Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1066 Wen Qiong’s Good Medicine (Eighth Update)

"Auntie, these are the clothes I bought for you and Pan Yun. See if you like them."

Zhang Yu entered the small reception room on the second floor with a smile.

Sure enough, as the female driver said, Wen Qiong sat on the sofa with a sullen face, as if she had something on her mind.

Seeing Zhang Yu come in, still holding clothes in his hand, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Little monkey, you are becoming more and more popular now, and you know how to buy clothes for us two."

"Haha." Zhang Yu licked his face and smiled, and said, "Look at what you said, I can't buy you clothes."

With that said, he handed the clothes to Wen Qiong.

Wen Qiong was really in no mood right now, so she put her clothes aside and asked Zhang Yu to sit opposite.

She forced a smile on her face and asked: "How is the situation over there in Guangming Town? It should have been pre-sold, has it met expectations?"

Zhang Yu didn't expect Wen Qiong to suddenly say this, saying: "The current sales volume is not ideal, but it is expected. Auntie, why do you suddenly care about this?"

"Didn't I go to a meeting today? There was an executive in the Zhenhai Office who criticized Huai and fired a map gun. It was said that some district officials, in order to be promoted and for political performance, did some face-saving projects. Some executives even used political performance as a promotion to chief executive. With the official's capital, he built some ghost towns that were rich on the outside but ruined on the inside." Wen Qiong didn't hide it from Zhang Yu, but the more he talked about it, the uglier his face became.

"You mean, that person is referring to Guangming Town," Zhang Yu said quickly.

"Where else could it be? It's not just Guangming Town, but also Masi Town. The failed executive leaves a mess. When a new CEO takes office, as the first responsible person, he can't be promoted. It'll be fine once you get up, no matter those messy stalls. Who are you telling this to?" Wen Qiong said bitterly.

"Does this person have nothing to do? In addition, is it really that bad in Masi Town?" Zhang Yu asked.

"They will not target without aim. Obviously, it is all the tricks of Li Junao from Zhennan District. He has been the CEO longer than me, and he is in Zhennan District, where Zhenhai Office is located. Naturally, he is the CEO of Zhenhai Office. Some people have good friendships. As I told you last time, that case had an impact on Li Junao to some extent. If he didn't give me some trouble, it wouldn't be him." Wen Qiong slowed down this time. The tone was, "By the way, how's the matter with Zhenhai Yihua?"

"When I went that day, I met Kong Shujie, the general manager of Zhenhai Zhengang. He wanted Meng Xinger to move the club to Zhennan District. We both reached a gentleman's agreement. If my Taoist team wins the FA Cup, Zhenhai As soon as the flower comes, he will move to our place." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"You met people from Zhenhai and Zhengang." Wen Qiong nodded, "Did I tell you, why did Li Junao suddenly get angry and make these little moves? You are sure about the competition."

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm sure of victory. Not only that, I also want to ask you for advice on the situation in Guangming Town." Zhang Yu said.

"What are you asking for?" Wen Qiong asked.

"After all, the subway in Guangming Town has not been opened yet, and there are no good schools there. Pre-sales will definitely not work now. My idea is this, Auntie, you first arrange for a few good schools to open branches in Guangming Town. In this case, we are It’s not like we can pull off the gimmick of being admitted to a school district. Next, our team will defeat Nandu Hengji at home in Guangming Town and win the FA Cup, which will exaggerate the name of a city of victory. I believe that with this In just two steps, Guangming Town's real estate sales will have a qualitative leap. When the subway is officially opened, Guangming Town's real estate sales will reach its peak. It will never become a ghost town!" Zhang Yu said in a very serious tone. of confidence.

"Ha" Wen Qiong laughed again. This time, her laughter was very hearty and she was obviously very happy. "You kid, you have more and more ideas now. Shibie Sanri will treat you with admiration. This has almost become a familiar thing in the shopping mall. Okay, just do as you say, I will have someone contact the area for experiments tomorrow Primary school, experimental middle school, and a branch branch in Guangming Town. In the final of the Football Association Cup, I will only watch your performance."

"Please rest assured, auntie, we will fulfill our mission." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Hmph!" Wen Qiong raised her head and suddenly snorted like a little girl. She grabbed the clothes lying aside and said proudly: "You bought these two sets for me, I'll try them on."

After saying that, she stood up and walked outside. As she walked, she said happily: "Wait for me here, no peeking."

"Are you kidding? I can't even watch it even if I'm sitting here," Zhang Yu said quickly and aggrievedly.

"Who can believe it? You can still peek with your hands?" Wen Qiong smiled and rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu before walking out.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu raised his right hand innocently, "I, am I that kind of person?"

The clothes he bought for Wen Qiong and her daughter were definitely different in style. I bought it for Wen Qiong. It is high-end and elegant, and she looks like a lady when she wears it. In fact, this is the same as people's styles. Even if mother and daughter changed their clothes, Wen Qiong still looked more stylish than her daughter.

Wen Qiong liked the clothes Zhang Yu bought for her very much. When changing clothes, she was always wondering if Zhang Yu would peek at them. But she has absolute trust in Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu will not look at it.

Pan Yun was not at home, so Zhang Yu couldn't stay long. He had dinner with Wen Qiong in the evening, massaged her for a while, and then left.

Wen Qiong's work efficiency was extremely high. In just one day, the Experimental Primary School and Experimental Middle School announced that they would open a branch branch in Guangming Town. The reason is to assist in the development of education in townships.

Zhang Yu's real estate properties in Guangming Town also began to increase in price. As Pan Chonghai said, houses cannot be sold without a price increase. With this price increase, a quarter of the real estate can be sold directly.

People who viewed the house immediately came in large numbers, and the transaction volume broke records. The staff at the sales office were extremely busy.

In addition, Oriental Furniture City has also begun negotiations to restart. In the words of Shi Wenjing, in business, business is not afraid of negotiation. Oriental Furniture City also agreed to Zhang Yu's last offer and paid 1.3 billion to Wudang Group in one lump sum.

As a result, Oriental Furniture City, Fulun Hotel and Long's Jewelry all signed contracts with Wudang Group.

After the money arrived in his account, Zhang Yu ordered construction to begin. The construction of the two pieces of land is in full swing.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and Zhang Yu couldn't have given people real estate in a day. The top priority now is the FA Cup final against Nanto Tsuneji.

Without the Taoist team's deliberate exaggeration, the Internet has already begun to publicize it.

You know, this is the first time since the establishment of the Football Association Cup that a National Super League team will face a National League A team in a decisive battle. And this National League One team is simply a big dark horse. It has eliminated two strong Chinese Super League teams in Zhenhai and defeated the veteran giants Taishan Pacers to reach the finals. Whether they can go all the way to the end is definitely a question. Highlights of this final.

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