Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1301 Benefiting Humanity

Zhennan District is not close to Zhendong District. When Zhang Yu and Xiao Jiejie returned home, it was already dinner time.

The family gathered around the table to eat, and anyone could tell that Xiao Jiejie was in a particularly bad mood today.

I saw that Xiao Jiejie was doing well a few days ago. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Today she said she was attending some kind of trade fair for a week. Why did she come back so early?

Yang Yingliao figured out the problem and asked with concern: "Jiejie, what happened? You are so depressed?"

"Alas," Xiao Jiejie sighed and said, "Not a single business deal was concluded. Those bastards suddenly lowered their prices, which caught me off guard and took away our business. I originally planned to make some achievements and let the people in the company see it. It seems so embarrassing now."

As soon as they heard what she said, Yang Ying, Fang Tong, and Luo Chen all understood what was going on. It really didn't go well at the exhibition.

Zhang Yu quickly smiled and said: "Jiejie, you don't have to be too pessimistic. There must be a way to reach the mountain. Our current technology is definitely not good, but it doesn't mean that we can't make progress. Now that we have done it, we must do it well." . By the way. I bought a mobile phone just to make calls, and I don’t know all those messy functions. Tell me what you usually do with your mobile phone, and I’ll see if I can learn anything from it.”

"I just watch movies and play games occasionally." Fang Tong was the first to say.

"I also watch movies, or else I read novels. Now there is a man named Tie Suo who wrote "The Art of Controlling the House" which is very interesting. I have been following it." Yang Ying said.

Luo Chen thought about it for a while and said, "I just take photos and post them on WeChat Moments, chat and stuff, and take some time to read the stock market."

"Are you still trading stocks?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Many people in the company were fired, so I just played with them, and now I'm trapped." Luo Chen pursed his lips, "The salary you gave me is included, but I don't have to spend money on food and accommodation."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile, but then he muttered that these functions they mentioned are available on the corn phone. Li Zaiping also said that the technology of corn mobile phones is more advanced than inferior, and it is suitable for the working class.

The price is relatively close to the people, but if competitors start a price war, it will be useless.

At this stall, there was a knock on the door. A nanny went to open the door, and then heard a woman shout: "Xiaoying, Xiaoying."

"Sister Biao, you're here!" Yang Ying heard the speaker's voice and greeted her.

Sure enough, I soon saw Biao's wife walking into the restaurant.

Zhang Yu also said hello, "Sister-in-law Biao, sit down and have something to eat, brother Biao is here."

"I said it was an errand arranged by you. I went to find a boy who was cheating under your name. He stayed in the trap every night and didn't go home for three nights." Sister-in-law Biao said and sat down next to Yang Ying.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu was stunned. He tried to deceive that boy. Didn't I already say that there was no need to look for him?

Immediately, Zhang Yu realized that it was Brother Biao who was using his name to deceive others at home. He didn't know which woman had been under the covers in the past three days.

Yang Ying didn't know what was going on. Seeing what Sister Biao said, she hurriedly said to Zhang Yu: "Xiao Yu, you said you were looking for someone to swindle you. You don't need Brother Biao to go there in person. You can just ask him to send a few people."

Zhang Yu complained in his heart, who asked him to go there in person? What should I do?

But Zhang Yu can't betray Brother Biao, after all, all men understand.

Zhang Yu said bravely: "Sister-in-law Biao, it's my fault for not explaining clearly. I'll call Brother Biao and ask him to go home as soon as possible."

"Sorry for bothering you, brother," Sister Biao said gratefully.

Then, she added, "That little brat at home is really going to kill him. If Da Biao is not at home, no one can control him."

"What little bastard?" Yang Ying said curiously.

Yang Ying knew the situation of Brother Biao's family very well. The two of them had no children.

Biao's wife immediately complained, "Da Biao has a cousin, and the two brothers are very close. His cousin and sister-in-law traveled abroad and sent their children to our house. This is like an ancestor. During the day, I watched a king-beater named Yang Xiaodong. Glory, in a few days, he actually gave me a gift of 50,000 yuan. At night, he played games. Now that all the money given by his parents has been used up, he still asks me for money. If he doesn’t give it, he will cry. I just stay at home and my head is spinning. pain!"

"Yang Xiaodong"

When Zhang Yu and Yang Ying heard this name, they couldn't help but were stunned and looked at each other. They were embarrassed to say that they knew each other.

"Xiaoying, you..." Sister-in-law Biao asked curiously when she saw Yang Ying's expression was different.

Yang Ying smiled awkwardly and said, "It's nothing."

She immediately changed the subject, "Can my eyes handle this child playing games at night?"

"I look at my cell phone every night. I am already near-sighted when I am in the first grade of elementary school! I can't control it at home! I am so worried about Da Biao's brother. The child is like this. What should I do in the future?" Biao's wife complained again. , said angrily: "If this is my son, I will kill him with my big mouth! If he doesn't sleep, I will smash his cell phone!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu's mind suddenly flashed with lightning.

He immediately asked: "Sister-in-law Biao, do you think many children now play with their mobile phones at night and don't sleep?"

"Isn't it? There are too many. The obedient children are fine, but the disobedient children can't be controlled." Sister Biao said bluntly.

"Then you said, if there is a mobile phone that makes you want to sleep when you play with it, would you buy it?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Is there such a mobile phone? If it is available, I will definitely buy it. It will save Da Biao not being at home at night. I can't sleep because I can't hear his snoring." Biao's wife said carelessly.

She didn't know what Zhang Yu meant, but Xiao Jiejie and Yang Ying looked at Zhang Yu together.

Xiao Jiejie couldn't help but said: "Zhang Yu, can you create a mobile phone that makes people fall asleep while playing with it?"

"Ah?" Sister-in-law Biao was shocked when she heard this, and looked directly at Zhang Yu, "Brother, is it real or fake? If there is one, give me one."

Fang Tong and Luo Chen also reacted now, and they all looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "I just came up with this idea, and I don't know if it can be realized. If it is realized, will it be considered a benefit to society?"

"It's not just a benefit to society, it's a benefit to all mankind!" Sister-in-law Biao exclaimed excitedly: "How many people have insomnia at night now. If you can invent a mobile phone that can make you fall asleep while playing, then there will probably be people with as much money as possible. purchase!"

"That's right!" Xiao Jiejie also said excitedly: "If you are designing a mobile phone that makes people sleep, our family will distribute it! VERTU, Sony, Ai Kuang, and Samsung will all have to stay away!"

Seeing Xiao Jiejie's excited look, Zhang Yu said: "Don't worry, I just have an idea. I don't know if it can be realized yet. Don't talk about it when you go out. Give me some time and I will study it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go study it quickly!" Xiao Jiejie jumped up immediately and went to pull Zhang Yu up.

"Wait, wait," Zhang Yu frowned and said, "Why are you so anxious? I haven't finished my meal yet."


Special thanks to: Mr. Oogway, Chinese-style spareribs, A Little Cry for big rewards, and today’s 30 monthly tickets and 300 recommendation tickets.

Before I knew it, there were 1,300 chapters, almost 3 million words. Thank you for your continued support. I am very grateful. Laotie will definitely work hard to write more exciting content and make it enjoyable for everyone to watch!

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