Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 113 Who pays whose life (fourth update)

What fell out of the young man's body was none other than the kidney that had just been transplanted.

Liu Sen only had a few stitches before he was held down by the patrolman. In addition, Lu Shaowen kept talking about the past, which delayed the stitching time.

Of course, everyone was listening to his story and did not pay attention to the person lying on the bed.

The best time for suturing had just passed. The kidney inside was unable to remain stable and fell out from inside.

"This!" When he saw the kidney falling out, the fat man couldn't help shouting and struggled quickly.

The patrolman was also shocked by this scene, and the fat man used all his strength this time, so he broke free and rushed to the bed. He quickly picked up the kidney on the ground and shouted: "Quick! Sew it up for my son!"

He took the patrolman who was escorting Liu Sen over, and Zhang Yu also walked over. He touched the young man's pulse gate with his hand and couldn't help but shake his head.

The young man had no pulse and was definitely dead. Liu Sen was also experienced. He checked the young man's breathing, listened to the young man's heart, then shook his head and said: "It's useless, he's dead."

Liu Sen didn't care about anything now. He was dead anyway. Whether this kid lived or died had nothing to do with him.

But after hearing this, the fat man became anxious. He rushed in front of Inspector Bai, grabbed Inspector Bai's collar with both hands, and roared, "You give back my son's life! You give back my son's life!"

Immediately, two police officers came over and held him down. One of them cursed: "I turned against you! Are you still justified in illegally selling organs? That kidney is not your son's, it was from someone else." Digging it out, who can the person you killed to find reason now?"

"I didn't dig it! I paid for it! They dug it, what should I do? If you pay for my son's life, I will sue you!" The fat man ignored it and still yelled.

In his opinion, if the patrol did not come in, his son would not die. However, he never thought that there was a living person nearby who died after taking out his kidney. This may be the selfishness of human nature.

"Sue us! We are going to sue you again! Just wait to go to jail!" the patrolman shouted angrily.

Then, he took out the handcuffs from his pocket and cuffed them directly on the fat man.

Six police officers took Fatty and Lu Shaowen away, but Liu Sen stayed. Because they killed many people, Liu Sen was responsible for disposing of the corpses, and they would have to find those corpses later.

According to Liu Sen's account, those corpses were buried on a barren mountain not too far from here. But with so many corpses, just a few of them would definitely not be enough, so Inspector Bai called and sent people from the crime team to support them and dig up the mountain.

Liu Sen was escorted into a car and watched by two policemen. Inspector Bai, Pan Yun, Zhang Yu, and Chu Zhenhuan stayed in the room on the second floor.

At this moment, Inspector Bai couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu and said, "How did you find this place?"

His words also attracted Director Chu.

Chu Zhenhuan was also very curious. Previously, he only knew that Zhang Yu was good at treating diseases and that he was also good at Feng Shui, but it was hard to say whether it would really work. But now, seeing Zhang Yu using a compass to find someone with such accuracy, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's the eight-character fortune-seeking technique, which can be regarded as a kind of mysterious technique." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"So magical..." Inspector Bai was surprised again. He didn't believe this at all before, but when he saw this scene with his own eyes, he couldn't help but believe it. Detective Bai asked again: "Is it true... that through this life-seeking technique, no matter who you look for, you can find it?"

In Inspector Bai's opinion, if someone has this kind of ability, those wanted criminals who are on the run in the future will not be able to catch whoever they want.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "That's not true. Firstly, you must have the person's birth date. Secondly, you must have this person's personal clothing. Thirdly, the person cannot be too far away. If it is more than a hundred miles away, in my opinion I’m afraid I can’t find what I am capable of now…”

Using the Eight-Character Life Seeking Technique also requires the consumption of infuriating energy. The farther the distance, the more infuriating energy is consumed.

With Zhang Yu's current cultivation level, which is a hundred miles away, if he wants to find someone farther away, he will have to be stronger.

"Baili...that's pretty awesome..." Inspector Bai couldn't help but admire again, and then said: "Little brother, are you interested in being a patrol officer? If you are willing, although you have to take the patrol exam, but... I can apply Make an exception for you..."

This is talent!

If there is such a person in the major crimes unit, it will be much easier to catch a thief or something.

However, Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said, "I don't want to be a patrolman."

These words were quite straightforward, but Inspector Bai was not angry at all. Because he knew that with Zhang Yu's ability, it would be too easy to make money. Not to mention anything else, there are so many people looking for people, and as long as Zhang Yu goes to pick up the work, it's not like making money every day.

Furthermore, Chu Zhenhuan is still working as a driver for Zhang Yu tonight. If someone wants to work in an agency, he will probably go to Director Chu first, and his turn will not be in the serious crime department.

After listening to Inspector Bai's words, Chu Zhenhuan also realized, isn't it? They also need talents like Zhang Yu.

But then I thought about it, Zhang Yu was a new farmer who came to the city, and he didn't know how to make money even though he was so capable. Otherwise, making money is not the same as having fun. As for their salary income from the Independent Commission Against Corruption, although it is higher than that of ordinary ordinary people, if Zhang Yu really wanted to make money, he would probably take any job casually, which would be better than that of the director. The annual salary is high.

Thinking about his father's illness, if Zhang Yu charged, how much would it cost.

At this moment, Chu Zhenhuan not only admired Zhang Yu's ability, but also admired Zhang Yu's character.

At this moment, Pan Yun once again remembered what he said when he told her fortune last time. Zhang Yu said that her father was not dead. Is this true or false?

With Zhang Yu's ability, he shouldn't have made a mistake, right?

But if he is really not dead, then who is the person he and his mother go to worship every year?

After a while, the patrol officer came from the patrol main room.

Detective Bai asked people to move the bodies to the car, and then led other people to the barren mountain Liu Sen said.

Zhang Yu was concerned about Yang Ying's body, so he didn't stay. Finding the body was a patrol matter, so he went home with Chu Zhenhuan.

When they arrived at Chu Zhenhuan's house, Yang Ying was already asleep. She didn't plan to sleep at first and wanted to wait for Zhang Yu to come back, but she couldn't help herself. A day of torture made her unable to bear it any longer, and Zhang Yu's massage could induce drowsiness, so not long after Zhang Yu left, Yang Ying couldn't help but fall asleep.

However, Chu Zhenhuan's daughter-in-law didn't sleep and had been waiting for Chu Zhenhuan and Zhang Yu to come home. She also knew that Zhang Yu would have to stay at her house tonight, so she packed up the small bedroom and prepared for Zhang Yu to sleep in the small bedroom, and they could spend the night in the living room.

After Zhang Yu came back, how could he be embarrassed to let his master sleep in the living room? Moreover, the bedroom where Yang Ying slept originally belonged to the couple, which made it even more embarrassing. Coupled with his concern for his little aunt, Zhang Yu finally decided to make a bunk under Yang Ying's bed.

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