Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1176 Someone is dead (fifth update)

The people in the audience couldn't see it, but the people standing on the stage were all shocked, making everyone below suspicious. What was going on? What is so special about this stone?

Meng Xing'er stood on the stage and naturally saw the changes in the stone. No one else knew where this stone came from, but she knew it very well. It was Zhang Yu who picked it up casually. To say it is Nanshan stone is completely bragging13.

But it is simply unimaginable that such a broken piece of stone could suddenly become so mysterious. Meng Xing'er guessed that Zhang Yu must have tampered with it when she went to find Hongbu. Otherwise, how could it be like this?

She looked at Zhang Yu subconsciously, as if to say, what exactly are you doing? Tell me from the truth.

Zhang Yu looked calm, as if this stone was a strange stone in the first place.

Of course, that's impossible. Zhang Yu really had to do some tricks after Meng Xing'er left. At that time, he wrote the word "longevity" on it with his hand. This is not important. What is important is that he used a fire gathering charm to bless it.

There is nothing visible on the surface, just a broken stone, but once Zhang Yu performs a little Taoist magic, it will glow. Under the action of the fire-collecting talisman, the stone will turn red, and the character "Longevity" written by you will also be reflected brightly.

Others could only see the stone turning red and the word "Shou" appearing, but Meng Xuanxiong, who was holding the stone, could feel the stone getting hot. He didn't know the reason for it, but he just felt that this stone was too mysterious. Is there such a thing in the world?

Forget the surprise of others, Meng Chenji, who had just stood up for Qi Wuyao, was dumbfounded, her mouth wide open, and her jaw almost dropped.

Such a strange stone is too unbelievable. I have never seen it in my whole life. Where did it come from?

Yang Chunxue and his son Qi Wuyao were also a little confused. I originally thought that the Duan Inkstone that was delivered would be quite cool. The result was great. It was overshadowed by an inconspicuous stone sent by Zhang Yu on the spot.

"Old man, this is really a strange stone. Can you show it to me..." The second grandmother sitting next to Meng Xuanxiong has been completely attracted by this stone, and she also wants to take advantage of it.

Meng Xuanxiong handed the stone to her. As soon as the stone entered the second grandmother's hand, the red color on it disappeared instantly, and the golden word "Longevity" also disappeared at the same time. The only thing that is the same is that the stone is still a little hot.

There was no way around it. Zhang Yu could heat up the stone, but he couldn't cool it down right away.

Seeing that the stone had lost its light, the Second Mistress was stunned for a moment, and everyone else was also confused as to what was going on.

Zhang Yu quickly pretended to be mysterious and said: "This stone is called Nanshan Stone. Only if the longevity star holds it, the situation just now will occur."

"Then try again." Second Mistress hurriedly returned the stone to Mr. Meng.

Sure enough, after Meng Xuanxiong took the stone, the stone began to glow again. In the eyes of everyone, this scene was simply wonderful.

Zhang Yu said that this is only useful if the birthday girl always holds it, and there is a reason for that. Meng Xuanxiong's birthday is today, but it will be celebrated tomorrow. When he takes it out and reads it for himself tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will definitely be no reaction. I put my words up front, but if they don’t work in the future, that’s none of my business.

"The real stone is really magical." "Isn't it? I've never seen it before." "Where did you get it?" "This is simply a magical stone."...

Everyone on the side was talking one after another, and they were all envious. It is not an exaggeration to say that such a stone is a national treasure.

Meng Xing'er was very happy to see everyone like this, and Mr. Meng was very happy. She rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Second Grandpa, Zhang Yu got this piece of Nanshan stone by chance. It cost a lot of money. I heard that you are sixty-six It’s my birthday, so this is my birthday gift, parted from my love. Do you like it?”

"I like it... I like it... It's such a good thing..." Mr. Meng said happily.

"As long as you like it." Meng Xing'er said and took Zhang Yu's arm.

At this moment, everyone understood what was going on.

Zhang Yu gave such a valuable thing to the Meng family, so who had the nerve to let Meng Xing'er marry someone else.

As Meng Xing'er expected, Meng Chenji was also a little helpless at this moment. The Duan Inkstone sent by Qi Wuyao was good, but compared with the birthday gift sent by Zhang Yu, it was simply tattered.

Not to mention those sent by Qi Wuyao, no birthday gift sent by anyone can compare with the strange stones sent by Zhang Yu.

If you object to Zhang Yu and Meng Xing'er being together now, it is really unjustifiable. If there is any objection, do you have to return this Nanshan stone to Zhang Yu? At this time, you have already got it, how can you return it?

Now Mr. Meng loves this stone so much that he is not willing to let it go. You know, this kind of strange stone can be encountered but not sought, and it represents a good sign.

For a moment, everyone could only congratulate and couldn't talk nonsense.

When Qi Wuyao and Yang Chunxue saw this scene, they couldn't say anything.

Seeing everyone like this, Meng Xing'er was even more happy. She deliberately gave Zhang Yu a wink, as if to say, you still have a way. She shut up our family members all at once. Let's see who among them has the nerve to say anything. , introduce me to another person.

Meng Xuanxiong really couldn't put it down, and it took a long time before he put the stone down. The stone was brought in a red cloth. Someone quickly found a box and put the stone properly. Someone was even sent to keep an eye on it to prevent the precious stone from being lost.

Only Zhang Yu knows that after today, this stone will be just a stone and will never be a treasure again.

The birthday celebration ceremony was still going on, and Meng Xing'er pulled Zhang Yu to the side and stood there. Now it was the turn of the children from the side branches to congratulate them on their birthday. Each one of them also held a gift, but compared with the gifts given before, they were completely different.

But for Mr. Meng, it's just a matter of getting lucky, it's no big deal.

At this time, the second mistress said she was a little anxious and needed to go to the bathroom. The person who comes to pay homage to his birthday is not important now, but it is not a big deal if he is not there. The bathroom is not too far from here, so you can come back easily.

The children from the side branch continued to pray for birthdays. After about twenty minutes, the birthday ceremony was considered over.

The next step, of course, is to take a family photo. Grandpa Bi presided over the announcement and announced that the family portrait shooting had begun. Everyone stood in their respective positions, with the old man at the front, like stars holding the moon.

Just when it was time to shoot, everyone realized that something was missing. The second mistress still hadn't come back.

"Dad, why hasn't my mother come back yet?" Meng Chenhuan muttered next to Mr. Meng.

Meng Xuanxiong also realized that he was happy just now. His wife said she was going to the bathroom. How long had it been?

At this stall, a woman's scream suddenly sounded not far away, "It's not good, someone is dead..."

As soon as they heard this voice, everyone was shocked and turned around to see, "What happened?" "Who died?"...

"Bathroom...bathroom...there's a dead person in there..." the woman shouted nervously again.

Everyone also saw that the woman was located outside the bathroom door not far away.

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