Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1131 Revealed

In the past two days, there has been no end to the discussion on the Internet about Qingsongji in Masi Town. Although Wen Qiong has asked Lu Weichen to dispatch online patrols and suppress them, such voices will still appear on the Internet from time to time.

Posting rumors and spreading rumors has to be retweeted 500 times to be considered illegal. Even if he occasionally posts one or two posts, it cannot be said that he will be put in jail.

Today, such a post appeared on Zhenhai Tieba.

The poster’s online name is Zhentantanzhuangzi, and the content of his post is as follows - What about the freedom of speech that was promised? There is a fox barking in Qingsongji. It is true. My relatives live in Qingsongji, and now they have moved and no longer dare to live there! Why do you keep deleting posts! I'll tell you the truth!

Second floor: Sir, your SF Express has arrived.

Third floor: What a pity. Good ID.

Fourth floor: The host warrior.

Fifth floor: The poster is on his way, I won’t give it away.

Sixth floor: strong crowd.

Seventh Floor: I also heard from my relatives who live in Masi Town that Qingsongji does have foxes barking at night. I don’t know why I delete posts every day. Sorry, someone knocked on the door to check the water meter. I went to open the door.

Eighth Floor: Are the original poster and Seventh Floor alive now?

Ninth Floor: Anyway, everyone remember, just don’t buy a house in Qingsongji.

Tenth floor: It's such a shabby place, the transportation is so inconvenient, even if you ask me for money, I won't live there.

Zhendong District Patrol Office, Network Monitoring Office.

Two network patrol officers, Xiao Zhou and Xiao Chen, sat on chairs and stared at the computer in front of them. These two young patrolmen were both near-sighted and had a bit of panda eyes, and they obviously didn't sleep well.

"Xiao Chen, there are too many posts. I can't delete them. I haven't slept well in the past two days. I am more tired than writing online novels. I have backache and leg cramps." Xiao Zhou said angrily.

"Isn't that right? They usually say that our Internet patrol office is not important. Some people in the main patrol office say that we are just freeloaders, and they don't care how tired we are. Is it easy for just two people to stay in front of the computer and delete posts every day? . I'm planning to apply to have Qingsongji listed as a banned word." Xiao Chen also said bitterly.

"There's another Qingsongji post, please delete it quickly." Xiao Zhou said helplessly.

"Do you think a place like Qingsongji should go to such great lengths to delete the post? It's said to be a rumor, but no one came out to refute it. It's been a hard day for us. They didn't even mention adding more people to our office." Xiao Chen reached out and deleted a post, then stretched.

"I think the story about Qingsongji must be true." Xiao Zhou said: "Deleting the post like this means that there is no silver in this place. I guess the house there will definitely not be sold. It is simply a waste. "

"Back then, when Guangming Town and Masi Town were competing, they just built a subway. It would be good if they could guarantee a place. Let alone Qingsongji, the construction of Masi Town must be over. It would be a ghost town if it were built. It would be meaningless." Xiao Xiao Chen said shaking his head.

Inside the patrol house, everyone is not very optimistic about Masi Town. They still don't understand real estate.

However, at this moment, a press conference was being held in front of the Qingsongji construction site.

The content is nothing more than that Wudang Taoist Temple has taken over the Qingsongji project, but at this press conference, even the district office sent executive officer Qiao Guoding to come forward, which shows how seriously it is taken.

At the beginning of the press conference, it was necessary to make some opening remarks. First, Qiao Guoding spoke a few words, and then it was Wang Jie's turn. This guy had someone write the manuscript, and this was an opportunity to show his face. It was really lifelike and full of energy.

After he finished speaking, it was time for reporters to ask questions.

Immediately, a female reporter rushed to ask: "Wang Guanzhu, I heard that your Wudang Taoist Temple is a newly emerged Taoist temple, and it also sponsors the football team. This time it is carrying out real estate development. I don't know if this is too philistine and shouldn't be done. Is it the work of a cultivator?"

Wang Jie smiled faintly, obviously well prepared. He said calmly: "Whether it is a Taoist temple or a temple, it must have an industry. It is really difficult to answer this question when you ask a poor Taoist. Mo It is better to ask the abbot of Shaolin Temple."

The female reporter was pushed back, and then another reporter asked: "Wang Guanzhu, there have been rumors on the Internet that there are always foxes barking at night in Qingsongji, and the rumors are spreading. I don't know, is this true or false?"

"That's right, it's true." Wang Jie said with a smile.

The reporters had already heard about this incident, but the Office of the Commissioner refused to report it. When they heard what Wang Jie said was true, they all became energetic. The reporter then asked: "Master Wang, since there are foxes barking at night, why do you still take over this land? I wonder what the mystery is?"

"Hahahaha." Wang Jie laughed loudly this time and said with an enigmatic look: "It's true that there are foxes barking at night. As for the mystery, there is actually no mystery. The reason is very simple. Since there is If a fox barks, there must be a fox."

"But we heard that only the barking of the fox was found, and no one found the fox? And it is said that the fox barks loudly at night, and it definitely doesn't sound like a fox." The reporter added.

"Of course it's not a fox, it's a group of foxes. Now that this matter has been mentioned, why don't I show you the harvest of our Wudang Taoist Temple." Wang Jie said with foaming at the mouth.

"Harvest? What harvest?" The reporter became curious.

Not only him, but all the other reporters were also extremely curious, "What kind of gain?" "Yes!" "What kind of gain?".

Some even picked up their cameras and took photos of Wang Jie.

Wang Jie pretended to be mysterious and said with a smile: "Everyone, wait a minute, I'll make a call."

He took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and said directly to the person on the phone: "Bring our harvest here and show it to our journalist friends."

After hanging up the phone, not long after, with everyone's expectations, three large trucks drove over. On top of the truck, there are cages filled with foxes. The foxes are of different colors, most of them are brown, with only a few white foxes.


The foxes seemed a little scared when they saw so many people, and they started to bark one after another. For a while, the foxes screamed loudly.

Fatty Wang grinned and said: "This is what we have gained in the past two days at Wudang Taoist Temple. We heard that there were foxes barking here at night, so we came over to check. As a result, we found a fox den on Qingsong Mountain. There were so many foxes. So, our Taoist temple captured all these foxes."

"So that's it." "What a big fox den." "I asked why there was a fox barking, but it turned out to be a fox on the mountain." "This is a major discovery."

The reporters started talking again, and when the car pulling the fox stopped, they immediately started taking pictures of the fox in the car.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!".

The foxes in the car had never seen this formation before, and they all shrank in fear.

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