Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1181 The leak happened to rain all night

The two of them didn't speak each other all the way, and unknowingly, they reached the halfway point of the mountain.

Zhang Yu figured out the context clearly and his spirit was lifted. At this moment, Meng Xing'er next to her suddenly said: "Zhang Yu, I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu quickly turned to look at the wonderful person beside him.

"Originally, I asked you to come home to celebrate my birthday. I never thought that you would have so many things on your mind and you were in a bad mood, and now you are in a bad mood." Meng Xing'er said apologetically.

She was wearing black clothes and pants. If paired with her usual charming face, she would definitely be a beautiful sight. But now, because of the sadness on his face, it has a bit more flavor, which makes people feel pity and love.

Zhang Yu took the initiative to put his arms around her waist and said softly: "Do you still need to be so polite to me? You also said that I am your man."

"Well" Meng Xing'er leaned on Zhang Yu's body, tilted her head slightly, and looked at this man tenderly, "I knew you were the most trustworthy, or else, only you can conquer me."

Her eyes were flowing, full of intoxicating charm. A pair of cherry lips, even though there is no lip gloss on them, the natural vermilion color is still coveted.

If this beauty was by his side when nothing happened, Zhang Yu would really want to kiss her. But the Meng family is currently in such troubled times that it is really not suitable for such a thing.

The two went down the mountain and returned to Fenglin Villa. Meng Xing'er looked tired, and Zhang Yu held her in his arms so that she could have a solid sleep.

In fact, Zhang Yu really wants to see the situation in the manor on the mountain now. So, he opened his palms, and a light mirror immediately appeared in his palms.

In the light mirror, Meng Xuanxiong had already put on his clothes, and the place where he lay happened to be next to the second mistress. Originally, only one person died, but now two people can be buried together.

However, on this day, the media in Australia published a piece of news that shocked the whole country. To be precise, most of the media in Australia reported this news.

The content of the news is - the facial mask produced by the Mengxiang Nianhua Cosmetics Company contains a chemical element called tetrapotassium alcohol. Although this element can make people's skin smooth and white in a short time, it does not There is a strong dependence on this product. Once you stop using this product, your skin will quickly age. It can be called the Du Leng Ding in the cosmetics industry.

Although the relevant report was published in Australia, it swept the country in just two hours.

All of a sudden, various posts appeared online.

Posted by: Ladies, please note, Cardamom Nianhua uses chemical elements, so be careful! They all say that no businessman is a traitor, but I didn’t expect it to be so shameless, and it was said to be purely natural!

Second Floor: I have always used Cardamom Nianhua in the past. Is there really any problem?

Third floor: I also use Cardamom Nianhua. I read the report and it seems that it only has facial masks. Fortunately, I don’t use their facial masks.

Fourth floor: The facial mask is only found out now, other estimates are not accurate.

Fifth Floor: Yes, facial masks all use chemical materials, and others are definitely not as good.

Sixth floor: Domestic brands are really not good, and I will never dare to take advantage of them again.

Seventh floor: Pass by Lancôme.

Eighth floor: I only buy Estee Lauder for my wife.

Ninth floor: Please support me from the rich man upstairs.

Floor 10: Seriously, I'm very nervous right now. I just went to the mall to buy the Cardamom Years today, and now I'm done. 555

The previous post was just about Cardamom Nianhua Cosmetics.

It didn’t take long for the post to change. It was no longer just talking about cosmetics, but the Meng Group.

Manage your finances, a post like this suddenly appeared.

Posted by: Have you heard that something happened to the Meng Group’s Cardamom Years? It is estimated that large compensation will be involved soon. I bought the financial product produced by Bajie Financial Management Company under the Mengshi Group a few years ago. Do I want to redeem it in advance now? It feels like there's a lot of risk.

Second floor: Damn it, if you didn’t remind me, I would have forgotten this. I also bought Bajie financial products. My contract can be redeemed in advance with guaranteed principal and no interest. Now it seems that it is better to redeem it as soon as possible. If there is no interest, there is no interest, as long as it is not wasted.

Third floor: The second floor is so clever. I thought at first that the Meng Group had a good reputation, so what I bought was high interest and could not be redeemed in advance. What to do now? Seek expert guidance.

Fourth floor: What I also bought can be redeemed in advance, with guaranteed principal and no interest. At first, I was afraid that my family would suddenly need the money for an emergency, but now it seems that I have to redeem it quickly.

Fifth Floor: I can also redeem it in advance and redeem it tomorrow. The risk is too great.

Sixth Floor: These businessmen are so shameless. They make cosmetics, advertise them so well, and they are all natural, but the results are great. It’s all a lie. I guess their financial products are also unreliable, so I’ll just buy them from banks in the future. I have to redeem it quickly here.

Seventh floor: The people upstairs are all real rich, and they dare to buy such financial products. Only buy the low-interest principal-guaranteed financial management of Bank of China.

Eighth floor: I was thinking about buying Bajie Financial Management, but now I can save money.

Ninth Floor: The poster is right. The Meng Group’s matter will definitely involve large amounts of compensation. It's hard to say whether the Meng family will run away by then, so redeem it quickly to save yourself a long night and many dreams.

Floor 10: I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight. Bajie Financial Management must not close its doors tonight, and the Meng family must not run away.

Posts like this quickly spread like wildfire. It’s not just financial management forums that say this, other forums are also turbulent. Even football forums, such as Manchester United forum, Real Madrid forum, and Arsenal forum, have spread all over the place. Not to mention the Haijiao Forum and so on, for a while there was a tremor and everyone was in panic.

In the Meng family's mourning hall.

The people sitting inside now can be said to be the core figures of the Meng family. To put it bluntly, they are the people in the first and second bedrooms.

In the first bedroom, there are three couples, Meng Chenlong, Meng Chenyuan, and Meng Chengang. In the second bedroom, there are Meng Chenhuan's son Meng Ran and three sisters Meng Chenji, and their husbands are also among them. There is no one else but them.

Everyone looked at each other with solemn expressions, and no one spoke.

Meng Xuanxiong and his wife died, and Meng Chenhuan and his wife also died, and this way of death was really a family scandal.

Unexpectedly, the house leaked and it rained all night, and something happened to the cosmetics company it owned, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Naturally, the Meng family would get news about this kind of thing very quickly.

The successive severe injuries left people breathless. Especially Meng Ran, whose grandparents passed away and his father passed away, felt suffocated at this moment.

Meng Chenyuan saw that everyone was silent. After a while, he looked at Meng Ran and said: "Xiaoran, you are now the first heir of the family. This kind of thing happened at home, and the company appeared one after another. Please, what do you think?"

"I" Meng Ran is in his early twenties, about the same age as Zhang Yu. Instead of working alone to gain experience, he lives under the wings of his grandfather and father. Now he was asked to make up his mind, but he couldn't come up with any good ideas. He kept mumbling for a long time, but he didn't come up with anything.


Special thanks to: Mr. Wugui, Shouwang Loneliness for the big reward, as well as today’s 60 monthly tickets and less than 400 recommended tickets.

Dear brothers and sisters, the recommendation votes have plummeted now. I also know that the recent updates are not very powerful and have not been used to explode, but it is not so miserable.

Lao Tie will definitely break out as soon as possible and will never let you down! ! Hit me with your votes! !

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