Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1040 Restart Negotiations

In summer, the sun is shining brightly. At noon, strong sunlight penetrated through the curtains and into Pan Yun's bedroom.

Pan Yun, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes quietly. Last night, after having a delicious meal before going to bed, Zhang Yu massaged her head again, making her sleep particularly soundly.

She first looked at the ceiling, then remembered the scene last night. For some reason, she subconsciously looked at the pillow. When she found that there was no one around, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Then, she saw a person leaning against the closet door under the bed.

Zhang Yu was leaning there, his eyes closed, and he was sleeping. Pan Yun's heart trembled as soon as he saw this man leaning in this position. As a patrol officer, Pan Yun was very perceptive, and she immediately guessed Zhang Yu's thoughts.

The man was worried that she would be in danger after falling asleep, so he deliberately blocked her there. Because Pan Yun had to wear red clothes before jumping off the building and block the closet door. If she got up to put on clothes, she would definitely alarm the man.

Pan Yun's heart felt warm again. It could be said that it was such a blessing to have such a considerate man in this life. What more could a husband ask for.

"You bastard, you are about to get married. Why are you so nice to me?" Pan Yun sniffed and cursed in his heart.

In fact, she also knew that Zhang Yu was doing this out of concern for his friends. But a small thing can often be particularly touching.

Women are all emotional creatures, and earth-shattering events cannot happen so easily. Therefore, it is often a small thing that can move them deeply.

Moreover, there were so many things that touched her about Zhang Yu.

She looked at this man silently, with mixed feelings in her heart again. Asking her to let go of this man, she faintly realized that she really couldn't do it.

"Ring ring ring"

At this moment, Zhang Yu's cell phone suddenly rang.


Zhang Yu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, then reached out and took out the phone from his pocket.

When I looked at the caller ID, it was Da Biao's phone number.

Zhang Yu was a little curious and answered immediately, "Hello, hello."

"Brother, I have something to report to you." Brother Biao's voice rang on the phone.

"Brother Biao, what's going on?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Miss Xiao just told me that Oriental Furniture City plans to restart negotiations at two o'clock in the afternoon. She asked me to ask you, can you be there?" Brother Da Biao said.

"Restart negotiations." Zhang Yu muttered, and he was even more certain that the other party really seemed to want to plot against him. But now, we have not yet waited for 100% certainty. We must wait for the conclusion of negotiations before confirming. So, Zhang Yu said: "Okay, I will be there on time."

"Okay, then I'll tell Miss Xiao later." Brother Biao said.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yu suddenly reacted and said urgently.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Brother Biao asked quickly.

"No, why did she ask you to notify me instead of calling me personally?" Zhang Yu said in confusion.

This kind of thing can be done by Xiao Jiejie with just a phone call. Why should Brother Biao pass on the message?

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Brother Biao said bitterly: "I don't know what is going on between the two of you in a woman's heart, otherwise you can ask her."

"Okay. It's okay. Just tell her," Zhang Yu said with a frown.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately discovered that Pan Yun on the bed had opened his eyes and was lying on his side, looking towards him.

"You're awake, I'm sorry, the phone call just now disturbed you." Zhang Yu said embarrassedly.

"No, I'll do it before your phone rings. I'll be lazy in bed for a while." Pan Yun said.

"As long as I don't disturb you." Zhang Yu said, glanced at the time, and said, "It's already noon, I have something to do at my company, and I have to leave later. I'll make some food first, and then I'll leave after eating. Last night You slept well, I think there should be no problem."

After saying that, he stood up and stretched.

"Well, I slept well. Thank you." A smile appeared on Pan Yun's face.

"Why are you being polite to me? If you stay lazy for a while, I will go get some food." After Zhang Yu said this, he left the bedroom.

To be honest, there aren't many vegetables at Pan Yun's house, just tomatoes and cucumbers. Zhang Yu washed his face, and considering that he could no longer eat noodles, he baked a dozen lazy man pancakes and made tomato, melon, and egg soup.

Pan Yun ate with gusto. After the two of them were full, Zhang Yu left. Even though Pan Yun was reluctant to leave, he did not stay. However, after Zhang Yu left, Pan Yun seemed unwilling to stay at home alone and simply went to work.

Zhenhai Anti-corruption Patrol Office.

Reception room No. 6 is also known as the tea room. Usually those who are invited here to drink tea have some problems, but the problems are not obvious and are just routine inquiries.

At this moment, Deputy Director Chu Zhenhuan was sitting on a sofa, with two clerks sitting next to him, responsible for recording, and the other one holding a pen and notebook.

Opposite Chu Zhenhuan, there was a man in his thirties sitting, it was Qi Wuyao.

"Mr. Qi, you purchased a gold mine for 200 million at the Xingye Mining Group's auction a few days ago. I wonder what you have to say about this matter." Chu Zhenhuan said calmly.

"Director Chu, are you kidding?" Qi Wuyao said hurriedly and aggrievedly: "I photographed a mine, but it was a copper mine, not a gold mine at all."

"According to the investigation of our Independent Commission Against Corruption, the mine was not a copper mine at all, but a real gold mine. After the investigation, the staff of the mineral exploration section of Xingye Mining Group reported the gold mine to the group chairman Lu Vast. However, not long after, Lu Haohan defined this gold mine as a copper mine and sold it to your Qi Group Zhenhai Investment Company. Is there no problem here?" Chu Zhenhuan stared at Qi Wuyao and asked.

"What do you mean by selling it to us? We acquired this mine through auction and bidding. The bidding document at that time stated that it was a copper mine. We didn't know what kind of gold mine it was. Director Chu, you can't accuse people unjustly." Qi Wuyao said again full of grievance.

"If a gold mine turns into a copper mine, if there is no problem, do you think it is possible?" Chu Zhenhuan asked.

"If you have any questions, go to Lu Haohan. I don't know what the use is." After Qi Wuyao finished speaking, he spread his hands and shook his head.

"Lu Haohan has committed suicide by jumping off the building. Where can I find him? Well, if you say you don't know, then I ask you, after you took pictures of the mine, didn't you find that it was a gold mine?" Chu Zhenhuan asked seriously.

"Director Chu, I won't hide it from you. I have been the manager of this investment company for less than ten days. On my first day at work, I received a notice of this auction, and then I went to participate in the bidding. After bidding , I have never been to the company for a day, and I have been on vacation in the Gold Coast. No one has told me about work at all. If you don’t believe it, you can go to the Gold Coast to check it out, and ask about me by the way. What do I do? A living person?" Qi Wuyao curled his lips and said.

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