Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1266 Thunder Tower

When Zhang Yu saw Jingyu running very fast, he immediately took out his money sword and rushed towards the courtyard wall.

As soon as he reached the wall, he heard hurried footsteps in the courtyard. He jumped up to the courtyard wall and saw three old monks, Jingyu, Jingshuang and Jingchan, running away towards the Thunder Tower together like bereaved dogs.

Zhang Yu killed half of the six elders at once. Of the three remaining, two lost their cassocks and one was struck by a palm thunder. How could they dare to continue fighting with Zhang Yu? Isn't this looking for death?

The three of them were also very fast and entered the Thunder Tower in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Yu jumped down from the wall and first recovered the Cruciatus nail and two pairs of black scissors from the three dead monks. Then he walked quickly towards the Thunder Tower.

The door of the Thunder Pagoda was open. It is not known whether the three old monks were too panicked and forgot to close the door, or whether they deliberately left the door open for Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu walked slowly towards the pagoda gate. He walked up several gentle steps before climbing up the steps, and found the floor paved with granite. Going forward is the door. Standing in front of the door, Zhang Yu can immediately feel that there is something strange in it.

At this moment, Zhang Yu had achieved a complete victory. There are not many masters left in Leiming Temple. Of course, it is okay to stop now, but Zhang Yu knows one thing. If he retreats now, Leiming Temple will definitely be a disaster in the future.

Although these monks couldn't defeat him, it was not difficult to deal with his relatives.

There is a saying that says, "Don't do anything absolutely, and leave favors on the line." But that doesn't mean the situation at hand.

For example, the fight between Wen Qiong and Fu Senbo did not mean that they were beaten to death with a stick. After all, there were families behind them, and there were higher-level rule makers above the families. In this kind of fight, no matter what you do, there must be a thin line of favor. Fu Senbo's death was an accident and had nothing to do with Wen Qiong.

But in this situation, there is no way to be lenient. No one can give the other party a chance to breathe. After all, a deadly feud has been formed. If you don't kill the other party, the other party will definitely find ways to harm you in the future.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and stepped into the door.

The first floor of the Thunder Tower looked very empty. There were candlesticks on the front, left, and right sides, with candles on them. The candlelight flickered, but Zhang Yu could make out the outline clearly.

Standing here, Zhang Yu could no longer hear any sound. There was an upward staircase on the side of the candlestick in front.

He slowly came to the bottom of the stairs and listened carefully with his inner eye, but did not hear any sound above his head. He was cautious and stepped up.

Zhang Yu's footsteps were very light, almost silent. Although he walked slowly, he reached the second floor in no time.

Standing at the entrance of the stairs, you can see that the area here is small. There are candlesticks on the left and right sides. There is a wall not far in front. There is a large iron door on the wall. There is no lock on the door.

Zhang Yu did not go upstairs immediately, but walked towards the iron gate opposite. He kicked the door, and the iron door slowly opened, while Zhang Yu quickly stepped back.

On the way back, he smelled a faint smell of medicine flowing out of the door. He didn't know what medicine it was, but Zhang Yu was sure that it was not poison.

"Wow wow." "Wow wow.".

Immediately afterwards, he heard the slight cry of a baby inside. The cry was not loud, as if the child had no strength left to cry.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself. He was cautious and slowly came to the door.

At this moment, the fifth floor of Thunder Tower.

The pagoda has seven levels in total. The layout of this level is almost the same as that of the second level. There are stairs going forward, candlesticks on the left and right sides, a red wall in front of it, and a large iron door above.

Three old monks, Jingyu, Jingshuang, and Jingchan, stood outside the iron gate. They were all panting and had panic expressions on their faces.

Zhang Yu's strength is too powerful, far beyond their imagination. The battle just now made the three of them frightened and they did not dare to fight Zhang Yu again.

Standing here, the three of them felt guilty. Jingchan said nervously: "Two senior brothers, why do I think Zhang Yu will chase me in? What do you think you should do?"

Jingshuang rubbed his hands anxiously and said bitterly: "Fahai didn't say he was so powerful. This is great. Once the three senior brothers die, the three of us are no match at all. I'm afraid that Leiming Temple will be destroyed." "

"It's ruined for one thing. I'm afraid the three of us will die here too," Jingyu said worriedly.

"We have to think of a way quickly. We can't wait for him to catch up. Let's just sit back and wait for death," Jingchan said in panic.

"But...what else can we do?" Jingyu also frowned. When he said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly: "That's right! He...he will definitely be able to kill that kid."

"Who?" Jingshuang and Jingchan asked in unison.

Jingyu pointed to the top of his head and said: "The one who is locked up upstairs."

After hearing this, Jingchan and Jingshuang couldn't help but look at each other in surprise, and then heard Jingshuang say: "How could he help us?"

Jingchan also said: "Isn't that right? Once we let him out, he won't have to kill us first."

Jingyu managed to maintain his composure and said seriously: "This is the only way. When that kid comes up, we will still die. If we release that guy, there may be a glimmer of hope. After all, he is us. The people of Leiming Temple can’t just watch the thousand-year-old temple be destroyed.”

"This." Jingchan hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "It seems to make sense."

He then looked at Jingshuang and said, "Senior brother, what do you think?"

Jingshuang gritted his teeth, then nodded heavily and said, "This is how it is anyway! Just as Senior Brother Jingyu said, when Zhang Yu catches up, we will all die, so we might as well release that person. Perhaps, for the sake of thunder, For the sake of the temple’s foundation, he can spare our lives, but no matter what, we can’t die in Zhang Yu’s hands!”

The three of them were discussing upstairs, while Zhang Yu stood outside the iron gate and looked in.

It was pitch dark inside and couldn't see clearly at all. He took out a fire-gathering talisman and threw it in, and it immediately became brighter inside.

This should be a compartment, quite large, with a copper tripod in the middle, and more than twenty bird cages hanging on the left and right sides. In some of the bird cages, there are babies the size of swaddling clothes.

"This" Zhang Yu was shocked. He never expected that such a thing would be done in Leiming Temple.

Smelling the smell of medicine in the room and looking at the baby in the cage, Zhang Yu could immediately guess that the baby was being used to refine medicine.

This kind of thing is definitely harmful to one's moral character. Usually only some demon monks and demon Taoists would do this kind of thing, and the monks in Leiming Temple also did this kind of thing.

"Son of a bitch!" Zhang Yu couldn't help but gritted his teeth in hatred. At this moment, the murderous intent in his heart became even stronger. No matter whether this is a dragon pool or a tiger's den, he must kill all the monks in the Thunder Tower.

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