Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1217 Paper Ashes

"Curse. What kind of curse? What are you doing in front of your grandma's grave? It's inexplicable," Meng Xuanying said excitedly.

When he said this, Meng Xuanying's hands were shaking a little.

Grandpa became a vegetative state at an early age, and suffered Alzheimer's disease when he woke up. Meng Xing'er didn't spend very long with her grandfather.

But Meng Xing'er was also very attentive and immediately saw some clues from Meng Xuanying's excited look.

As Zhang Yu said, Meng Xuanying knew the curse.

But grandpa didn't seem to intend to let this matter go smoothly. After hesitating for a moment, Meng Xing'er said: "Grandpa, this matter is not only related to my mother and aunt, but also to our Meng family. My cousin will be affected. The curse is implicated, and I have been a victim of the curse for a long time. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have gotten married long ago. If you think this is not the case, then fine, I will go find Qi Wuyao now, as long as we two As soon as he is ready, he will die immediately, which will save me from being a widow after marrying into the Qi family."

In the end, Meng Xing'er's attitude was very tough.


Sure enough, upon hearing this, Meng Xuanying raised her arm directly, as if she wanted to slap Meng Xinger.

He raised his hand in the air, paused for a moment, and then put it down.

"It seems that you have known about the curse for a long time. Who else in the family knows about this?" Meng Xuanying asked in a deep voice.

What he said has already made things clear.

"As far as Zhang Yu and I know, it's actually thanks to him." Meng Xing'er lowered her head and said.

"Is this Zhang Yu very capable?" Meng Xuanying asked.

"It's very big. He originally planned to help our Meng family lift the curse, but he found on grandma's grave that a master had helped suppress the curse, but it was only able to prevent the men in the family from being affected, not the girls. "Yeah." Meng Xing'er said sadly.

"So that's it." Meng Xuanying took a long breath and said, "Okay, let's go to Mengjiashan right now. Remember, no matter who asks you about the curse, don't talk about it again."

"Yeah. I know." Meng Xing'er nodded heavily.

Kuoye Ridge, the ancestral tomb of the Meng family.

Zhang Yu unfolded his magic vest and rushed to the mountain. He soon found the tomb of Meng Xuanying's wife, Yin Saifeng.

As soon as he arrived at the grave, he immediately felt that something was wrong here.

He looked carefully and soon saw a few wisps of paper dust on the ground.

That’s right! Zhang Yu was able to confirm that it was paper dust. Perhaps, it may also be the ashes left after the talisman paper was burned out.

A gust of breeze passed by, and the paper dust flew gently.

"It's not like burning paper, it must be talisman paper. Otherwise, there would be no traces."

Zhang Yu confirmed this and immediately looked around. He couldn't see a single figure around him, and couldn't even hear a sound.

"The person must have left." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then bit his middle finger and drew it in front of his eyes.


In front of Zhang Yu's eyes, the air flow immediately changed. In front of Yin Saifeng's grave, the same plain pink air flow as last time appeared again.

However, today's airflow is obviously stronger than last time.

Zhang Yu followed and felt with his mind.

The picture immediately appeared in his mind.

Opposite the beautiful woman, a man's figure appeared, with a child in his arms.

The appearance of the man and the child is very clear.

The man suddenly burst into grief, and he looked up to the sky and shouted: "I have decided! I will curse you! I will curse your descendants so that they will never be able to enjoy the love between men and women, and let all the people they love die! Let them I can only die alone! Let them suffer a hundred times more than me!"

Immediately, a white light shrouded the woman's body. This white light makes people look holy and kind.

Zhang Yu saw this here last time, but now, another scene suddenly appeared. A big black hand struck the white light and tore the white light covering the woman's body to pieces.

"Sure enough..." The scene ended and Zhang Yu nodded.

My previous thoughts were confirmed. Although there were masters who suppressed the curse, today, someone broke the restriction and completely released the curse.

This is really a leaky house and it rains all night!

Zhang Yu turned around and looked down the mountain, becoming even more curious. Who is the opponent of the Meng family?

Also, why did it happen that Meng Xuanying woke up just after Meng Xuanxiong died, and what is the connection between this?

At this moment, it seems that there is only one breakthrough to solve this mystery.

"Yin Saifeng... that man, the man holding the child... who is he..."

Zhang Yu stood there and waited quietly. He believed that Meng Xinger would definitely bring Meng Xuanying.

An hour later, Zhang Yu heard footsteps coming from below, and then saw two people walking from below. Zhang Yu recognized the black skirt at a glance, and he immediately ran down. That's right, the people coming were none other than Meng Xing'er and Meng Xuanying.

Meng Xing'er supported her grandfather. When she saw Zhang Yu coming down, she immediately said, "How is the situation? Did you find anything?"

"Already, let's go up and talk." Zhang Yu said, holding Meng Xuanying's other arm, and said again: "Grandpa Meng, let me help you."

"Thank you." Meng Xuanying nodded slightly.

Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er, one on the left and one on the right, helped the old man up the mountain. Zhang Yu seemed to be just supporting Meng Xuanying, but his fingers happened to be leaning on Meng Xuanying's wrist.

No one can detect this action. Zhang Yu felt Meng Xuanying's pulse. When a person climbs a mountain, his pulse speeds up along with his heartbeat. For an ordinary person, it would be difficult to find out, but his ability to feel the pulse is not ordinary.

He could quickly conclude that Meng Xuanying's pulse was no different from the last time he checked her pulse. He then used his inner eye to check Meng Xuanying's body, but there was still nothing abnormal, just like last time.

At this point, Zhang Yu was somewhat puzzled. Last time, he was in a dementia condition and even peed his pants. However, there was no change in his body now. How could he be cured? Could it be that this Western medicine really has some special abilities?

In a short time, the three people came to Yin Saifeng's tomb. This is a double grave. It is obvious that Meng Xuanying planned to be buried with Yin Saifeng after his death.

Standing in front of the grave, Meng Xuanying's expression became a little melancholy and sad, and her eyes were a little moist. He couldn't help but murmured: "Saifeng... I haven't seen you for a long time... I really miss you..."

Seeing that the old man was moved, Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er remained silent and still stood on both sides of the old man.

Meng Xuanying stood here in a daze for a while, seeming to be talking to his deceased wife in his heart.

Finally, he spoke, "Xing'er said, you know about the curse in our family. Just now you said you found something. What did you find?"

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