Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1342: Time flies

"The so-called National Securities 30 is the same as the National Securities 50. It is an index composed of active stocks selected from the market. It has investment value, that is to say, you can buy the rise and fall of the index. The eight stocks traded by the Qi family Stocks are all stocks in the National Securities 30, which is equivalent to having one-third of the say in the National Securities 30. If we work hard at the same time, we can completely dominate the rise and fall of the National Securities 30 index. The Qi family can not only pass You can make profits by trading stocks, and you can also make profits by buying up and down through the driven stock index." Pan Chonghai said confidently.

After listening to what he said, Zhang Yu understood what was going on.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but said: "It would be too easy to make money like this."

"The richer you are, the easier it is to make money. This is an eternal truth. The Qi family's investment company is the Qi family's primary tool for making money. Judging from this layout, the Qi family's ambitions are not small. You If you want to play against him, it's like taking money from his mouth, so you must be more careful." Pan Chonghai said seriously.

"Whether I fight with them or not, they won't let me go. Since that's the case, it's better to show them some color." Zhang Yu said without showing any signs of weakness.

You know, this time of Sangmenxing made Zhang Yu hate the Qi family even more.

The other party obviously wanted to punish him to death. In this case, why should I be polite?

"If you have the courage, there are still ways. However, I still need to think about it in detail. I definitely won't be able to come up with a plan today. You go back first, and don't be idle during this time. Let the secrets be eaten in small shares. These eight stocks. No matter how you operate, as long as you know the Pan family's plan, you will definitely make money in the end." Pan Chonghai said.

"Okay. Then old man, please think of your idea first. I will mobilize funds to buy stocks according to your wishes." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Besides." Mr. Pan said suddenly, "One fence has three stakes and one hero has three helpers. If you want to show your strength in the securities market, you will need a few helpers."

"Old man, what I want to tell you is that you have so many masters, lend me a few," Zhang Yu said.

Pan Chonghai shook his head and smiled, and said: "They are just traders, with only average vision and knowledge. For such a big move, they alone are not enough."

"You are always in charge, aren't you?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"I'm an old man and I can't always keep an eye on you, and I have other things to do. Let me recommend someone to you." Pan Chonghai said calmly.

"That's OK, who is it?" Zhang Yu asked.

"You must know this person." Pan Chonghai said pretending to be mysterious.

"Do I know such a person?" Zhang Yu was a little confused.

"One of Fan Shiji's men named Jin Aoxiang should be in prison. If you fish him out and entrust him with important tasks, I believe he will be able to help you flourish in the securities market." Pan Chonghai affirmed. said.

"Is it him?" Zhang Yu was stunned again.

Zhang Yu knew this Jin Aoxiang very well, Fan Shiji's core. Fan Shiji was beaten to death by gangsters, and Jin Aoxiang had one of his little fingers chopped off. Although he was not dead, he was sentenced to three years in prison for colluding with Fan Shiji in colluding with the Black Society, affecting demolition, and endangering public safety. He is currently serving his sentence in prison.

"At the beginning, each was his own master. Fan Shiji is dead and he is in prison again. At this time, if you can help him, you are his benefactor. This Jin Aoxiang is very talented, especially in the securities market. If Fan Shiji is not too arrogant, he will not lose easily." Pan Chonghai said earnestly: "If you want to achieve great things, you must have a big mind... Have you seen "Three Kingdoms"? Can Cao Cao kill on the White Gate Tower? He killed Lu Bu, but he was also able to explain Zhang Wenyuan... The five good generals were powerful in Xiaoyaojin, and they made a good story..."

"What the old man is saying is...Besides, I am not the kind of person who is petty and unyielding...otherwise, that guy would have died in prison long ago..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's right. I believe you have a way to fish him out... He will definitely accept this favor. With his help, this will definitely happen!" Pan Chonghai said with certainty.

"Okay, I'll find someone to fish him out when I get back." Zhang Yu said.

He knew in his heart that there would be no one left in Mr. Pan's fancy.

In Jin Aoxiang's case, he was not the mastermind, but just a coercion. Moreover, there have been no casualties, and not many outsiders know about it.

With a three-year prison sentence, the case is obviously not big, so it is not difficult to get the person out. Of course, he would not do this himself.

Ye Fenghuang had packed up now. When he came out of the house this time, he was obviously wearing a vest under his skirt.

Xia Yuechan and Meng Xing'er were not in a hurry to leave just yet, so Zhang Yu and Ye Fenghuang went down the mountain together.

Ye Fenghuang was already extremely beautiful. Dressed in a white short skirt and white high heels, she looked even more like a hibiscus.

As soon as he got into Zhang Yu's car, the driver muttered to himself, this boss is so clever, there are so many beauties here.

Zhang Yu did not go home immediately, but took Ye Fenghuang to the Wudang Group first. When we arrived, the company was almost getting off work. He and Ye Fenghuang went straight to the finance room. As soon as they entered, Ye Fenghuang felt something was wrong at the door, but he didn't say anything and just followed Zhang Yu into the financial director's office.

Girl Fang Tong didn't come to work today. This was Zhang Yu's request, so don't come for the time being.

When the employees in the finance office saw Mr. Zhang bringing a beautiful girl, they all said hello, wondering if it was Mr. Zhang's new girl who was going to be assigned to work in finance.

Entering Yang Ying's office, Yang Ying had not seen Ye Fenghuang, but she could not help but murmur in her heart when she saw such a beauty. Zhang Yu briefly introduced that Ye Fenghuang was his friend. After get off work, he would help him check out the Feng Shui here. He should keep quiet for now.

After the employees left after get off work, Zhang Yucai and Ye Fenghuang came out and asked Ye Fenghuang to take a look at the situation and give some opinions.

After seeing this, Zhang Yu and Ye Fenghuang went up to the rooftop. Zhang Yu could clearly see the gray rainbow above.

Ye Fenghuang seems to have other methods and can also see this.

The two of them looked at it for a while, and Zhang Yu said, "How is it? Is there any way?"

Ye Fenghuang said seriously: "It may not be easy to break it by force. However, I have another way, which may be able to solve the problem."

"What method?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"Our sect has studied Qimen Dunjia and Fengshui very well. Although we have dabbled in it, we are not very proficient in it. However, this formation is obviously based on the stars, which will attract the Sangmen stars to come and cause trouble. In this case, it will play into our own hands. . Our sect has an astrological mystical technique called Dou Zhuan Xing Shi, which can move the stars to other places." Ye Fenghuang said proudly.

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