Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1228 Zhang Yu’s Difference

"Ah?" When A Ming heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. This Taoist priest must have too much temper.

Seeing his hesitation, Zhang Yu continued to move forward.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was leaving, Meng Xuanying quickly shouted: "What are you waiting for? Just slap it yourself!"

"Yes." A Ming had no choice but to raise his hand and slap his face hard.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!".

Should he say it or not, he is really down-to-earth, and the slap he makes with his big mouth is really loud.

With Zhang Yu's character, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing normally, but it was different today.

Hearing A Ming really slap his mouth, he stopped again. After A Ming slapped him for more than ten times, Zhang Yu turned around.

At a glance, there was blood at the corners of A Ming's mouth and his face was a little swollen. Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction, walked straight to Zhang Ming, and said, "Okay, stop."

A Ming stopped and said honestly: "Thank you, Daozhang Zhang."

"You're welcome." Zhang Yu said, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiping away the blood on A Ming's mouth.

A Ming really didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant, and his heart was pounding. He was so angry just now, why was he so kind now.

Zhang Yu glanced at the blood stains on the handkerchief, then put it in his pocket, walked past A Ming, and said, "Old man, let's go."

Meng Xuanying nodded, secretly saying in her heart that this kid has quite a temper.

He waved, and in addition to the six outside, the three drivers in the car also got out and went with him.

Since I have to take action personally, I need more manpower.

Zhang Yu could also see that these three drivers were not given for free.

Arriving at the foot of the mine, A Ming took out a blueprint from his pocket, unfolded it and looked at it, then he would lead the way and walk at the front.

Seeing that he still had the map, Zhang Yu asked deliberately: "Old man, why do you still have the map here?"

"Since I'm here to find the accident site, I have to be prepared. I'm going to ask friends from the Mining Administration for help. Not only did I pull up a map of Zijin Mountain, but I also helped mark the accident site." Meng Xuanying said calmly. .

This kind of thing, in other people's eyes, is simply logical. Zhang Yu also thought there was nothing wrong with this answer, so he followed him up the mountain.

Purple Mountain is a mine, and it has an owner, but even so, it will not be completely blocked. After all, it is impossible to block such a big mountain.

This was an unfamiliar environment. Zhang Yu carefully observed that there were not many trees on the mountain, and no one could be seen at all.

Gradually, he realized something was wrong. There must be people mining in the mines, and they have already reached the halfway point of the mountain, but not even a sound of people is heard.

After a while, we saw the mine. This should be an abandoned mine. Standing at the entrance, A Ming said: "Boss, look at the map. The entrance should be here."

Meng Xuanying nodded and looked at Zhang Yu, "How about we go in from inside?"

Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't understand the terrain here. You can lead the way and I will follow."

"Say it as if I understand..." Meng Xuanying said with a smile and made a gesture. His men immediately took out their bright flashlights and walked in first.

Zhang Yu slowly followed behind, while being careful and on guard, he was thinking in his heart that Hei Yandan died in an explosion here. The specific way of death is difficult to determine. But Zhang Yu was certain that Hei Yandan could not be killed by the explosion, otherwise, he would not be able to issue a curse.

If Meng Xuanying was responsible for the explosion that year, Meng Xuanying should probably know the location of the incident. Meng Xuanying did have a map, and the origin of the map was clear.

In addition, why Zhang Yu had to let Meng Xuanying in? What he was thinking and what he was saying must be different.

The main reason is that Zhang Yu believes that the danger here must exist, but the important thing is that only when Meng Xuanying comes in can all the mysteries be solved.

After all, besides Zhang Yu, the person who unlocked the curse also knew how to resolve the curse.

The mine is very deep and long, with pits and pits on the stone walls. The mine has been dug out long ago. A Ming was at the front leading the way, turning this way and that. After walking for a long time, the situation in front suddenly changed.

There are gravels on both sides of the passage, and they are quite large. Although there are locations passing by before, there are not so many. Especially in some locations, they are stacked quite neatly.

At this time, I suddenly heard A Ming say: "Boss, we're here."

Zhang Yu immediately took a few steps forward, and sure enough, there were obvious signs of collapse in the passage ahead.

In this way, the gravel on both sides of the road has an explanation. It must have been cleared after the rescue team arrived later.

Meng Xuanying came to Zhang Yu and said, "Judging from the traces, this should be the place where the explosion occurred."

"It looks very similar. If you follow this road, you will almost find something." Zhang Yu said.

Meng Xuanying asked his men to lead the way first, and the group continued walking inside. Even after it has been cleared, the road is not easy to walk and can be bumpy.

After a while, they came to a large mining room. It is not difficult to see that after being burned by fire, large craters were blasted out in many places above.

A brief inspection shows that there is nothing but rocks inside.

Zhang Yu guessed: "This should be the starting point of the explosion. It's a bit like a place where miners rest."

"I think so too." Meng Xuanying nodded.

"But there is no smell of curse here, so I analyze that the curse is not here. There is a high probability that Hei Yandan was not killed by the explosion, or was injured. Anyway, he did not die here." Zhang Yu said.

Meng Xuanying looked around and saw that there were passages in the front and left and right of the mine, all showing signs of being blown down. He frowned slightly and said, "That's what I said. I asked some old friends and they said that there has been no news about Black Rock gall since the mining accident. They said he died here. It seems that when the rescue team came, But no body was found.”

"That's the problem. Let's look for it." Zhang Yu said.

"But there are three roads here. According to the map, there are roads behind, extending in all directions. If you look for it, you really don't know when you will find it." Meng Xuanying said.

"That's a problem..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and was vaguely sure that Meng Xuanying really didn't know where Hei Yandan died.

As Meng Xuanying said, if you search without a target, you still don’t know when you will find it.

So, he took out the compass from his pocket, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist on it.

"Clatter..." The compass immediately began to rotate rapidly, and after a moment the three pointers settled.

Three pointers, the white pointer points to the intersection behind you, which is the way you came. The black pointer and the red pointer both pointed to the intersection on the left.

The black pointer represents danger and the red pointer represents the unexpected. If there was danger, Zhang Yu would have been sure of it for a long time. As for what this unexpected harvest would be, Zhang Yu became more curious.

"Let's go to the left." Zhang Yu pointed to the passage on the left.

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