Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1064 Extraordinary moves

After Kong Shujie left Zhenhai Yihua Club, he quickly rushed back to Zhennan District by car. He went straight to the district office. When he arrived, he called and then walked in.

He came to the CEO's office and knocked on the door several times. After hearing Li Junao's voice, he opened the door.

‘CEO. "As soon as Kong Shujie saw Li Junao, he immediately greeted him politely.

"Shujie, come and sit." Li Junao smiled and pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

"Thank you, CEO." Kong Shujie quickly came to sit opposite Li Junao.

The two exchanged some pleasantries first, and then Li Junao introduced the topic, "How was your visit to Zhenhai Yihua today? What did Meng Xing'er say?"

"We encountered some trouble today. Zhang Yu from Wudang Taoist Football Team also went there." Kong Shujie said.

"Zhang Yu is the team that defeated you in the Football Association Cup last time, Zhang Yu, chairman of Wudang Group in Zhendong District." Kong Shujie has already conducted an investigation into Zhang Yu's situation.

To be precise, almost all the generals around Wen Qiong were investigated.

"That's him!" Kong Shujie nodded.

"What is his purpose? Is he the same as you?" Li Junao asked.

"Yes, he wants to drag Zhenhai Yihua to Zhendong District." Kong Shujie said.

"It seems that Zhenhai Yihua is really popular now, and every district wants it. How about it, has Meng Xing'er expressed her stance?" Li Junao asked again.

"It's either our place or the Zhendong District that made a statement." Kong Shujie frowned.

"What kind of statement is this?" Li Junao showed a hint of displeasure.

"The situation is like this." Kong Shujie was about to tell Zhang Yu about the high-five, "In the end, if the Wudang Taoist football team defeats Nandu Hengji and wins the championship, Zhenhai Yihua will move to Zhendong District. If they lose, Now, Zhenhai Yihua will move to Zhennan District."

"It's like this." Li Junao nodded slightly and said, "Then do you think the Taoist team can win?"

"It's hard to say," Kong Shujie said uncertainly.

After all, even his own team lost, and the loss was ugly. It was simply swept, a humiliating loss.

"How dare you high-five someone when you're not completely sure?" Li Junao said dissatisfied.

"You don't know that Meng Xing'er seems to be unwilling to come to our town's southern district. Otherwise, the deal should have been concluded during the first two visits. I have no choice, so I made this bet. Yes." Kong Shujie said quickly and aggrievedly.

"That's true." Li Junao nodded and said: "Actually, I've made things difficult for you. But this time, I don't want to lose. You can think of something. On the football field, I believe you should know a lot about it. Recruit from outside.”

"Yes!" Kong Shujie quickly nodded solemnly, "CEO, you can rest assured. If we don't use outside moves, the Taoist team and Nandu Hengji will be 50-50. But if we use outside moves, I can guarantee that, The Taoist team will definitely lose!"

"Okay, then go and do your work." Li Junao waved his hand.

"Chief Li, I'll leave first." Kong Shujie immediately stood up and left.

After he left, Li Junao's face darkened.

"Wen Qiong, Wen Qiong, if it's fair competition, there's no problem. But you always make trouble for me again and again, so I have to make some trouble for you too. To save you from being too easy. ”

He muttered to himself, then grabbed the office phone on the table and dialed a number.

Kong Shujie left the district office quickly, went downstairs and got into the car, and asked the driver to drive home.

Sitting in the car, he pondered in his mind what off-the-table moves he could use to make the Taoist team lose this game.

It is actually not difficult to lose a game. After thinking about it for a while, Kong Shujie started to worry about it.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, after a few pleasantries, Kong Shujie said: "Uncle Tang, I heard that you have a good relationship with Jinshao Zhao Feng."

"It's okay." The middle-aged man on the phone said with a slight smile.

"I heard that he will be in charge of this year's Football Association Cup final. Can Uncle Tang help think of some way to let Nandu Hengji win the game reliably?" Kong Shujie asked with a smile.

Uncle Tang was obviously stunned and asked in confusion: "The FA Cup final seems to be between Nanto Hengji and Wudang Taoist Team, right? You let Nanto Hengji win."

In his opinion, Kong Shujie had nothing to do.

"Don't worry about that. I just want Nandu Heng'er to win." Kong Shujie said seriously.

"Zhao Feng is a golden whistle and he is very principled. I'm afraid he won't agree." Uncle Tang said.

"I'm afraid I won't agree, but it doesn't mean I won't agree." Kong Shujie laughed and said, "I will pay six million, and with Uncle Tang's face, Jinshao will have to give you some face."

"This... haha" Uncle Tang was obviously very sophisticated and he immediately understood what he meant. Kong Shujie offered six million, one million of which must be for him. This kind of game manipulation is common not only in China, but also abroad. A few inconspicuous misjudgments may change the outcome of the game. Uncle Tang then said: "The Golden Whistle is the Golden Whistle after all. Even if you are willing to help, you can't directly kill the game. So you'd better think of other ways to get twice the result with half the effort. I have watched the Taoguan team's game, It’s not easy to kick, so we can’t make it too difficult for Zhao Feng.”

"I understand this, please don't worry, Uncle Tang. By the way, I will have the money transferred to your account right away." Kong Shujie said with a smile.

"Hahaha, okay, if anything happens, call me anytime." Uncle Tang said happily.

Kong Shujie hung up the phone with a proud smile on his face.

He believes that as long as you have money, no matter who has a golden whistle or a silver whistle, you will have to give face when the time comes. In addition, with Uncle Tang as a reliable middleman, as soon as the money is put on the table, the other party has to agree.

Of course, just relying on one referee, as Uncle Tang said, is not necessarily a special insurance.

Kong Shujie rolled his eyes and had another idea in his mind.

Let’s do it!

The former captain of the Zhenhai Xinxin football team was suspended three times by Zhang Yu for taking the lead in striking training. During the summer transfer window, Ren Gan was terminated.

Taking the lead to strike out from training has always been a big taboo in the industry, and Ren Qian's ability was not that good. After leaving the Taoist team, he contacted several teams, but none of them wanted him. In the end, he could only be reduced to a national team in Zhenhai. Team B plays football. It's called a dissatisfaction.

But today, he suddenly received a call from Zhang Dashan, the leader of the Zhenhai Zhengang team, inviting him to a restaurant for dinner.

This phone call made Ren Qian very surprised. Everyone was in the football circle of Zhenhai City, so they knew each other naturally, but there was no intersection. The other party suddenly came to him, which really made people think a lot.

After the meeting, Zhang Dashan didn't say much, he just pushed a large suitcase to Ren Gan.

Ren Qian opened the suitcase and was immediately shocked. Good guy, it was all filled with thousand-yuan bills, estimated to be ten million.

"Brother Ren, I know about your feud with Zhang Yu, and I also know that you have many connections in the Taoist team. It will be the FA Cup final soon, and I want the Taoist team to lose. You should understand what to do. With this money, It's for the participating players, and I have another one million in remuneration here. After the event is completed, our door to Zhenhai Zhengang will be open to you and we will provide you with a contract that will make you very satisfied." Zhang Dashan is confident. smiled.

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