Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1079 The fox barks in the middle of the night

After Wen Qiong's persuasion, Zhang Yu decided to turn the big deal into a trivial matter for the time being and asked the five players and coaches to terminate their contracts.

Of course, this account must be settled. It's just that it's not the right time. As the saying goes, you have to settle accounts in the future. If you settle accounts now, there will be a lot of trouble. Therefore, Zhang Yu asked Brother Biao to write down all these boys and deal with them one by one after a while. Zhang Yu no longer needs to worry about this kind of thing.

As for the golden whistle Zhao Feng, Zhang Yu did not deal with him, but he was unlucky enough. Because of this game, Zhao Feng placed a heavy bet. Some relatives and friends around him also knew about this and followed suit.

Zhao Feng's cousin was a promiscuous gambler and lost a lot of money gambling. This cousin also participates in gambling, but as a golden whistle, Zhao Feng does not dare to brag every time. After all, there are unspoken rules on the playing field. At most, it was Zhang Yu's Taoist team. They had no background in the Football Association, so they were bullied.

Zhao Feng only plays one or two games in a year, and he still has to ventilate himself from top to bottom, and whoever has a goal will lose. Zhao Feng would dare to place a big bet in such a game. Zhao Feng's cousin actually made money by gambling with Zhao Feng. However, Zhao Feng didn't dare to blow the whistle every day, but his cousin gambled every day and lost no matter how much money he had. As a result, he was heavily in debt.

In this game, his cousin planned to make a good comeback. Anyway, with Zhao Feng calling the game, Nandu Hengji would definitely win. The old cousin, who was in debt, took out a large loan shark and bet on Nandu Heng'er to win. The result can be imagined.

When the money was still not paid, his cousin found Zhao Feng and asked Zhao Feng to pay for it. Can Zhao Feng compensate him for this kind of money? After going back and forth, they actually started to quarrel. Due to the tight pressure of loan sharks, the old cousin finally got into a fight with Zhao Feng during the quarrel and accidentally beat Zhao Feng to death. But this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

After all, Guangming Town is a bit remote. It is not easy for the fans who went to watch the game that day to come back on the same day. Especially since this game went into overtime and was a penalty shootout, some fans simply did not leave Guangming Town. They found a nearby place to drink and celebrate in the evening and spent the night in hotels and hotels in the town.

During the day, some people went to the sales offices in Guangming Town to have a look.

The sales office has put out new advertisements - gimmicks such as housing in the school district, along the subway, City of Victory, Bright Land and so on.

There are even people who act as babysitters and help build momentum. The slogan is simply that the Feng Shui here is good. The house price is still low now, and it has only risen to 7,500. In a few days, the house price will definitely rise again, so hurry up and take action.

After all, Guangming Town is also a house in the Zhenhai administrative area. After buying it, you can apply for Zhenhai's household registration. It's better for children to go to school than anywhere else. If you don't take action at this time, how long will it take?

The facts were just as Pan Chonghai had expected, and the houses in Guangming Town ushered in another sales peak. In just a few days, half of the houses were sold at once, and there was not much left.

According to Pan Chonghai, Zhang Yu planned to continue raising prices for a few days and sell the remaining houses.

Those who had already bought a house were delighted when they heard that house prices here would continue to rise. Isn't that what people who buy a house are like? When they don't buy it, they all hope that the house price will be low. After you buy it, you no longer hope that the house price will fall, but hope that the house price will rise.

Developers use this mentality to make sales, and they try everything.

Otherwise, you can give it a try, even if it is an ordinary working class person. If he has already taken out a mortgage to buy a house, and if you ask him if he hopes that house prices will fall, he will definitely tell you that he does not.

Meng Xing'er also fulfilled his promise, and Zhenhai Yihua began the work of moving the home court. There is already a ready-made stadium in Zhendong District. The one left by Zhenhai Xinxin has now become Yihua’s new home stadium.

Zhendong District welcomed its second team, which made Zhendong District fans extremely happy. In the past, they had to go all the way to other districts to watch Ichika's games, but now they can finally watch them at home. There is also a Taoist team, and many fans are looking forward to the Zhendong Derby after the Taoist team is promoted.

Even the east area of ​​the town may be built into a football area.

The construction in the Guangming Town area was further driven by the success of Zhang Yu's area. It formed a flourishing momentum.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to give himself a few days off and have a good rest. There was a lot of hard work during this period, spending time with Xia Yuechan and Fang Yatou.

Jiangling Real Estate Group.

In the chairman's office, the group boss Xu Lingyang was sitting behind the boss' desk with a frown on his face.

The recent situation has been very unsatisfactory, making his head feel heavy, and he feels as if the house is leaking and it rains all night.

How to put it, first of all, the death of Fu Senbo. He was a real estate businessman on Fu Senbo's line. He had to participate in the projects in Masi Town and support Fu Senbo. Although he didn't have much financial dealings, Fu Senbo's death would definitely have a certain impact on him.

Apart from anything else, if you spend money to get the land, without the support of the Office, Masi Town will be a stagnant water, and you will be compensated no matter what you do. Even if you can mortgage the land to a bank and get a loan, if you want to get a subsequent loan, there must be a building on the land.

The second trouble lies here. Previously, there were no problems on his land. Just recently, a fox suddenly barked at night. The most terrible thing is that during the day of construction, some workers died inexplicably. They either fell to death or were killed by bricks falling from above.

Three people died in a row. Combined with the barking of foxes at night, no one dared to work on the construction site.

If the construction site is suspended, the problem of relocation of the demolished households will be difficult to solve, and a lot of relocation compensation will also be spent. What to do then? Unless you don't want to play anymore, return the land to the Office of the Commissioner and ask someone else to do it. However, he still wants to be in this business.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Xu Lingyang shouted loudly.

The door opened, and three middle-aged men came in from the outside, "Boss." "Boss." "Boss."

"Sit!" Xu Lingyang pointed to the sofa on one side and asked, "How is the situation?"

Three middle-aged men sat down one after another. The one sitting at the front was the construction manager. He said carefully: "It's not good. All construction teams say they don't dare to start work. The foremen want to start construction as soon as possible, but the workers don't dare." ."

After he said this, the director of the group office who was sitting under him said: "I have invited a fourth Feng Shui master to take a look and set up a formation. But last night, there was still a fox barking."

"According to what you said, we can't continue working." Xu Lingyang's face became increasingly ugly.

The previous two people lowered their heads and said nothing, but the third one, the marketing manager said: "Boss, this area of ​​Masi Town has obviously lost any potential since Fu Senbo's death. Even ours If it is built according to the plan, it can only get a loan from the bank, and the house is almost unsaleable. Even if it is all the bank's money, there is not much loss, but some salary expenses must be paid. This is right For us, it is really not a good deal. The people who bid with us at the beginning were all trying to find ways to transfer the land. With our current situation, we might as well just sell the land."

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