Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1214 Justice

"Alas..." Meng Xuanying sighed, her eyes were a little moist, and crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes, "I just didn't expect that when I woke up, he would return to dust..."

Having said this, his body trembled and he seemed a little excited.

"Father." "Father." "Father."

The three Meng Chenyuan brothers rushed over to help him, fearing that the newly recovered old man would suddenly fall.

Meng Xuanying waved her hand slightly, indicating that she did not need to support her.

He then said melancholy: "I didn't expect that in just a blink of an eye, after so many years, my worldly life would turn gray... I heard from them that the Meng family has experienced a series of changes in the past few days... How could this happen..."

As he spoke, he shook his head.

After hearing what he said, no one on the stage made a sound, and the audience was even quieter. The whole courtyard was so quiet that if a pin dropped on the ground, it would be heard.

At this moment, it seems that the silence here is better than the sound.

Although no one said anything, they all muttered in their hearts.

Everyone knows that just now Meng Chenyuan and his eldest brother proposed to change the head of the family to take charge of the family's lifeline. This person cannot be a side branch of the spare house, he must be a candidate for the first or second house. There was only one male in the second room, Meng Ran, and it was obviously impossible for him to leave the second room. The three brothers in the first room all said it was not him, and there seemed to be no one in the second room. To be honest, if they were really the three Meng Chenyuan brothers, they would probably not be able to convince the public, and they would be somewhat suspected of bullying.

Now Meng Xuanying suddenly appeared. She has fully recovered and looks very energetic. I can't imagine that the candidate mentioned by the three Meng Chenyuan brothers is 100% Mr. Meng.

If there is anyone who can convince everyone on the matter of changing the head of the family, it is only Meng Xuanying. After all, everyone knows that if Meng Xuanying had not been in a car accident, the position of the head of the family would have been his, and he would not have been the second wife.

The people sitting below all understand this. It seems that returning the position of the head of the family to Meng Xuanying is also a good choice. The Meng family has encountered continuous changes and really needs a backbone. Meng Xuanying is naturally the backbone of the team.

Everyone in Dafang also understands this. There have been rules for a long time about family affairs, and the son-in-law cannot speak out. In the Meng family's family affairs, only the man named Meng is qualified to speak.

The three Meng Chenji sisters knew very well that once Meng Xuanying stepped forward, Meng Ran's position as head of the family would no longer be preserved.

The scene was quiet for two minutes. Meng Chenyuan walked up to Meng Ran and said in an elder's tone: "Meng Ran, theoretically you are the heir of the Meng family, but you also know the current situation of the Meng family. As an uncle, , we are not arguing with you, everything is for the sake of the overall situation. The Meng family has always separated families, not businesses, and the family business must be passed down for thousands of years. My father is the elder brother of the second uncle, and now my father takes over the position of the head of the family. , I wonder what you think?"

"I..." Meng Ran didn't know what to do anymore. He was a junior, and even Meng Xuanying appeared in the eldest room, asking him to refuse directly, which was a bit timid. He looked at Meng Chenji timidly, hoping that Meng Chenji would express his position.

Of course Meng Chenji doesn't want the head of the family to be left behind, even if it's a family. But with the existence of Meng Xuanying and the appeal of Mr. Dafang, if the Meng family really had to vote by a show of hands, I'm afraid Meng Ran would also lose.

If it really comes to that, the first and second bedrooms will face each other.

Now what Dafang said makes sense, everything is for the overall interests of the Meng family. It concerns the interests of the entire Meng family.

But Meng Chenji was still unwilling to give up the position of the head of the family. She hesitated and said: "My grandfather left a will before his death. Everyone in the Meng family knows that after the position of the head of the family was passed to my father, it will also be occupied by the capable person." In short, the Meng family's family business must be passed down from generation to generation. Now that the uncle has recovered, there is no problem in taking over the position of the head of the family. But after all, the uncle is old, and I don't know if he still has the courage of the past. After all, we are young. Human, my idea is that it is better to let the uncle assist Meng Ran and give more guidance and teachings. Only in this way can the Meng family flourish... As for family affairs, as the younger generation, we are naturally willing to follow the uncle's lead..."

What she said was very level and clear.

It was impossible for Meng Ran to give up the position of the head of the family. However, the power of Yigan can be temporarily given to Meng Xuanying, who can take charge of the overall situation. As for the future, as long as Meng Ran's position as the head of the family is still there, after Meng Xuanying's death, the position of the head of the family will still be Meng Ran's. This can be regarded as a compromise and let Meng Xuanying be the regent for a time.

When brother Meng Chenyuan heard this, he naturally refused to do it. Meng Chengang was the first to say: "What do you think this person has no name and no status?"

Meng Chenyuan then said: "Sister, your statement really doesn't make sense..."

Meng Chenlong immediately said: "Otherwise, let the clan members vote."

These three are simply aggressive. Meng Chenji's sister Meng Chenlu couldn't help but said: "Uncle, three cousins, I think what my sister said makes sense. After all, the uncle is old and may not have the same courage as before. Meng Ran is the future of the Meng family, and He is the first heir to the head of the family. He cannot be deprived of his inheritance rights just because he is young. In this case, it would be unfair. In view of the current serious situation of the Meng family, I agree with my sister's idea. Meng Ran will continue to be the family leader. The head of the family and the chairman of the Meng Group, the uncle is the first elder of the family and serves as the executive president of the Meng Group, managing everything in the group. As for Meng Ran’s position, it’s too late to wait and see Meng Ran’s achievements in the future. "

The three Meng Chenyuan brothers were naturally dissatisfied with this condition, and they looked at Meng Xuanying together. As long as Meng Xuanying gives the order, they will continue to attack and take the lead in asking all clan members to show their hands to vote. Anyway, with the old man in charge, they will definitely win.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an old man in his 60s in the audience said: "I agree with Chen Ji and the sisters. Meng Ran has just inherited the position of the head of the family a few days ago, and he has not made any mistakes. There is no way to change him at any time." The truth is. My cousin's recovery is a good thing for the Meng family. I believe that my cousin can lead our Meng family out of the difficulties. Sister Chen Ji's proposal is a good compromise. As for whether Meng Ran is qualified to be the head of the family in the future , that will happen in the future. As of now, I have never heard of anyone who has only been the head of the family for a week..."

As soon as the old man spoke, the tribesmen on the side branches inevitably started talking in low voices. Naturally, everyone on the stage knew each other. The old man’s name was Meng Xuanhao, and his father and Meng Xuanying’s father were cousins. At that time, Meng Xuanying, Meng Xuanxiong and their father were growing up in Hong Kong Island, and this Meng Xuanhao was a big gangster in the local countryside. Later, Meng Xuanying's father came back with his fortune, and Meng Xuanhao naturally became the backbone of the Meng family. There are several such characters among businessmen's subordinates.

As the old man gradually disappeared, Meng Xuanhao's status in the Meng family also improved, becoming an important figure in the spare room.

He has a good relationship with Meng Xuanying, and he also has a good relationship with Meng Xuanxiong. By standing up now, I can say something fair in line with the customs of the past.

In the Jianghu, there is no talk of bullying the orphans and widowers immediately after the death of the boss, right? You have to live with it no matter how you look at it. What's more, Meng Ran has no parents at all. It would be too bullying for you to kick him out within a few days of becoming the head of the family.

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