Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 13 God of Wealth

"No problem. Where is your hotel? Let's go in and register first. Then can you take us there to have a look?" Yang Ying said enthusiastically.

"Sure!" Boss Sun said cheerfully.

He, Zhang Yu and Yang Ying went to the agency to register the hotel check-out.

The next step is to go to the hotel for an on-site inspection, mainly to get to know the location so that you can take customers there. Generally, the intermediary fee for hotel redemption is relatively high, which can reach 5%. In other words, for a redemption price of 1 million, you can get an agency fee of 50,000. For Yang Ying, this is a life-saving straw.

Her agency didn't have many good properties. The most important thing was that Lin Hai, who was opposite her, knew the property information in her hand very well and would definitely sell it to Hou Xingcai.

Yang Ying planned to go there in person, but she couldn't let Zhang Yu carry it on his back repeatedly, what would it be like? If you are just holding someone, your walking speed will be too slow. So, she asked Zhang Yu and the girl with glasses to go again.

Boss Sun's hot pot restaurant is really not far from here, so people have to walk here. This is why Yang Ying can't go there.

Zhang Yu and the girl with glasses followed Boss Sun to the hot pot restaurant, which only took about ten minutes.

As Boss Sun said, the decoration of his hot pot restaurant is very good, and it is of high quality at first glance. The decoration is also new, so he offers this price.

The girl with glasses clearly wrote down the address and planned to take photos inside with her mobile phone as a publicity before visiting the store. Zhang Yu also followed him in to take a look. As soon as he entered, he was attracted by the bar on the left. To be precise, it's not the bar, but the statue of the God of Wealth next to the bar.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned and said in confusion: "Why is the statue of the God of Wealth placed in this position?"

In this world, many people worship the God of Wealth, especially those who do business. Almost every family worships him.

However, the God of Wealth is not just enshrined casually. The placement of the God of Wealth statue is very particular. If it is placed in the wrong position, not only will it fail to attract wealth, but it will also bring bad luck.

The location of the bar is not only not the position of the God of Wealth, it is even the position of evil. Putting the God of Wealth statue there is equivalent to using the God of Wealth to ward off evil spirits. Isn't this just making people feel uncomfortable? Even if this evil position does not have any strong evil spirit, it is still disrespectful to the God of Wealth. The bar counter is also the cash register, so placing it in that position will also affect Feng Shui.

He stood inside the door for a long time, looking at the bar. The girl with glasses had already started taking pictures. When Boss Sun saw Zhang Yu standing there, he asked, "Why don't you come in?"

"Boss Sun, is your business here very bad?" Zhang Yu asked.

Boss Sun didn't want to hear other people mention this problem. Now Zhang Yu asked him this, which made him very unhappy. Boss Sun said coldly: "Aren't you talking nonsense? If the business goes well, I can cash it out just three months after the decoration is completed!"

"That's right if business is not good." Zhang Yu said.

"What do you mean?" Boss Sun became angry all of a sudden.

"The God of Wealth statue you have here is wrong, and the position of the cashier is also wrong, so it affects your business here." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Is it true? Do you know how to read Feng Shui?" Boss Sun was obviously disdainful.

"I've learned a lot. If you listen to me and change the positions of the God of Wealth and the cashier, and I can set up a small Feng Shui bureau, I should be able to improve the business here." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"The more you talk, the more mysterious you become?" Boss Sun said, "Then where do you want to change the God of Wealth and the bar?"

Zhang Yu glanced around and said, "Wait a moment. I didn't bring a compass. It will take some time."

"Okay, then you look for it slowly." Boss Sun hugged his shoulders.

At this time, some employees of the hot pot restaurant also came over. Especially the cashier and the two waiters near the bar were relatively close. When they saw Zhang Yu talking about Feng Shui, they both showed disbelief.

This is normal. Even the fortune tellers on the street only come to the door if they are more mature. Zhang Yu is young and wears shabby clothes. His image cannot be convincing.

"This guy can read Feng Shui, is it true?" "Isn't he a salesperson of an agency? Why do real estate agencies now have such a business?" "You're bragging, what kind of people don't have it these days. ”.

Listening to these people's comments, Zhang Yu didn't take it seriously at all, because he had heard this kind of talk many times. When he was in his hometown, his neighbors all said this, and no one believed him.

Zhang Yu concentrated his energy at this moment, focused his true energy on his eyes, bit his middle finger suddenly, and scratched it in front of his eyes. However, the blood on his fingers did not touch his eyes.

"Oh, why are you wearing a finger-biter?" "It's a lot of money." "Does it hurt?" The people around started talking again.

But at this moment, Zhang Yu's eyes already saw a different scene.

The huge hotel is filled with all kinds of airflow colors.

This is the legendary qi-watching technique. This move also consumes a lot of energy. With Zhang Yu's current strength, he can only use the qi-watching technique once a day.

The center of the hotel is filled with wisps of golden air. In other words, the five elements here belong to gold and it is the real God of Wealth. The position opposite the bar is filled with aqua-blue air. The five elements here belong to water, and water is wealth. There is a faint black air at the bar, which is evil spirit. The evil spirit is very weak, so weak that even if you don't deal with it, it won't have any impact.

Because this world is full of evil spirits, which are complementary to wealth. Lao Wangtou said that good and evil coexist. If there is no evil spirit in the world, there will be no luck; if there is no evil spirit in the world, there will be no righteousness. Without demons, there is no Tao.

Zhang Yu pointed to the position opposite the bar and said: "Move the cashier here." Then he pointed to the middle place and said: "The statue of the God of Wealth is placed in the center. There is the God of Wealth seat, which is dedicated to the God of Wealth. It’s your place. As for the original location of the cashier, I’ll give you a small Feng Shui tactic to break the evil spirits.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the cashier behind Boss Sun said: "What nonsense are you talking about! The place opposite is so narrow, how can we set up the bar? The place in the middle is the aisle, and customers are walking back and forth, isn't it? It’s blocked, what a hassle.”

"The cashier is where money is collected. The narrower the place, the easier it is to collect money. The God of Wealth naturally has to be in a spacious place. Besides, your business here is not good, so I guess there are usually no people walking back and forth." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Tch! Just talk nonsense!" The cashier still didn't believe it.

She is Boss Sun's niece, that's why she dared to be the first to say this.

However, Boss Sun nodded slightly and said: "Okay, then I will believe you once. My hot pot restaurant is going to be cashed out anyway, so what's the big deal if it moves? It's a dead horse being treated like a live doctor!"

After saying that, he turned to look at the waiters and said, "Hurry up and move them all over as he said!"

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