong saw that Zhang Yu was really competing, and now he was involved in it. Why should he call Xiao Jiejie sister? How could he see anyone in the future? If you compete between riding a bull and riding a horse, you will definitely lose. She looked at Zhang Yu and wondered if this boy was sick.

However, Zhang Yu said: "No problem, I promise you. But then again, what if you lose?"

"What if I lose?" Xiao Jiejie looked up to the sky and laughed. It was a big joke that she could lose to a bull rider on a horse. She then shouted: "If I lose, I will do whatever you want me to do? Even if you ask me to book a room with you, I won't say anything!"

"There's no need for this, I don't care about it. If you lose, you can wash my feet. Do you dare to agree?" Zhang Yu said.

He dared to make a bet with Xiao Jiejie, and it was not without any certainty. When he went out today, Zhang Yu brought the Shenxing Jiama. I originally planned to find a chance to give it a try today, but unexpectedly I met Xiao Jiejie.

The magical armored horse is not only useful for humans, but also for animals. As for how fast an ox can run after being tied to a horse, Zhang Yu is not sure, but a four-legged animal can definitely run faster than a human.

Anyway, we've reached this point, why not try this magical horse on an ox. If you lose, you will be unlucky. If you win, you must teach this spoiled brat a lesson.

"What are you afraid of? Everyone, listen up. If I lose, I will wash his feet!" Xiao Jiejie shouted bluntly.

Anyway, we are sure to win, so there is nothing to be afraid of. It would be damned if the horse couldn't compete with the ox.

Fang Tong looked anxious, and Zhang Yu was too impulsive. This was Nie Qian's friend from somewhere, and he must be very courageous. He dared to agree to anything.

There are really people who are not afraid of big troubles. Nie Qian shouted casually: "We have all heard it. If you lose then, don't default on your debt."

"You talk a lot, how can I lose? Oh!" Xiao Jiejie was full of disdain. She looked at Fang Tong and said: "Your boyfriend has agreed to the bet and the conditions have been agreed upon. You have no objections, right? Don't It’s time to default on your debt!”

Fang Tong had the same idea as Xiao Jiejie, how could he win? I had the intention not to agree, but I was already put on the shelves. If I didn't agree, I would probably be laughed at by Xiao Jiejie as a coward.

While he was hesitating, some people started to make noises, and the people who made the noise were all close friends with Xiao Jiejie.

"Fang Tong, your boyfriend dares to ride a bull, so you don't dare to pick up the fight, right?" "That's right, it's too shameless." "If you are like this, you might as well just call me sister."...

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