Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1108 Rumors

"She was wearing a red and green dress."

While Zhang Yu recalled the appearance of the woman, he slowly described it, trying to describe the woman's outline as much as possible. This woman is indeed quite beautiful, and her biggest feature is that she has a beauty mark on the corner of her mouth.

After listening to Zhang Yu's description, Meng Xing'er thought about it and said after a while: "It seems that we don't have the person you mentioned in our family."

"No. It's impossible. Think about it again." Zhang Yu said.

"It seems that no one in my family has a beauty mark, but I may not remember it clearly. I'll take a good look when I go back," Meng Xing'er said.

"That's okay." Zhang Yu said.

"Can finding this person resolve the curse on me?" Meng Xing'er asked again.

"It's basically like this." Zhang Yu was 80% sure.

He didn't put much effort into dealing with the curse that came from Meng Xing'er just now. Obviously, with his current skills, he couldn't resolve the curse.

The only problem is that Meng Xing'er is not the source of the curse. The curse cannot be found on Meng Xing'er, so there is no way to resolve it.

"As long as you are sure." Meng Xing'er said, pouting her mouth again and steadying Zhang Yu's mouth.

(Five thousand words are omitted here.)

Arriving at the villa where Xiao Mingshan lived, the villa had three floors. Xiao Mingshan led Molly to a room on the second floor.

After opening the door, Xiao Mingshan said: "Molly, you can sleep in this room tonight."

"Thank you, Chairman." Molly nodded immediately. She has either never been to Xiao Mingshan's home, or she has never lived here. And he also knew that Xiao Jiejie lived on the second floor.

"You're welcome." Xiao Mingshan said gently, turned around and left.

When Molly saw that he was leaving, she immediately said: "Chairman..."

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Mingshan turned around.

"That...that joint venture plan is still here with me, would you like to take a look..." Molly stammered.

"No need." Xiao Mingshan shook his head slightly.

"No need...why..." Molly said in confusion.

"If we don't build the factory in Guangming Town and have to build it somewhere else, our Jindu Real Estate simply can't afford it. As you know the current situation of the company, all the energy is in Guangming Town and there are no other funds." Xiao Mingshan said .

"That's true...but the prospect of the real estate industry...seems to be coming to an end...the land of the Office is getting less and's not a problem that the company is constantly laying off employees...should the chairman also consider it?" , transform and do something else..." Molly suggested.

"You also said that the land of the office is getting less and less. If we don't lay off employees, it will be useless to keep so many people. Transformation is not that easy. After Fan Shiji's battle, even if the company is saved in the end, the company will suffer heavy losses. At present, it is only If you can operate conservatively, you can try to develop in the future." Xiao Mingshan said rather helplessly.

"It's useless to be impatient. You should really take it one step at a time." When Molly said this, she kept looking at Xiao Mingshan. She was a little nervous and her face was still hot.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should rest." After Xiao Mingshan finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Chairman..." Seeing that Xiao Mingshan was about to leave again, Molly said quickly.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Mingshan turned his head.

"It's like this... You've had a hard day today... Otherwise... I'll massage your shoulders for you..." Molly said very embarrassed.

When she said this, her hands were like those of a little girl, as if she didn't know where to put them.

"No, I'm sleepy too. I want to sleep..." After Xiao Mingshan said this, he left the room and headed to the third floor.

Seeing Xiao Mingshan leave like this, a look of disappointment appeared on Molly's face.

At dawn, the Zhendong Executive District Office.

As usual, Wen Qiong would drink tea and read newspapers after entering the office.

When she reads newspapers, unlike ordinary people, she does not need to read them word for word. She just picks out the key points to see if anything special has happened, especially about Zhendong District.

"Dang Dang Dang"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Wen Qiong shouted.

The door opened and the female secretary walked in.

"What's the matter?" Wen Qiong asked casually.

"When I was surfing the Internet last night, I discovered something. I don't know if it has any big impact." The female secretary said carefully.

She had just become a secretary to a top leader, so she had to be careful when doing things.

Being a secretary to a CEO is the best job possible, but also the hardest. If you do it well, you can rise to the top, just like her predecessor. If you don't do it well, you probably won't be able to get ahead in the future.

For a woman, stability is important. Naihe has reached this position, and it is impossible to be stable.

"Tell me about it." Wen Qiong said, straightened up, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of tea.

"From last night to now, one thing has been spread on the Internet. It is that Qingsongji in Masi Town is haunted. It is said that a fox barks at night. And it has become more and more serious, and the rumors are getting more and more evil. I remember yesterday, It seems that the Office has just taken back this land, so I'm worried about what impact it will have." The female secretary lowered her head and said cautiously.

"What? There is such a thing!" Wen Qiong immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Come here."

"Yes." The female secretary walked to the desk tremblingly.

Not wanting to, Wen Qiong waved to her, gesturing for her to come over again. The female secretary had no choice but to go around the desk and come to Wen Qiong's side.

Wen Qiong pointed directly at the computer and said, "Find it for me."

The female secretary was relieved and quickly searched online. The first thing she went to was the Zhenhai Tieba. There were many posts about the Qingsongji in Masi Town, saying that it was haunted, and there were all kinds of theories.

Then, the female secretary went to the Haijiao Forum again. There were many related posts on the forum, and various discussions had become popular.

Seeing this, Wen Qiong couldn't help frowning.

You know, there is a place to be developed, and now there are rumors that it is haunted, so who will buy a house? Some posts not only talk about the Qingsong Gathering, but also point out problems in Masi Town, and even make up many ghost stories about Masi Town.

"You call Lu Weichen right now and ask him if those Internet patrol officers he supports are just for free! Can such endless feudal rumors be spread on the Internet? Do you know that it will cause harm to the construction of the Office? What an impact!" Wen Qiong said seriously.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to call Mr. Lu right now." The female secretary agreed hurriedly, and quickly walked out of the CEO's office.

After she went out, Wen Qiong couldn't help but tap her knuckles on the back of the chair a few times.

She vaguely realized that she had tricked Zhang Yu by asking him to go to Qingsongji.

I also blame myself. I just saw that the location was good beforehand and didn’t do any detailed investigation. Of course, who would think of such a thing.

She felt a little sorry, but at the moment, this was all she could do, and the rest depended on how Zhang Yu would deal with it.

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