Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 115 Go home and live

Inspector Bai asked Liu Sen to lead the way again, and continued to search for the corpse. He found several places one after another. The soil where the corpse was buried had signs of being turned over again, and it was very obvious and could be seen at a glance.

In Liu Sen's words, he is not stupid. If the body is buried here, it must be carefully trampled so that no one can easily find it. In fact, the patrolman also knew this truth, but there was something strange about it, so he had to take his temper out on Liu Sen.

Without exception, not a single body was found where the bodies were buried. It was already dawn now. Inspector Bai glanced at Liu Sen. Liu Sen was trembling with fear, fearing that Team Bai would order him to be beaten again. He quickly explained, "It's really buried here... I don't know where the body is..."

Pan Yun walked up to Inspector Bai and whispered: "Boss, I think this thing is weird. Otherwise, ask Zhang Yu to help you take a look."

"If we can't find even a few corpses and we have to ask him for help, our patrol will really have nothing to do. I think we should go back to the patrol room first." Inspector Bai said directly.

Zhang Yu came here tonight with Chu Zhenhuan. If the patrol couldn't find anyone alive and was eager to save people, just ask Zhang Yu for help. Now that I can't even find the body, I have to ask Zhang Yu to help find a solution. Then I, the detective of the serious crime team, have become a decoration. If Chu Zhenhuan finds out, I will really become incompetent.

Therefore, for the sake of face, he decided to go find it himself.

Chu Zhenhuan’s home.

Warm sunlight shines into the room through the curtains. Yang Ying opened her eyes faintly, and as usual, she subconsciously looked under the bed.

At a glance, Zhang Yu was sleeping under the bed, with a quiet look on his face.

Seeing Zhang Yu, Yang Ying felt relieved, warm, and even felt like going home. But she soon discovered that this was not her home. Looking at other people's big houses and thinking about her current rental house, Yang Ying yearned for it and wondered when she would get a bigger house.

I have made a lot of money recently, especially the business in Riverside Garden, which made me one million directly. It shouldn't be a problem to buy a house. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live with Zhang Yu then? When she thought of this, Yang Ying felt her face heat up and her heartbeat quickened.

But now there are too few good houses, and basically all the good houses listed in the agency have been sold.

She was thinking in her mind, but her eyes kept looking at Zhang Yu lying under the bed.

At this time, Zhang Yu's eyelids moved and slowly opened. Yang Ying couldn't help but feel her heart tremble, and quickly turned her head away, not wanting Zhang Yu to notice that she had been staring.

But her actions were still seen by Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu didn't think much about it, but said: "Little aunt, you're awake."

"Wake up...when did you come back last night..." Yang Ying turned around again and said softly.

"I didn't pay attention either. You were asleep when I came back, so I didn't disturb you. How do you feel now? Are you feeling better?" Zhang Yu asked gently.

"Much better..." Yang Ying smiled tenderly, "With you..."

She was about to continue saying, 'It's so nice to have you,' but in the middle of the sentence, she quickly swallowed it back, her face burning again.

"Then I'm relieved. Your injuries were mainly caused by the cold. Fortunately, it was in time so it shouldn't be anything serious. I'll soak your feet again today and rub them and it'll be fine." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"You... always think of me..." Yang Ying smiled sweetly, bit her lip, and asked in a low voice: "You... are you used to living outside..."

"By the way, I also want to tell you that the woman who came to rent the house was a police officer. She was doing undercover work, because when we were looking at the house, we went together. In order not to reveal her identity, she asked me to I'll stay here for the time being. I didn't tell you if I didn't let it out. Now the case is over." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

After hearing this, Yang Ying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

She has always wondered what happened to Zhang Yu and whether he met a bad woman. Now that she knows the truth and the case is over, Yang Ying feels at ease. She couldn't help but ask: "Then can you come back and live?"

When she said this, she seemed a little impulsive.

"There should be no problem. I'll call Capt. Pan and ask her later." Zhang Yu said.

"Then if that works, let's go back together." Yang Ying said happily.

After getting up and washing up, Zhang Yu called Pan Yun after breakfast and asked if he could move out of the rental house. Pan Yun said there was no problem, the case had been solved and she would move out.

By the way, Pan Yun also told Zhang Yu about not finding the body. Zhang Yu also felt it was a bit strange, but he only knew how to find people, and he didn't know how to find bodies. If he had this ability, he would have helped him in the first place. Pan Yun went to find the body of the missing person, so there was no need to go to such trouble.

After chatting for a few words, Zhang Yu hung up the phone. He soaked and massaged Yang Ying's feet again, and worked hard all morning. In the afternoon, he said goodbye and the Chu family asked him to stay, but Yang Ying wanted to be alone with Zhang Yu and insisted on leaving. Chu Zhenhuan drove Zhang Yu to the rental house and moved them, and then sent them back to Yang Ying's home.

Because Hou Xingcai, Lin Hai, and Wang Kai were arrested, and the Anmei agency was also shut down by the patrol, the people in the agency could only disperse. Right now, only Jiabao Agency is the only one left on the street.

The girl with glasses is now half of the housekeeper of the agency. She came early, so Yang Ying gave her a key, just in case something happened, so that someone from the agency could open the door.

This morning, the girl with glasses was the first to open the door at the agency. Yang Ying has not fully recovered yet and will not be here for the next two days. The agency has a girl with glasses to help take care of her. Zhu Dafei and other salesmen went to work on time, but just before nine o'clock, two patrol cars roared over and stopped outside the agency door.

When she saw the patrol car, the girl with glasses was startled and thought to herself, why is the patrol car here again?

These days, ordinary people are least willing to interact with the patrol. When the patrol came last time, they took Yang Ying away directly. Look at the posture, not to mention how fierce it was.

Several salesmen were worried, and soon four patrolmen got out of the patrol car and filed into the agency.

The girl with glasses stood up timidly and said carefully: "Excuse me, what can I do?"

A patrolman in his forties said politely: "Where is your boss?"

"Our boss is not in good health and hasn't come to work yet. What's wrong?" The girl with glasses asked carefully.

"Can you please ask her to come over? We have something to discuss with her." said the forty patrol officer.

"Ah...ok..." The girl with glasses didn't dare to refuse and quickly called Yang Ying.

Yang Ying's home.

At this moment, Yang Ying was leaning on the bedside eating breakfast, and Zhang Yu was sitting on the edge watching, which made Yang Ying feel embarrassed and warm at the same time.

After finishing the porridge in the bowl, Yang Ying pursed her lips and said, "Why are you always staring at me?"

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